I woke up from my coma and found myself in my own residence. I shook my head slowly, trying to wake up from my deep sleep. As I moved, my consciousness gradually became clear.

【It has been detected that host No. 888 has regained consciousness. Due to the interference of host No. 888 and the change of the world line, the host will be punished: level 5 electric shock, lasting for five minutes, please be prepared】

"……"Thank you so much, wait until I regain consciousness before starting. I sat on the bed, waiting for the system's punishment

"Five, four, three, two, one! Punishment is being carried out!"

As the cold countdown ended, a violent energy instantly enveloped my whole body, flowing from the surface of my body with an unstoppable force, and every part of my skin seemed to be violently crushed by something.

Ryougi Shiki was forced to bend over by the severe pain and lie down on the bed, with his nails digging into his flesh.

As the punishment continued, his forehead was covered with cold sweat, his inner clothes were soaked, and the excess sweat slid down the hem of his clothes and dripped into the bed.

When five minutes passed, I felt like I had experienced a century. My eyes were blurred.

""Miss Shi, it seems that you are in a very bad condition!" A voice sounded from the empty room.

"Who?!" I stood up and looked towards the source of the sound.

"Don't worry, it's me. Tang Ze found a chair in the room and sat down facing me.

"I learned from 666 that you used props to save the Flag Society."Tang Ze poured a glass of water and handed it to me,"It seems that your price is a bit high. I saw in you 'Please don't die’"

"……"I took the cup of water that Tang Ze handed me and said,"It's just a side effect of using an S-level item." I said lightly,"You didn't come here to chat, did you?"

Tang Ze smiled. Suddenly, the layout of the room changed. The whole room was covered with white mist. I looked at Tang Ze.

"It's just a fog ring, don't be nervous. We won't be monitored by the system in this space." He showed me the ring on his hand,"Miss Ryougi Shiki, are you interested in getting rid of the system together?" The smile in Tang Ze's eyes disappeared, replaced by an unshakable determination.

"When did it happen? I didn’t answer him.

"I probably had this idea the moment I knew you. After Tokyo, this idea became stronger and stronger, and it was not until the flag meeting that I was really sure of it."

"Do you have a plan?" I became interested in this matter."This is not a game. You have seen the consequences of my resistance. If I really do what you say, if I fail, I will be killed directly. GAME OVER"

"But if we succeed, we will be free." Tang Ze tried to convince me with a big promise."Do you want to be controlled by the system all the time?"

"………"Tang Ze noticed my hesitation and continued to increase his strength,"Don't you want to go home? Don't tell me you can't bear to leave here."

"How is that possible? Am I sick? Why don't I live a peaceful life and come here to seek excitement?"I gambled, the worst that can happen is death." Anyway, I have wanted to build a system for a long time, but I have never been sure.

"The Death Eye can see the dead line of 888, but in addition to our auxiliary system, there is also the system headquarters and the monitoring system. These are not in this world, so I can't do anything to them."I revealed the intelligence I have observed over the years.

"This is a bit troublesome. If we can't solve it all at once, there is no way to get rid of them."Tang Ze thought,"It seems that we have to find a way to let them come to this world."

"Coming to this world is not enough. To trap them, they are flowing data. They have no entity and can leave this world at any time and go to the next world. The most important thing is that the world consciousness of the Bungo Stray Dogs world is biased towards them."I thought of what I experienced in Changan Island and couldn't help but clench my fists

"Is it a system that favors all worlds, or is it only a system that favors the worlds of Bungo Stray Dogs?"

"?"I looked at him puzzled.

"I believe you should have discovered it.

This is a world of anime, which is made up of several different worlds.

Let's make an assumption here.

"The white mist in Tangze rolled up and turned into a 3D screen.

"The world consciousness of Bungo Stray Dogs has too many parallel worlds derived from itself, resulting in weak world barriers and instability.

It chooses to stabilize the world according to the original plot development.

" Dazai Osamu of different periods appeared on the screen, the most prominent of which was the leader Dazai wearing a red scarf.

"Then the restrictions in Conan's world are relaxed in this regard. For example, we rescued Kenji Hagiwara before. As long as the main storyline is not destroyed, the world consciousness of Conan's world is very easy to talk about. If it involves the main characters, it becomes very difficult. For example, I wanted to kill Gin before, but I failed several times."Speaking of this, Tang Ze gritted his teeth a little."Why is this guy so lucky! ?"

"Wait, why did you attack the model worker of the winery?!" I was a little surprised. Tang Ze was silent, but he made a stunning statement."There is only one worker in the winery! How can the plot develop if you kill him?"

"Don't you think that if we just kill Gin and eliminate the hidden dangers at the root, it will save a lot of trouble?" Tang Ze disagreed.

"But without Gin, who will hit Kudo Shinichi with that stick! Wake up! You are directly collapsing the world line. It would be strange if Conan's world consciousness is not anxious."I can't help but hold my forehead. This is not good luck at all. This is the effort made by the world consciousness to stabilize the world line.

"The only worlds we haven't touched are Family Tutor and Jujutsu Kaisen. I recommend Family Tutor." The screen in front of Tang Ze turned into a 73,"The reason is that it also has countless parallel worlds derived from it. And its world rules are relatively complete, and Bai Lan didn't break the world down. The most important point is that its world foundation is easier to find."

"It sounds good when you say that. But Bailan Jiesuo is not easy to deal with."I thought about Bailan Jiesuo's ability in the tutor,"He has the ability to see other parallel worlds. Are you sure you won't lose everything he has?"

"Tsk." Tang Ze touched the back of his head impatiently,"Then the only thing left is the magic battle."

"Jujutsu Kaisen has the Prison Gate, which can meet the conditions for trapping the system, and its world rules are at a relatively stable value. It is neither as protective as Conan's world, nor does it have any brain power that gives us a headache."Jujutsu Kaisen is also known as the Orangutan Kaisen, and all the members are clearly arranged by the brain flower. It would be great if it could be integrated with Wen Ye

"My identity in this world has something to do with the world of sorcery." I remembered Verlaine's words and the supplementary settings that the system had been saying,"After the Verlaine incident is over, I will propose to Mori Ogai that I contact the world of sorcery." As for the reason, isn't it ready-made?

"That's hard work for you. But to be on the safe side, I will try to contact the Italian side. If you fail there, we still have a backup plan. Tang Ze modified the plan,"I will keep an eye on the flag association for you in the next few days."

"Thank you, that's it for now. We'll perfect the plan after we make contact."I thanked Tang Ze. After this incident, I have been targeted by the system. At least I can't make any big moves during this period.

Tsk, what a pity. I endured it for so long, but I still couldn't endure it. But I don't regret it. If it weren't for Tang Ze, my original plan was to follow the system's arrangement and kill them all when they appeared in front of me. But this is very risky, and there may be fish that slip through the net. Now someone is fighting the system with me, which has greatly reduced my pressure.

"Although I don't know when the Bungo Stray Dogs world line will end, you can rest assured that I'm watching you."Tang Ze said confidently,"Unless the world consciousness takes action directly, nothing will happen."

"This thing is for you." Tang Ze threw me a pair of obsidian earrings,"This can collect system data. Please collect 888's data."

"Where did you get it from? I put it on and it was lighter than I thought.

"Do you know Bai Lan Jie Suo?"Tang Ze had a headache when he talked about this."I asked him to do it. As for how he did it, there is no need to know. Anyway, after this matter is over, I will never go to him again."

"……"I see. You've worked so hard. Go deal with that Chuunibyou. It seems like the ring was also taken from him.

"Then I won't bother you anymore." Tang Ze removed the ring and prepared to leave."The boss will probably come to you tomorrow to discuss the meeting."

"Well, thank you for the trouble."

After Tang Ze left, a feeling of fatigue suddenly came over me. I rubbed my temples."It should be Chuuya who sent me back. I'll go thank him tomorrow!"


Here is what the author has to say: I have a lot to say. The Tomato Novel section is not enough for me to say.

First of all, thank you all for your support.

The number of people has suddenly increased these days.

I am a little overwhelmed.

I read everyone's comments.

Many people said that my protagonist was too depressed in the early stage and only listened to the arrangements of the system.

Sorry, it's my fault.

My writing skills are limited.

I can't write what I want to express.

The protagonist is a very ordinary college student.

She has not experienced anything.

The biggest trouble she encounters is that gangsters rob her money.

So she was very panicked at first and came to a completely unfamiliar place.

And it was Japan during the World War.

She was completely in a daze.

The whole person's mind was not clear.

So she did whatever the system asked her to do.

But later, she followed Akiko and Mori Ogai to Changan Island and experienced the war.

Only then did she really feel the reality of this world.

She was no longer in the original world, she really had arrived in another world.

After that, she watched Akiko slowly become like the original, and she started her first resistance.

The result is known to everyone.

It ended in failure.

Why not just kill Mori Ogai? Because that is the army!

Running away from the army is different from killing someone in the army and running away.

The former can be resolved privately if there is a connection.

The latter will be brought to a military court.

Do you want Akiko and the protagonist to be on the run? In this case, the two will never see the light of day in their lives.

It goes against the protagonist's wishes.

At least in the original manga, Akiko later met Edogawa Ranpo and the president and lived a good life.

I don't want Akiko to be in a gray area all her life.

And if the world line of the original work can be changed casually, it makes the things that the leader did look like a joke.

I won't allow it!

The protagonist did not resist the system after Chang Andao because she was observing the details of the system. She wanted to know what this system was. So as to decide how to deal with the system, this is my fault. I was passionate about writing, but my writing skills were not good enough, and I didn't save any manuscripts. So I disappointed everyone. I'm sorry. I will revise the article after I finish this chapter.

Thank you for watching, and I wish you all a happy new year in advance!

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