I came to the old world. I was attracted by the pungent smell of blood coming from the store.

Please, don't die! As long as you are alive, I can save you! I staggered forward, afraid of seeing the scene I imagined, but I fell down because of the trembling. So I stood up again and went deeper into the store.

The pianist, the cold-blooded, the stupid Wu, the surgeon.

Everyone was dead.


One look and I knew there was no hope.

I looked at everything in front of me in silence. Why didn't I come earlier?!

Their posture was not so much"killed" as"destroyed". It was hard to find any intact part of them..

"Miss Style……"There was a faint sound like the friction of thin threads. I was startled and ran towards the source of the sound.

I moved away the debris piled up above and saw the stupid bird.

"Are you okay? Are you okay?"

A Dai Wu was lying in front of me, bleeding from his mouth..

"Hold on! Chuuya and the others will be here soon."

The fact that he was beyond saving was obvious without even having to look closely. The line of death slowly disappeared with his breathing. Adaiwu's abdomen was cracked, and his bones were exposed.

""I'm sorry, Miss Shiki... I've been defeated. I can't see anymore... I can't feel my legs anymore. I may not be able to wait for Chuuya." Ah Daiwu muttered, his eyes could no longer see the world. His legs were ulcerated from the knees down.

""Shut up!" I yelled at him,"What nonsense are you talking about? Chuuya will be here soon."

Ah Dai Bird smiled at me with all his strength."But I saved the doctor. I pulled his collar and escaped from that guy's attack... Everyone died, and I was going to die too. But the doctor... hurry up and help him deal with it.……"…………①

Ah Daiwu's right hand grasped the surgeon's collar.

He held it tightly, as if he was holding an important treasure.

The surgeon who was dragged and rescued quietly closed his eyes. As if he was asleep. The upper body was intact.

But the doctor's body had no part below the waist..

"……"I clenched my teeth tightly to suppress the sobbing sound. When the sound was about to break through my throat, I barely held it back with my willpower.

""Yes." I suppressed my temper and said in a calm voice,"Who cares about you! You and the surgeons can't die. I don't know you well, so don't increase my workload!""

"Ahem..., sorry to bother you, Miss Shi. I'll leave the surgeon to you." Ah Dai Wu seemed relieved and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Miss Style... I have a motorcycle in my garage. For work, for use, for collection... whatever he wants...……"Ah Dai Wu's hands lost their strength and fell to the ground.

"Shouldn't you tell Chuuya about this in person? What do you mean by bothering me?" I tried to force a smile. But it failed."That's enough. Am I some kind-hearted death messenger? You should do your own thing!"

I won't accept this outcome. Go talk to Chuuya Nakahara yourself. I put the public relations officer next to them.

"888, use the item"Time Pocket Watch" to rewind the deceased to a near-death state"

『""Time Pocket Watch" (replica) SS-level item 』

『This item was made by Chronus, the God of Time and the Goddess of Fertility, Rhea, in her spare time. With this item, you will have the power to play with time (five chances, remaining chances: three). But you will pay a"trivial" price for this.』

【OK, host. Using the prop"Time Pocket Watch"]

Pianist, Cold Blood, Dumb and Surgeon As the prop works, their breathing slowly recovers and the buildings around them slowly return to their original positions.

"cough cough……"I wiped the blood I coughed up with my sleeve. I knew there were side effects, but I didn't expect them to be this serious. It really took a long time to get better. It's not worth it at all.

"The side effects of the"time pocket watch" slowly began to show up on my body. My body's functions were rapidly declining under the influence of a force.

"Really... I lost a lot……"I used the knife to support my drooping body, and took out the prop Tang Ze gave me from my arms with great effort, and crushed it with force.

Golden butterflies were flying all over the sky, and Qi Hui and others slowly regained consciousness. Under the effect of"Please Don't Die", the side effects were alleviated.

I took out the dagger I carried with me,"At this time, I would like to thank Agatha Christie." I stabbed the dagger fiercely into my chest, and the source of the power was here. A flash of white light passed by

"Ha..." I sat on the ground gasping for breath,"Now I'm back to the days before liberation.’,"I looked at the greatly reduced points and progress bar

"Pianist, cold-blooded, stupid, surgeon!" Nakahara Chuuya's trembling voice came from outside the door.

When Nakahara Chuuya walked in front of me with the support of Dazai Osamu, I was almost unable to hold on.

""Shiki, why are you so embarrassed?" Dazai Osamu's gloating voice came from above my head

"……"I rolled my eyes at him and said,"Don't worry, they're fine." I pulled Dazai Osamu's black coat and stood up with great effort."I arrived in time. I'll leave the follow-up to you."

"Shiki, Shiki, you're going to pull my clothes off." I ignored Dazai Osamu's voice and said to Nakahara Chuuya

"Ah Dai Niao Tou tells you that there is a motorcycle in his garage for you. But it is better for him to tell you himself about this kind of thing."

My eyelids are getting heavier and heavier, and I force myself to finish my words,"I suggest not to reveal the news that they are still alive. No one can guarantee whether Verlaine will come again."If Verlaine comes again, I will not have the points to save them.

"Thank you for your hard work.���"Have a good rest!" Dazai Osamu's gentle voice came from my ear. He covered my eyes with his hands. I leaned on Dazai Osamu's back."Dazai, please be faster next time!" Darkness shrouded my eyes.

""The next step is to leave it to me! I will not let Wei Erlan go." Nakahara Chuuya said firmly. He used gravity to hold up the bodies of Qihui and others and put them on the car.

"What is Chuuya going to do?" Dazai Osamu put the Ryougi Shiki on his body and turned around to ask Nakahara Chuuya.

"Weierlaan's goal is to take me away, he will cut off all the ties around me. Weierlaan has already taken action against everyone in the Flag Society, the next ones should be the former members of the Sheep."Nakahara Chuuya calmly analyzed all this,"Dazai, are there any members of the Sheep in Yokohama?"

"I didn't expect that stupid slugs would have brains.

"Although Dazai Osamu said something insulting to Nakahara Chuuya, his eyes were dark.

"There are indeed members of the 'Sheep' staying in Yokohama.

What? Are you going to protect him?" It is impossible for the Flag Society to survive Verlaine's hands.

This can be seen from the leader's office that Verlaine attacked, and the amount of blood on the ground does not match the state of the Flag Society and others.

Ryougi Shiki's state just now was not right.

He had never seen Ryougi Shiki so weak.

Even if she used the magic eye to save people, she would not be so weak.

She must have used some unknown method to pull the Flag Society and others back from the gates of hell.

Dazai Osamu looked around and analyzed everything calmly.

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