During the war, an island called"Eternal Darkness" suddenly appeared in the Pacific Ocean. This island, with only night and no day, and belonging to no country, was the main battlefield in the later stages of the war. Because the electromagnetic waves of the night aurora would destroy electronic equipment, all battles on the island were modern close combat.

On the aircraft carrier at the base, the wounded's tired brains could not function at all, and they fell into a sleepy state without even struggling. Intermittent wails were the accompaniment in the silence. All the people were lying on the ground or on the bunk beds in scattered pieces, with their limbs scattered. At this moment, a short-haired girl and an adult man pushed the door in..

"How long are you going to sleep? You useless soldiers!!"

『National Defense Forces, 356th Infantry Division, Military Medical Intern Yosano Akiko (11 years old))』

『National Defense Forces, 356th Infantry Division, Military Medical Intern Ryougi Shiki (9 years old))』

『The captain of the 356th Infantry Division of the National Defense Force, Mori Ogai (26 years old), the first deputy military doctor.

The injured were treated, and the treated people were excited to thank the young Yosano Akiko. I watched Akiko's communication with the soldiers calmly. In the end, Akiko accepted Mori Ogai's invitation and came here. And for some well-known reasons, I used force to threaten Mori Ogai to agree to my company. I used the identity of Mori Ogai's assistant, and I didn't want to go to the battlefield for the country of Japan.

Unlike Akiko's healing, I used the magic eye to"kill" the wound to achieve the purpose of treatment. Although it is not as powerful as Akiko's supernatural power, it is enough. It's just that Mori Ogai looked at me with the same disgusting eyes as he looked at Akiko.

The handsome man leaning against the wall used his supernatural power to transform the metal sandwiched in the book into a butterfly, flew out of the page and landed on Akiko's head. It seems that he is Tachihara's brother. I didn't disturb them. After all, in the world line I know, this is one of the few warm feelings Akiko will have in the future.

"Thank you, Miss Angel." He said.

Jingzi blushed in shock."Thank you, Miss Angel."…"


"How did you do that just now? Is it your special ability??"

"It's not a powerful ability, not like yours that can change the world."

"I change the world? How is that possible?..."Jingzi didn't quite believe what he said.

The man raised his eyes slightly and looked at the girl beside him:"Some things can only be seen clearly by ordinary soldiers."

"Superpowerism, the"superpower war" invented by European powers has gradually changed the concept of war.

In order not to be defeated, we must immediately show the value of this concept to the military superiors.

So Chief Doctor Mori asked you to join the team, right?" His eyes fell on the back of Akiko.

At the same time, he also looked at me.

"Although Miss Shiki's ability is only healing, but from my observation, Miss Shiki is more like eliminating damage than healing, so Miss Shiki's ability is not just healing!


"You are very smart, but I only treat here, I won't do anything else." I looked up at him, he was really good. He discovered the difference between me and Jingzi. If he didn't know the existence of the magic eye, he might have realized my true ability by now.

"You read the paper I submitted about the Undead Army, right? That should be a military secret." Mori Ogai took over the topic.

Akiko's eyes widened before she realized:"Say......What are you talking about the military leaders, what is immortal... I just came here to save these people's lives!" She tried to get closer to the other party to emphasize this, but was pulled by Mori Ogai's shoulders:"Let's go, Akiko""There are injured people waiting. Alice, prepare the next person's case. Shi, come and help too!"

"Really, Dr. Mori, I didn't agree with you calling me Shiki."I said unhappily, but I still took action.

""Yes, Master." The little blond girl stood behind him.

"I believe Shiki won't care about this little detail."Mori Ogai turned around and said to me with a smile.

No, I care a lot. I'm worried that you'll sell me out.


When I finished my work and came out to take a breath, Mori Ogai also came out and walked to my side.

"What do you think of the Undead Legion plan?"Mori Ogai asked

"Are you sure you want me to comment? You should know that I have always been against Jingzi entering this quagmire."I was a little surprised that Mori Ogai actually asked me to comment on his plan.

"Just tell me what you think." Mori Ogai said calmly, as if they were discussing what to eat today.

" It's too idealistic, and it doesn't take into account the human's ability to bear.

The human heart has its limits.

You drag the soldiers back from the border of life and death time and time again, and put them into use without stopping.

Do you treat them as machines?"I understand Mori Ogai, but I can't agree with his approach.

People are not robots and have no feelings.

As long as they are injured, they will definitely feel pain and be afraid of some things.

It is impossible to fight like he expects.

Moreover, Jingzi's ability can only heal physical injuries, and the mental trauma is still there.

I saw a lot of disgusting monsters in the medical room alone, and those monsters have a tendency to become stronger.

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