I Will Be The Crowned King

Vol 4 Chapter 98: the power of knowledge

West of Changhu Town, Bingpine Forest.

In the endless wilderness, hundreds of militiamen from Changhu Town waved golden iris flags and charged towards the Red Hand Bay position. At the freezing point, the entire line collapsed without firing a single shot, and fled towards the dense forest behind in despair.

On the hills not far away, two simple artillery forts facing each other were still lit from time to time; accompanied by sporadic roars and whistles, blasting the dust and gravel in the cold and muddy positions.

Although the accuracy of these artillery pieces is quite poor, and it can even be said that they have no effect at all except for a sound, they are very effective against the morale of the Red Hand Bay army without artillery... Just because of the shock and stampede caused by the impact of the artillery momentum , it has already made those solid bullets worth the money.

The battle has only been going on for less than two hours, and the Red Hand Bay, which took the initiative to attack, has already collapsed!

Looking at the tragic scene of the defeat in front of him, Lieutenant Jason Fruhoff, who was standing above the high ground and overlooking the entire battlefield, had an expression that was almost desperate—completely desperate for the morale and combat effectiveness of the colonial army!

Although Long Lake Town has the most abundant armed forces of all the colonies, and suffered the least damage from the previous attacks of the riotous beast slaves and natives, but also because of this, their combat experience is also the worst of all the Empire colonies.

Redshouwan and Changhu Town, the number of troops and combat effectiveness of the two sides are actually quite different. Players belonging to the same rank, even Redshouwan has more troops; the only advantage of Changhu Town is that they have sufficient ammunition. , and also has seven or eight six-pounder infantry guns.

And it was these artillery pieces that became the key to deciding the outcome of the war!

At the beginning of the battle, Jason did not take these guns seriously; in the eyes of his cavalry lieutenant, unless the opponent had an extremely experienced gunner, it would not be enough to turn the tide of the battle; as long as the column advanced quickly, at most two Rounds of shooting, those powerful weapons are just a pile of iron.

This statement is not unreasonable, and the shooting on the opposite side is also a good proof; since the enemy has stronger firepower, then use the offensive to force the battle into hand-to-hand combat, quickly engage the enemy and outflank , take advantage of their own numbers.

But what he never imagined was the willpower of the Red Hand Bay militia. It was unimaginably fragile—they couldn't survive even a few rounds of artillery bombardment, and collapsed on the spot!

During this period, the commanders of the Red Hand Bay Militia did not try to suppress deserters and reorganize the attack; these efforts basically only had the opposite effect. They seemed to have no experience in dealing with shelling, and even asked the soldiers to continue to keep close The phalanx marched forward in the face of the explosion.

As a "comer" who has experienced the war in the vast land, the cavalry lieutenant can very well understand that when low-level troops face heavy casualties, they can only maintain morale by "reporting to the regiment to warm up" in a dense formation.

But in an endless plain area, forming a slow-moving tight phalanx... To be honest, no matter how low and ridiculous the level of artillery shelling on the opposite side is, it is indeed a bit too humiliating and provocative.

After two consecutive companies forming a phalanx were pierced through the center by six-pound bullets, and after rows of soldiers and officers were torn to shreds, the militiamen's fear of artillery finally surpassed the whips and revolvers in the hands of the officers. The guns scattered like a receding tide, battalion by battalion.

"Red Hand Bay... it's over."

Looking at the positions not far away, the flags of golden irises were planted one by one, and the soldiers of Long Lake Town, holding their weapons, stepped on the corpses of the Red Hand Bay and cheered loudly, and the cavalry lieutenant let out a heavy sigh.

The battle has reached this point, and there is not much suspense about the two colonies with similar strengths. The Red Hand Bay, which was defeated in the field, has only the option of retreating to the port.

But in front of the Changhu Town army with artillery, it is really doubtful how effective that wooden city wall can be...

However, although the possibility of a comeback is gone, Jason still intends to help the Red Hand Bay to gather up the defeated troops as much as possible, to add a little confidence to the Red Hand Bay Council, and to be sure that "the reinforcements from Beluga Port will definitely come to the rescue"... By the way, let Let this one-sided war drag on for as long as possible.

With an extremely complicated mood, the cavalry lieutenant, who was tightening the reins, rode his mount and rushed down the hill with the accompanying naval sailors to chase the soldiers fleeing towards Red Hand Bay.

At the same time, on the other side of the battlefield, after a two-kilometer jog, the army in Changhu Town finally conquered the empty Red Hand Bay army position.

Under the fluttering golden iris banner, the proud Changhu Town militia leader stood in front of the smokeless cannon with a knife in one hand behind his back, and looked at the Changhu Town Speaker proudly beside him:

"You see, I said earlier that the army of these rebels is completely vulnerable, and there is nothing to worry about - defeating them is as easy as breathing."

"You are right, my commander-in-chief, you have always been good at discovering those well-known facts." Speaker Hollande replied coldly, unabashedly mocking the other party:

"Unfortunately, what we are worried about is not Red Hand Bay but Beluga Port. They are not opponents that are ready to collapse, but a powerful army composed of five thousand elites and a fleet... Do you have any good strategies for this?"

"Of course there is, and that's why we're here!"

Perhaps it was because the victory in front of him had given him a lot of confidence. The militia commander, who had been frightened to death by Beluga Harbor before, was so obsessed that he lost interest in night sports, and now he was full of confidence:

"Beluga Port dared to show off its might and express its intention to send troops before. More than half of the reason was that Red Hand Bay gave them an excuse to intervene; in this case, as long as we attacked Red Hand Bay quickly, there would be no legitimate reason for them to intervene!"

"At that time, if they dare to make a move, we can call on other rebel colonies to unite, put aside disputes for the time being, and first unite against the invaders of the Clovis!"

To win over the rebel colonies... Speaker Hollande frowned slightly: "Do you think those traitors will really send troops for Long Lake Town, even if it's actually to protect themselves?"

"Maybe, maybe not... But that's not the point." The militia commander smiled mysteriously:

"The point is that as long as they are willing to agree, they will take the initiative to give up roads and ports for the smooth passage of the imperial army in Sail City and come to rescue Changhu Town!"

"Long Lake Town has the most abundant arms among the empire's colonies, and is the closest to the Clovis colony. The Empire will never give up on us easily and be occupied by the Clovis people - of course, the great Long Lake Town people are even less likely to agree! "

"So as long as you quickly defeat Red Hand Bay, then immediately return to defending Long Lake Town, send out an invitation to negotiate with all the rebel colonies, and finally continue to ask for help from the imperial army - as long as you persist for two or three months, Beluga Harbor and their 5,000-strong army , will be attacked head-on by the entire imperial colony!"

"Well... it sounds very possible to implement, it seems to be a good way!" Facing the complacent militia leader, Speaker Hollande commented very pertinently:

"But you seem to have forgotten a very important issue, that is, what to do with the Clovis fleet. They may attack from the sea, and the speed will be much faster than on land."

"No problem, I actually thought of this too."

The militia commander shook his head confidently: "Our Changhu Town is not one of those other colonies that relied on ports to develop. The inner lake and river are the key. The only port is not important to Changhu Town."

"So if the Clovis people attacked from both sides of the sea, we can completely abandon the port and concentrate on defending the city - anyway, when the imperial reinforcements arrive, their fleet will definitely be finished!"

Speaker Hollande's pupils shrank slightly, but he was negligent at this level.

Unlike the standard seaside colonies such as Longhu Town, Red Hand Bay and Beluga Harbor, it is more like an extension of the imperial colonies trying to march into the interior of the New World, relying on roads and rivers rather than seaports.

Therefore, in the event of a sea attack, it is completely possible to abandon the port and retreat to the city to reduce the defense pressure. Unlike Red Hand Bay, Changhu Town has a complete defense system, and there is no problem at all in dealing with general sieges.

Avoid the threatening bombardment of naval artillery and rely on the local colonial militia to face the Clovis army; winning is of course unrealistic, but if it is just a confrontation... it is entirely hopeful!

"And the distance from Changhu Town to Hongshou Bay is closer than Beluga Port to Changhu Town." The militia commander continued to add:

"When the news of our capture of Red Hand Bay reaches Beluga Port and Clovis's army sets out again, we will definitely have enough time to return to defense!"

That's true... Speaker Hollande nodded slightly, and at the same time was a little curious, how did the usually... informal militia leader suddenly become so organized and clear:

"How did you come up with this plan?"

"Ah, it's all thanks to you, Speaker Hollande!"


"Yes!" The militia commander nodded again and again. Very proud to say:

"You left a newspaper in my headquarters, and since that day I have been collecting them everywhere, and I have learned a lot of new things from them - including this plan, I also learned from the "Beautiful People of Moby Dick" When the Clovis fleet was unable to directly attack the city, I suddenly had an idea!"

"Oh, so it is." Speaker Hollande suddenly realized, and nodded with some relief:

"I really didn't expect that even you, who was originally the most disgusted of reading, could show a level far beyond that after reading a newspaper; it seems that knowledge is the real power-huh?! Newspaper? "Moby Dick" Hong Kong Good People News?!"


Beluga Harbour, the port area.

On the spacious pier, the soldiers of the Storm Division of the three infantry regiments were lined up in a neat queue. With the cooperation of the Royal Fleet, they were quickly boarding the ship one after another; rifles, bayonets, and military boots were constantly rubbing and colliding, sending out waves between the decks. Incessant sound.

They will take the only two cruisers and several fast sailing ships in Beluga Port at the moment, and quickly drive to the port of Changhu Town - before the army of Changhu Town returns to defense, they will take Changhu Town with the fastest speed.

In addition to these three regiments of infantry, an artillery company and a company of guards led by Lisa, General Fabian led a regiment of grenadiers and another artillery company, a company of hussars and artillery, with a thousand armed Keepers of the Faith Allied warriors, launched an "attack" to Changhu Town from the land.

In order to improve the success rate, An Sen decisively chose to dispatch all in one... Only one cavalry company was left in the city to maintain contact and basic communications, leaving no soldier or soldier, and strive for a success!

With so much effort, of course, the risks to be taken are huge—without the force of the Storm Division, no one knows whether the forces lurking in Beluga Harbor, some "indescribable" existence, will take the opportunity to launch a counterattack.

But then again, to a certain extent, Anson really wanted them to reveal themselves; on the one hand, in order to maintain the righteous image of Stormtroopers, it would be quite troublesome to do a lot of things without reason.

And if they really think that Beluga Harbor is completely undefended, and no one can stop them... Well, Miss Talia August Rune, who is currently stationed in the Beluga Harbor Council, will be very happy to be there. Their new home "treasures" them...

In addition to careful preparation, in order to be able to quickly advance before Longhu Town responded, Anson also tried his best to persuade Colonel William Cecil—the Beluga Harbor Fleet temporarily stopped the "tax collection" work and fully cooperated with the Storm Division. military operations.

But this is not because the naval officers of the fleet also decided to join the ~www.readwn.com~ purely because the young fleet commander repaid the favor he owed before; and even if he made up his mind, he was still quite worried about Anson's behavior.

"Maybe I'm thinking too much, but are you really going to do this?" Seeing Anson Bach, who was confident beside him, William Cecil frowned slightly and said involuntarily:

"I have to remind you that although the turbulent seas in March and April are already navigable, there is still a long way to go from 'smooth waves'; even the offshore seas close to the coast are not equal to absolutely zero risk!"

"Thank you for your reminder, but I have full confidence in the Royal Fleet." Anson chuckled and patted the Admiral's shoulder with absolute trust in his friend:

"With an excellent captain like you, as well as a group of experienced tax collectors and crew members, a mere storm is simply not worth mentioning - this is just the beginning, and it won't be long before we will conquer the entire coastline!"

"No, you... don't understand what I mean at all." William raised his eyebrows with a sad face:

"I have the same confidence in my crew and the battleship, but I am very skeptical that you and your soldiers will be able to walk off the deck on their own and launch a surprise attack after the turbulent waves."

Anson Bach: "..."


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