I Will Be The Crowned King

Vol 4 Chapter 140: professional team

"I will be crowned king (!

After carefully interrogating a certain beast slave mercenary leader, Fabian finally figured out the whole story of the attack:

The Sail City Council... Or Bernard Morwes learned about the Winter Torch City meeting from the newspaper, and offered a very high price to the members of the colonial council plus Anson Bach, regardless of life or death.

Because of the large sums of money, it has attracted many bounty hunters and various "unofficial groups" of various sizes... Whether it is a land cultivator or a lone wolf wandering around, the chaotic new world has never lacked this kind of wandering on the edge of civilization. exist, and many of them are even funded "semi-official" groups.

Xie Glenn is a representative of this type of person.

They generally have a deep cooperative relationship with the local self-governing council, and can assemble a team anytime and anywhere for the needs of some big men; they usually act as thugs, escorts, police assistants, and in wartime, they are skirmishers and scouts. The army of "professional outsourcing" that comes and goes.

In order to ensure the success of the mission, or to cause some substantial damage in addition to disgusting and disgusting Clovis people, the Sail City Council hired Shegren's mercenary group at a high price... Of course, he was only one of them.

Since it is a professional team, of course, it is fundamentally different from those laymen who fight alone. Before departure, these mercenary groups have collected a large amount of information about the Storm Division and Winter Torch City through different channels, and have a detailed understanding of the strengths of both sides. gap, and then...

There's no after that.

Realizing that Yangfan City was completely sending them to their deaths, the leaders of the mercenary group decided to take the money and run away after some discussion.

Of course, they didn't have the guts to attack the Confederate Congress, but then there was the guts, and a lot of it, for the titans who went on to attack the council.

In order to ensure that they can get the down payment from the Sail City Council, they formulated an extremely detailed and thoughtful plan that seemed to be very feasible, and naturally the cost went up. Give the budget, and it is full.

The mercenary leaders were both surprised and delighted: the joy was that the money was so easy to get, and the surprise was that the Sail City Council was eager to see if the money was worth it—they had to leave as soon as possible.

Shegren felt that his opportunity had come.

As one of the most unpopular mercenary leaders with a quarter of the "beast slave bloodline", he offered to take charge of the implementation of the plan; the other mercenary leaders were naturally happy that someone would die for them, and immediately agreed.

In return, Shegren got the biggest part of the budget, and even got some of the manpower and equipment from other mercenary regiments, including a brand new twelve-pounder field gun—the one that nearly blew Anson into the sky.

At the same time, because of the growth of the team, Shegren became the general leader of the entire operation at once: Although the scattered attackers and small groups throughout the city were independent, they were also willing to obey his orders.

So this beast slave mercenary group has expanded from a few hundred people to nearly 2,000 at once - if there is no storm division at this scale, they can even directly attack Winter Torch City.

But Xie Glenn is very clear that the mercenaries under his command are not enough in front of the regular army...or the Clovis army. There is no doubt that a frontal attack will kill him. Only in street battles in the city can he have a chance of winning.

In various ways, he packed those lone wolves and small teams of adventurers and bounty hunters as guards into the various colony teams that went to the Winter Torch City Scream Conference; as for his beast slave mercenary group, part of the Across the wilderness, the other part acts as a "follower" and a "servant" under the protection of those small teams.

In name, of course, it is to maintain contact and "unite and cooperate"; in fact, it is to monitor the whole process. Once it is discovered that a certain team is trying to betray, these beast slave mercenaries responsible for "protection" and "contact" are the executioners.

In this way, on the day Anson and a group of colonial representatives arrived, Shegren quietly sent more than 2,000 mercenaries and bounty hunters into Winter Torch City.

As for weapons - Winter Torch City is a holy land for adventurers. One-third of the employment is based on exploration or supporting services. All kinds of weapons are necessities of life here. Even in the New World colonies, they can definitely be called Unique martial arts are abundant.

The only troublesome one was the twelve-pounder field gun... But thanks to the chaos and congestion when they entered the city that day, the beast slave mercenaries unloaded the artillery from the gun cart and loaded it into a four-wheeled bacon. The carriage, without a hitch, deceived the guards.

The next thing is logical: the bounty hunters and mercenaries sneaked into all corners of the Winter Torch City, and agreed to use the sound of the cannon as a signal, and all of them would act on the target at the same time, set fire to the Winter Torch City, and finally take advantage of the chaos. run away.

The Beast Slave Mercenary Group was responsible for attacking the Winter Torch City militia camp to ensure that the opponent could not quickly stabilize the situation, and finally took the Parliament by surprise, taking the Confederate members as hostages, so that the rescued army was forced to let them go.

Simple plan, careful arrangement, but still a little bit of a mystery - Shegren guessed that Anson Bach, the commander-in-chief of the Clovis army, might be there, but he did not expect the entire Storm Division to come!

Although there was a small situation, the arrow had to be fired on the string; at the same time as the sound of cannons sounded, the beast slave mercenary group attacked the militia barracks in the city.

Although careful preparations have been made, the process is still very dangerous: in order to ensure the security of the parliament that day, Winter Torch City specially increased its manpower in advance. There are more than a thousand fully armed soldiers in the military camp, which is not a mercenary gate for beast slaves at all. Taken easily.

But at this moment, a coincidental scene appeared: because of the "assassination incident" in the parliament hall, the entire Winter Torch City militia became the object of suspicion and was disarmed by Lieutenant Colonel Norton Crosell.

So when Xie Glenn led people to attack the barracks, he was pleasantly surprised to find that the enemy was unarmed, and one by one was dejected, sitting neatly in the open space in the center of the barracks, waiting to be examined.

The beast slave mercenaries annihilated the defenders in the city with almost no effort; at the same time, the bounty hunters who got the signal started one after another, creating unprecedented chaos in the city and successfully preventing all reinforcements from returning to the Council.

Seeing that the opportunity came, Xie Gren, who was still anxious and thinking about running away, had a bold idea - hijack the Federal Parliament and kill Anson Bach.

With the ultimate dream of getting a promotion and a salary increase and becoming a salaried worker, Xie Gren led a few hundred beast slave mercenaries and a 24-pound cannon stolen from the warehouse to launch a surprise attack on the unsuspecting parliament... …

"...The whole process is roughly like this, at least he himself is so frank."

Slowly pulling out a notepad full of confessions, Fabien briefly concluded: "Although I personally don't think he will lie, it's best not to believe it all in case you don't believe it all -- according to my observation, There are at least two doubts in this.”


Anson raised an eyebrow curiously.

"The first thing he mentioned was the so-called 'traversing the wilderness' - I checked this with many adventurers in Torch City, and most people thought it was a fantasy." Fabian explained:

"It doesn't mean that it can't be done. It is not uncommon for a small group of people, or even a dozen people, to avoid the safe road under the premise of adequate preparation, and it is not uncommon to cross the wilderness; but the beast slave mercenary group has several hundred people, according to Xie Glenn Half of the story is that he led through the wilderness and waited in ambush in the city ahead of time."

"You think he's lying?"

"Or he really knows a road that can be safely passed in the wilderness of the New World for hundreds of people, but is not easy to find." Fabien changed his words:

"The other party is the indigenous people. It's not surprising that we know some secrets that the colonists don't know. I'm just skeptical - after all, if it really exists, it will have too much influence on the inland colonies headed by Winter Torch City. already."

Indeed... Anson secretly said in his heart.

You must know that the other party is starting from Yangfan City. Even if the team is small and you can travel lightly, the distance is much farther than you who set out from Beluga Port. In the end, he was able to reach Winter Torch City ahead of himself and ambush in advance, proving that this The road is not only short distances, but also should be quite safe.

In the absence of railways, a road that can accommodate hundreds or even thousands of people must meet at least several conditions: safety, convenience, stable and clean water sources, and part of the supply along the way.

Therefore, for an army, especially an army with a scale of more than 1,000 people, the marching routes that can be selected are very limited; if you can master a road that the enemy does not know, it is almost equivalent to carrying out a dimensionality reduction attack from outside the map.

Therefore, Fabian will be very concerned about this doubt: he does not care whether the other party is lying or not, and if there is such a way, whether Yangfan City is aware of it or not, it may have an impact on the subsequent wars.

"As for the second item, it is the assassination against you." Fabian continued, his tone became more solemn than before:

"According to Xie Glenn's own confession, he didn't know where you were at first, and he had no intention of 'assassination' - according to his initial thoughts, he hoped to capture you as much as possible; including after the assassination, That remains his main plan."

"The reason for this arrangement is that he learned that the lounge is an annex of the parliament, which is easy to destroy and can be used as an attack point to raid the parliament. Someone told him in advance that you will be in the afternoon of the same day. Appeared in that room around the time."

"in advance?"

Out of a cautious instinct, Anson immediately caught the key words in his words: "How early?"

"Before you arrive at Winter Torch City."

Fabian gave Anson a meaningful look, and after a short pause, lowered his voice slightly:

"More precisely a day ago, someone told Sheron that you, Anson Bach, would be in the lounge at that time."

a day ago? !

An Sen's expression showed a bit of astonishment. Could the other party predict where he would appear a day earlier?

is it possible?

Just when he wanted to ask questions, Talia, who had always been silent, suddenly looked back:


There was a faint killing intent in the cold tone, as if in the blink of an eye, this gentle and considerate cute girl showed the fangs of a wild beast.

"We're still investigating!"

The former Guards officer was in a hurry. The sudden chill from the back of his head made him tremble violently, and he stumbled back half a step, almost losing his balance: "But unfortunately, the progress is very unsatisfactory."

"At present, the only information we can get is the confession of Xie Glenn himself. In addition, all the beast slave mercenaries who participated in the assassination operation have been killed by Miss Lisa Bach. I... We really, really don't have any more... …”

"Where is he?"

Talia interrupted "gently".


Perhaps because he was overly frightened, the always calm former Guards officer had a dazed expression, and he didn't even hear what the girl said.

"Xeglen, the leader of the beast slave mercenary group." Talia repeated very considerately:

"Now, where is he?"

This time Fabian finally heard it clearly: "Here, in the side hall of the hall - turn left, and the small door on the right is it!"

"Very well...Thank you, Lieutenant Colonel Fabien."

The little white hand lifted the skirt, and the girl got up unhurriedly and saluted gracefully to the two of them: "Talia suddenly remembered that she has something to deal with, so she has to leave for a while."

"Please rest assured, Talia will not hurt Mr. Shegren, and will ask him a few small questions at most... Just a few minutes, until this time tomorrow, he will still be alive in this world intact, from the appearance There is no difference from before.”

Intact, on the surface, alive... An Sen, who smiled and bid farewell to the girl, felt the corners of his mouth twitching wildly.

Until Talia walked away completely, the two people whose expressions were so stiff they were relieved.

"In addition to these, Xie Glenn also provided some information about Sail City." Fabian, whose body was finally no longer tense, squatted down slowly, leaned to Ansen's side and whispered:

"Winter Torch City, Long Lake Town, Black Reef Harbor... In addition to assassinating and causing chaos, many adventurers in the colonies have been bought to provide information related to us to Sail City; and except for a very few who acted alone, the rest or More or less with the local family..."

"You don't need to worry about the sloppy things~www.readwn.com~ Anson waved his hand, this kind of thing is unavoidable - even if many loyalists in Grey Dove Castle have been killed by the empire, as long as the matter does not fall to him On the head, some people will still be lucky, and even think that it is wise to do so.

This kind of person wants them to give up completely, except for the equal muzzle of all living beings and the high street lamps, it is the imperial army that severely damages the "invincible" army in their minds: "About our 'old friend', Bernard Mo Any news from Elwes?"

"Yes, he has already led the main army of Yangfan City to officially start." Fabian nodded slightly:

"Target, Black Reef Harbor."

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