I Will Be The Crowned King

Vol 4 Chapter 99: good thing

On March 27, 101 of the Saint Calendar, a storm without warning struck the city of sailing.

Lead-grey dark clouds shrouded the entire city, and the pouring rain poured down, washing the entire city uninterrupted; above the dull dome, looming thunder could be heard faintly, and the pale light was seen in the clouds. Flickering and flickering.

The streets that were flooded by the rain and the water almost drowned their knees have long been deserted, and shops and workshops have also closed their doors. In the whole city, only the pubs and the wealthy districts are still brightly lit, which adds a little to the depressing sailing city in the rainstorm. Split life.

The residents living in Sail City have long been accustomed to the cloudy weather here, and try to find a little bit of fun in life; every storm that forces people to stay in the house without warning will become a festival to celebrate, Take the opportunity to celebrate when you can't go out at all.

The Yangfan City Council in the wealthy area next to it is a completely different scene: in the lifeless hall, a hundred members of parliament sit motionless on their chairs, and there is no expression on their stiff cheeks. One hundred corpses in luxurious clothing.

Only when there is an occasional thunder sound outside, or the lights above their heads shake slightly, will these breathing "corpses" respond, and their trembling pupils reveal a bit of panic.

With Bernard Morwis defeating the rebels in Sail City, the entire Colonial Council was shrouded in panic of "when to be purged" and "about to be purged" almost all the time, as if there would be a team of fully equipped troops at any time and place. Armed soldiers stormed the parliament, killing all those who had supported or acquiesced in the rebellion.

If it weren't for the fact that the port and traffic roads were controlled by the Governor of Yangfan City, I'm afraid that on the day of his triumph, more than half of the many local "sages" present would have already packed up their family property and ran away with a bucket.

Unlike Pascal Herrede, who is keen to "kill all if you dare to resist", Bernard Morwes, who has a prominent family background, has served in the imperial court all the year round, and often helps the family with territorial affairs. There is a set.

After his successful victory, he neither accepted the begging of the Yangfan City Council for mercy, nor did he really say whether he wanted to take revenge, but the imperial army was stationed in the city, and thousands of soldiers were divided into three shifts. "High-intensity patrols" in people's areas, and from time to time, the central square of the city is emptied, and "military exercises" are organized in full view.

This kind of "playing game" of sending people to the guillotine, but never waiting for the executioner, successfully made the entire council deeply appreciate the thrill of dying before they died, and they were trembling all the time.

Until the letters for help from Changhu Town began to be sent one by one, a fierce quarrel broke out within the counter-insurgency army about whether to support it. There was a hunch that the executioner would be coming soon.

But the implementation is completely different from what they expected - the executioner is not coming, but is about to run away.

Under the lead-gray sky, the specially assembled military band stood in the rain against the wind and waves and played a cheerful welcome area; the red carpet soaked in rainwater stretched from the pier to the outside of the port, and the sides were filled with bright colors. ensign and golden iris banner.

As the governor of Sail City, Bernard put on a gorgeous black and white dress and a three-cornered hat, and a blue sash on his chest. He stood in front of the pier and prepared to welcome the upcoming guests. He couldn't hide his excitement. With the "Dragon Tooth" battleship moored in the naval port.

Because he is about to be released.

To be honest, although he knew from the beginning that sooner or later the empire would definitely send a new commander to take over the counter-insurgency army, and it was quite uncomfortable for a while. to the credit of others.

However, as the situation of the New World Rebellion became more and more treacherous, especially after the Long Lake garrison didn't know how to get into the water, and risked being invaded by the Clovis people and harassed Red Hand Bay, he was looking forward to the arrival of the other party more and more. , I was worried all day, until I received the exact news, I was finally relieved.

This troublesome matter that is destined to be blamed can be considered to be handed over to the next unlucky person!

It was nearly ten days ago that Beluga Port wanted to interfere with the conflict between Changhu Town and Red Hand Bay; according to normal logic, the other party disclosed the information of Changhu Town's invasion of Red Hand Bay, just for their own future Find the most suitable reason to send troops.

This means that even if the new commander sends troops immediately, unless Longhu Town can withstand the siege of the Clovis for more than ten to fifteen days, it will definitely be too late.

With slightly dark thoughts, Bernard even hoped that the new commander would be a strong character like Kasper. It is best to seize power from himself as soon as he comes up, or simply put himself on the air— When you return to the homeland, it will be easier to dump the pot yourself.

"Imperial envoy-Sir Ed Levant is here!"

Accompanied by loud shouts, a well-proportioned middle-aged man in a red and white military uniform with sharp eyes walked off the deck accompanied by the guards and walked towards the Governor of Yangfan City.

Looking at the familiar figure, Bernard's mouth suddenly burst into a slightly embarrassed smile, but he quickly restrained his expression and enthusiastically stepped forward:

"Dear Sir Ed Levent, welcome to Sail City - on behalf of the Imperial Knights and local people who fought **** battles in the New World, I, Governor of Sail City, Bernard Morwes, to you My sincerest greetings, God bless the empire, long live my emperor!"

"God bless the empire, long live my emperor!"

The middle-aged man known as "Ed Levant" responded immediately, his tense face quickly relaxed, and a faint smile appeared: "In other words, we don't need to do this between us. Be polite, dear Bernard."

"The necessary procedures still have to go through. This is politics, my dear cousin Ed." Bernard chuckled and shook his head:

"Only by making it grand enough can people in the colonies realize your status - don't forget that this is the new world, and the hillbillies of the colony don't know the giants of the old world."

"Except for Herrid and Bernard," Ed Levant added.

Bernard, who felt the same way, couldn't help but nodded:

"Besides Bernard... and Herid."

After several months as governor of the colony, Bernard has grown increasingly skeptical about how much influence the latter has in the New World—though he will never say it.

The two, who were close friends and hadn’t seen each other for many years, had a chat in the rain: the Morwes family was very powerful in the commerce and plantation economy in the southern part of the empire, controlling many tobacco fields and wineries, and relying on the development of gold and silver The Mine maintains a good relationship with the Church of Order, and regularly sends raw materials to two church mints every year.

The Levant family from Eddard is the direct bloodline of the "Seven Great Knights" Stroke Knights. The territory of the Si family is adjacent.

Unlike the Bernard family, Lewent's bloodline is very prosperous, and he is keen to use his in-laws to expand his power and form alliances, so that the "Wind Knight" has become one of the most common bloodline forces in the southern border of the empire, only the Roland family in number. The "Holy Grail Knight" can be compared with it.

The prosperous bloodline, the rich territory... These all made the Royal Household of Herid very afraid of the Levant of Cantal; especially the relationship between this family and the church was very close-during the war of sectarian division, the Levant family had a clear-cut and peaceful relationship. The Church of Order stood together against the Protector Sect supported by the emperor.

With such a dark history, coupled with the influence of the Levant family in the south, Bernard thought that the emperor would not send him to the colony anyway, responsible for suppressing the rebellion, no matter what he thought, he should be more loyal to the royal family. The Roland family... That way, he can feel more at ease when he throws the blame.

"Okay, let's stop chatting here."

Interrupting Ed, who was still planning to continue talking, Bernard chuckled and said, "Who is the new commander chosen by the emperor this time, shouldn't it be you?"

"How could it be?!" Eddard waved to Bernard with an exaggerated expression of "you're joking": "I want Emperor Herid to appoint a colonial governor named Levant, unless the Pope of the Church of Order Publicly declare that His Majesty is the emperor of the entire world of order."

"No, I'm just here to deliver the message, to express His Majesty's anger at their stupidity and incompetence to the head of the colony; by the way, announcing a few new appointments, and then... I should go back to report as soon as possible."

"Are you in a hurry?"

"It's not in a hurry, but I don't have anything to do here." Ed shrugged: "The Levant family has little power in the new world and can't help you at all."

"All right."

Bernard nodded regretfully, but it was not unexpected: "Then who is this 'lucky man' trusted by the emperor, and can you recommend us... Your Excellency the imperial envoy?"

"No problem." Ed suddenly smiled mysteriously:

"In fact, he is standing in front of me."

"In front of me? Who? Why didn't I look..."

The voice stopped abruptly.

Looking at Ed Levent's meaningful expression, the stunned Bernard raised his right hand and pointed at him tremblingly: "You...you shouldn't...don't mean...that person is...is Yes Yes Yes……"

"By my emperor's decree!"

Without waiting for the stammering Bernard to come back to his senses, Eddie with a smile insisted:

"Under the witness of the Ring of Order, Sir Bernard Morwes, the Governor of Sail City, was officially appointed as the Minister of the Colonies of the Empire and the Commander-in-Chief of the New World."

"From the moment the appointment is read, Sir Bernard has authority over all administrative and judicial affairs in all colonies, to collect taxes, to build up armies, to appoint and dismiss all office... Forces, start a war!"

Having said this, the serious Ed Levant paused, leaned in front of Bernard and whispered: "Of course, this is only theoretical - unless it is really a last resort, even if you want to go to war, it is best to It is more appropriate to ask His Majesty first."

Bernard didn't hear what he said at all, and stayed in place completely motionless.

After a long time, the stunned Colonial Minister finally came back to his senses, his trembling lips hesitated for a while, and stared at the opposite side with a puzzled expression: "Why?!"

"I have no idea!"

Ed's expression was more confused than his, but it was not for the same reason: "I just received an order to designate you as the Colonial Minister on behalf of Your Majesty, and specially sent a battleship to escort... I guess they thought they wanted friends to come, It will make you feel that His Majesty still values ​​you."

"And having said that, with this identity, you can lead the army to quell the rebellion, govern with confidence and boldness, and get a share of the forbearance of the Bernard family in the past-isn't this a good thing?"

Is this a good thing? !

Bernard's eyes widened in an instant. He suddenly wanted to know if this could be considered a good thing, then what exactly was his definition of a bad thing?

Of course, Ed is right. This is definitely a good opportunity to divide the interests of the Bernard family and the royal family in the colony. In order to quell the rebellion as soon as possible, the emperor will definitely not care about this small sacrifice; "As a foundation, it will be much smoother to enter the palace in the future - but the premise is that the **** Clovis can stay in Beluga Harbor honestly.

But is it possible, impossible!

Absolutely impossible!

"Okay, forgive me for asking one more question." Bernard took a deep breath, desperately suppressing the excitement in his heart:

"Apart from this title and the pile of 'power~www.readwn.com~ there is nothing else in the land that can give me - like the army?"

"No, it's impossible." Ed resolutely vetoed:

"Don't say that the main force of the empire is facing off against Clovis. At present, His Majesty is still desperately assembling a new army, preparing to tear up the agreement with Hantu and fight again, and split her into the Seven Cities Alliance."

"There's no army... What about the money and supplies? Should we provide some for arms and military salaries?"

"Uh, I really don't want to tell you the truth." Ed's expression couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed:

"But none of these, the treasury is not very rich this year - but His Majesty has promised that the taxes to be paid this year can be postponed, and the colonial governor's office can take one-tenth from it, which can be counted as an appropriation for the royal family this year... The best deal you can get."

"There is no army, no salaries, no guns, and no tax exemption... So, the Empire expects me to rely on less than 10,000 soldiers to recover the four rebel colonies, and then repel the invasion of the Clovis? !" Bernard said with a broken face.

"Have the Clovis invaded the empire's colony?" Ed's face was shocked:





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