I looked at the person warily and pulled Akiko behind me."My family rejects suspicious sales." The pupils turned into"Mystic Eyes of Death Perception" with colorful spiral patterns. Although the specifications of my"Mystic Eyes of Death Perception" are not as high as Ryougi Shiki's in the original book, but after so many days of help from the system, it is on par with Tohno Shiki, and can solve most of the problems.

Mori Ogai was locked by my Mystic Eyes, and he will be subdued by me if there is anything wrong. I don't know if I have any resistance to killing people now, but I still don't want to cross this line in my heart. At least not now.

"Miss, don't be so nervous.

I have no ill intentions.

I am from the 356th Infantry Division of the National Defense Forces.

Here is my proof.

" Mori Ogai opened a booklet similar to an ID card and showed it to us.

"There is no need for me to lie about this.

Miss Yosano's special ability helps more people on the battlefield.

You two ladies should know that there is a war going on recently!

The casualty rate of Japanese soldiers on the battlefield has always been high because we don't have a powerful special ability like Miss Yosano.

If Miss Yosano joins us, the situation will be reversed.

"He got a little excited here, with an unknown fanaticism in his eyes.

To be honest, if I was not a 19-year-old college student, I might have been fooled by him.

The rhetoric was too clever.

An official told you that you have outstanding talents, and this talent can even turn the situation around.

And if you agree, more lives may be saved.

Who wouldn't be moved when it comes to teenagers? Who doesn't have a heroic complex? But I feel the meaning of moral kidnapping in these words, and I hate moral kidnapping.

And I reject any form of moral kidnapping.

But Jingzi can't see it!

I turned around and looked at Jingzi, and sure enough, Jingzi had wavered.

"I……""We will think about it and give you an answer tomorrow.

"I interrupted Akiko and said,"You must be joking.

How can we let Akiko go to the battlefield? What does the war have to do with us? Are all the adults in this country dead? You need to rely on an eleven-year-old child to win and put all your hopes on a child.

How useless are you to do this? If this is the case, it is better to lose the war.

Of course, some outstanding women have children.

But they are only a minority, and children are weak.

Going to the battlefield without any training, aren't they cannon fodder? Are you, Japan, going to perish?!


I grabbed Akiko and walked towards the snack shop without looking back, determined to stay away from the malicious Mori Ogai.

When we arrived at the residence, Akiko was still thinking. I walked in front of Akiko and looked into her eyes."Akira, do you want to go?" I asked."I……"Jingzi seemed a little hesitant

"Akiko, you don't have to answer me so early. I hope Akiko will think about it carefully."I can't make a decision for Akiko. I'm not Akiko, and I don't know what she's thinking." We have an afternoon to give Mr. Mori Ogai an answer."I won't make a decision for Akiko, but I will analyze it for Akiko. If Akiko rejects Mori Ogai in my analysis, there's nothing I can do about it.

When I had this idea and was about to implement it. The system that hadn't responded for eight hundred years suddenly issued a sharp alarm in my mind [Warning! Warning! The host must not interfere with or modify the world line!]

Oh my god! What did you say, this is a world line?! What the hell is going on? Are you really letting your children save the world in Japan?

So the cute Akiko must go to the battlefield?! What XX world line, I'm going to destroy it now! Aren't you really afraid that the children will be psychologically affected?!

【Detecting the host's thoughts, looking for solutions. 】888's engine is running at full speed. [Find plan A and implement it. Release the world line of the world of"Bungo Stray Dogs" for the host]

Suddenly, several more comics appeared in my mind. With the help of the system, I quickly finished reading them.

"Fuck (a kind of plant)" After reading it, I couldn't help but swear. Is this what a human would do?

I finally understood that if I interfered forcefully, not only would I not be able to change Jingzi's fate, but it might also lead to a worse situation. This is just like the butterfly effect, unless I am like the leader of the if line, Zai. But this is impossible, I don't have that IQ/laugh.

So let's kill Mori Ogai, I choose to solve the problem from the source. [Warning! Warning……】The system was interrupted by me."Stop, I won't interfere with the world line. But I want to have a friendly 'communication' with Mr. Mori. This should be no problem!" I said with a fake smile,"888, you should know where he is!" Black air emanated from my body.

The system silently displayed the map and marked it in red. Oh, the government building! Wait, I'll leave now!

Arriving at the government building, I quickly sneaked into the place marked in red by the system. Thanks to the system's training, I have mastered most of the skills of Ryougi Shiki. Now all I lack is experience.

In the infirmary, Mori Ogai was placing medicines. There was a little girl with blonde hair and blue eyes helping him. The girl looked like a doll. But I knew that it was not a real person, but his special ability"Alice".

I quietly approached Mori Ogai, and gorgeous colors bloomed in my eyes. I pulled out a knife from behind, and the sharp knife light flashed, and suddenly"Alice" who was blocking Mori Ogai was cut in half and dissipated directly.

Mori Ogai quickly pulled away, and the scalpel flew out of his hand. I knocked the flying scalpel away with my knife."Ms. Ryougi Shiki, I don't know where I offended you. I need you to come here to assassinate me." Mori Ogai looked at the scalpel I knocked away, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"When you try to pull Akiko into the abyss of war." I turned my head and looked at him. In this snow-white infirmary, a pair of rainbow eyes were magnificent, and that color was like a touch of color on white paper. I leaned forward and launched an attack.

Mori Ogai was worthy of being a soldier. He kept throwing scalpels to distance himself from me. He had already seen that I was a melee mage."Why didn't Miss Ryougi Shiki agree with Miss Yosano joining the army? Isn't it good to contribute your own strength to this country and end the war as soon as possible? In this way, people will live a happy life without war." Mori Ogai said while dodging my attack.

"Don't use these big principles to pressure me. I said my family refuses suspicious sales."I made a knife flower and held the dagger across my body."There is no reason to let children go to the battlefield."

"But in the face of war, there is no distinction between children!" Mori Ogai said sternly,"Every soldier on the battlefield has his own family, and among them there are children like you, but they still go to the battlefield for this country."

""Tsk." I smacked my lips in dissatisfaction. I know all this. But I can't bear to see Akiko become like in the comics. The Akiko I know has always been a little girl who is a little tsundere but kind-hearted. If she becomes a puppet like in the comics, I will be heartbroken.

I stopped attacking. I couldn't stop Akiko from going to the battlefield. This was not only because of the world line, but also for the soldiers and the country. Someone as kind as Akiko will definitely agree in the end.

I hate Mori Ogai because he completely grasped Akiko's psychology. At the same time, it also hit the point in my heart. He really knows how to manipulate people with words. I can refuse him on the grounds that"children should not go to the battlefield", and he can also refute me by saying"there is no distinction between children in front of war". In front of him, everything about me becomes childish. He is really a terrible adult. I hate such adults.

"888, what would happen if I really attacked Mori Ogai?"On the way out, I asked this question

【Since Mori Ogai is an important figure and is inseparable from the world, if the host attacks him, the world's defense mechanism will be triggered immediately, and the host will be wiped out before he can attack.】

"Tsk. He got a bargain."


Here is what the author has to say: Let me add a setting.

Each world has its own defense mechanism. This defense mechanism is determined by the characteristics of the world. Otherwise, the world will collapse easily. But there is one thing in the mechanism of all worlds that is the important people on the world line receive unusual attention. So this is why the protagonist did not attack Mori Ogai.

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