So am I lucky or unlucky? When Chuuya Nakahara and Adam were still searching for Verlaine all over the world, I met Verlaine on the way to the Ganghei Building.

The thing is, after discussing with Tang Ze how to deal with things yesterday, I fell asleep soon because of exhaustion. When I woke up, it was already noon. I thought it was so late anyway, so I might as well fill my stomach first and then go to the Ganghei Building.

So when I arrived at the door of the restaurant, I saw Verlaine across from me. His face was covered by a black hat and sunglasses. Although he was disguised, I still recognized him. In my sight, there was a line of words on his head [Verlaine ● Disguise]

"888, is this a new feature?"I looked at Weilun across from me and asked

【Yes, host. This feature was proposed and adopted by host No. 333 of Conan World.

If it is the Conan World, it is indeed necessary

"Number 333?"Besides Tang Ze and I, are there other people in this world?

【Host No. 333 is in another separate parallel world, where everything is based on science���】

"……"Just when I was hesitating whether to inform Nakahara Chuuya, he had already walked towards me. The man bent down, tilted his head to look at me, and before I knew it, he hooked his hand and half-pulled off his sunglasses.

He has bright and deep features, blond hair as dazzling as the sun, and eyes as beautiful as Chuuya. He is worthy of being called the"Nordic God".

At this moment, I knew very clearly that the man in front of me was Weilun. Anger rose in my heart, and the tragic situation of the flag meeting appeared before my eyes, but my face was very calm, so calm that it surprised myself.

"Is there something wrong?"I looked at Weilan calmly, but my hand had already clenched the hilt of the knife, ready to attack him at any time.

"Don't be nervous, I don't intend to fight you here. You are not my target either." Wei Erlan curled his lips,"I thought there was only Chuuya in Yokohama, but I didn't expect to see you. My other relative or my sister"

"Huh? Do you have any special hobbies?"Looking for relatives everywhere." I relaxed my brows. Wei Erlan seemed to be in a good mood, so there was no need to fight him.

I was in an open-air restaurant. It was meal time, and there were a lot of diners in the restaurant. And a hundred meters away was the trade mall, with a lot of people.

If I fought with him here, it would inevitably cause a commotion and accidentally hurt other passers-by.

"You and Chuuya are always deceived by these false things. They are just using you. In their eyes, we are always aliens."Weirlain expressed his views in the tone of a person who has experienced it.

"Including you and your partner?"

"Yes, including him and me."When talking about his partner Rimbaud, Verlaine's tone was a little melancholy. But he soon returned to normal.

"I can judge for myself, and I don't need someone who is not related to me to tell me this. The same is true for Zhong Ye."I can't agree with Verlaine's point of view, and there is no way to agree with it. He has completely gone to an extreme

"It's really interesting."Verlaine said in an ambiguous tone."After all that, do you still believe them?""

Does this person know how to talk? Why is he so sarcastic? You deserve to be a widow! I finally understand why you and Rimbaud ended up in this situation.

"That's my business." I perfunctorily replied impatiently,"At least I'm not on an international wanted list like you."

Verlaine chuckled. He didn't want to waste any more time."Let me tell you, my next target is that policeman." He turned and left.

I watched him leave."Chuuya? I met Verlaine. I'm fine. But the policeman you know is going to get into trouble soon."

Officer Murase is a good man.

Ever since Nakahara Chuuya was a"sheep", he wanted to bring him back to the right path, and he kept chasing after Nakahara Chuuya until Nakahara joined the"Port Mafia" and did not give up.

The police in Yokohama were all hiding from the Port Mafia, but he still insisted on performing his duties.

Several times, it was Officer Murase who sent Nakahara Chuuya to the police station.

This provided a lot of material for Dazai Osamu's"Chuuya who refuses to admit defeat this week.

" I usually call this a"bad fate" because Nakahara Chuuya complained to us about this matter a lot, but we could do nothing about it.

Now that Officer Murase has become Verlaine's target, it is an inevitable result.

In order to increase the degree of deviation of the world line, Officer Murase cannot die.*

[Can you save someone over there? Weilun's next target is Officer Murase.]

[I have no problem. He is not closely related to the main plot, and the system can make it up.]*

I finished communicating with Tang Ze. I raised my head and continued to move forward, but my destination was no longer the Ganghei Building, but the police station.

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