I Will Be The Crowned King

Vol 4 Chapter 141: Siege of Black Reef Harbor

"I will be crowned king (!

May 15, Black Reef Harbor Colony.

Under the gloomy sky, the rumbling cannons sounded one after another, like the sound of muffled thunder echoing again and again in the wilderness outside the city, and fireworks fell from the sky toward the undulating city walls on the hills.

Accompanied by the raging fire, dark columns of smoke rose up over the once prosperous port, and the lively market outside the city and the endlessly flowing commercial roads, looking around, only the ruins and potholes were left everywhere.

A blue flag decorated with golden tassels and painted with golden irises, right in the center of thousands of military flags and swallowtail flags, stood like stars over the devastated land, and the fire was set off. The sound of hunting in the wind and waves.

Just as the rebel colonies actively convened a meeting and announced the establishment of the "Free Confederation", the colony's chief minister finally persuaded the timid Yangfan City Council and the unconvinced officer corps to assemble the entire main force, a total of 12,000 troops, and follow the road from the ashes. Pigeon Castle heads east.

First stop, Black Reef Harbor.

Facing the menacing counter-insurgency army, the weak Heijiaogang launched a desperate resistance: they first sent a group of messengers to express their willingness to surrender the city, provided that the empire was willing to accept several conditions: no forced recruitment, no looting In the city, the army is not allowed to approach the residential area, and it is not allowed to…

Looking at the pages full of "No", the minister in charge stopped the humiliated imperial knights who were about to drag the envoy out to be shot, and calmly agreed to the other party's conditions.

According to his rich past experience, most of the people who will put forward harsh conditions are mostly helpless, proving that the battle between hawks and doves within the other party is very fierce; as long as he reveals a little bit of goodwill, he can continue to intensify the relationship between them. Contradiction, let them continue to fight within.

Naturally, Bernard would not abide by these so-called conditions at all - even before the envoys returned, the imperial cavalry had already attacked all the farms around Black Reef Harbor, and outside the villages and towns, large and small mills and granaries, Soldiers loot...please supplement the army while supplementing the army.

After all, he is a southerner of the empire, and he has no influence at all in this army, which is almost dominated by northerners and is full of old and close family members of Roland and Bernard, and he can be called a loyal minister of the empire if he does not obey the yin and the yin.

If you want these people to work for him, it is absolutely impossible not to give benefits; between the military and the people, Bernard resolutely chooses the former, and decides to suffer the people first.

Bernard guessed that Black Reef Harbor was a bunch of cowards, but he didn't guess that it was a group of action-oriented cowards: With Grey Pigeon Castle, a foreshadowing of being killed without resistance, Black Reef Harbor, who was afraid of death, realized that What will happen if things are not done.

Not only did they eradicate the loyalists in the city for the purpose of paying the "Veteran" to Beluga Harbor and the Free Confederation, all real estate was equally divided among the liberal families, and fragmented property was also distributed to tens of thousands of people in the city to ensure that everyone was Hands stained with blood, the charges are evenly distributed.

Moreover, even the villages and towns outside the city, farms... food and population were all transferred to the cities, and the young and young laborers distributed weapons and incorporated them into the militia, so as to make the walls as clear as possible.

So when the imperial cavalry rushed through the fence of the farmhouse, burned the farmhouse happily, and broke open the gate of the granary with a shot, the mood was exactly the same as that of Anson who received Ludwig's New Year's gift.

And the reason for sending a group of envoys to negotiate with the empire is purely to buy time before the army arrives and send away the last group of liberals who are about to leave the city-women, children and elderly people with large sums of cash and various real estate certificates. Boat to Beluga Harbor.

Bernard Morwes, who thought he was in the atmosphere but was actually in the basement, relied on his mature experience to "help" Black Reef Harbor with all the pre-war preparations and mobilizations. The clown was actually me.

The enraged Colonial Chief Minister was completely unable to bear it, and issued an order to formally launch a storm on the Black Reef Port, while continuing to send cavalry and free skirmishers to conduct retaliatory sweeps of the surrounding area.

Under the iron cavalry of the righteous imperial army, the entire colony was reduced to a purgatory on earth at a speed visible to the naked eye. In addition to providing a steady stream of supplies for the army, the gradually bulging pockets of the soldiers who looted everywhere also made them pay attention to this Bernard. 's favor is growing.

In just four days, the surrounding colonial strongholds, large and small, were pulled out by the imperial soldiers, hundreds of migrants were displaced, and their corpses were exposed in the wilderness; while robbers, bounty hunters and mercenary groups who wandered around joined in one after another. Under the command of the army, further strengthen the strength of the rebel army.

In order to "consider the face of the empire" in Grey Dove Castle, Bernard was actually very careful not to let the soldiers kill innocent people indiscriminately. After the city was broken, he did not loot much except for the property of the traitors, and he maintained a considerable degree of restraint.

As for sporadic wrongful convictions... All he can say is that this kind of thing is unavoidable, not to mention that even if every other member of the colonial council is killed, there will definitely still be a leak.

But what is this kindness in return? The traitor turned against the water, the enemy slandered, and the army was full of grievances; offending everyone, he himself became the main culprit of the rebel colony's independence.

To be merciful to a traitor is to be cruel to oneself - a truth that Bernard Morwes, who has been cheated on twice, is fully aware of.

On the other side of the frontal battlefield, the previously invincible imperial army suffered a setback for the first time; the Black Reef Port, which was fully prepared for the war, had prepared a large amount of supplies, plus the troops replenished by the strong walls and clear fields, and was not afraid of being besieged at all; Under the premise of going out of the city to fight, he hugged his head and knelt down, letting the empire beat him.

At first, the imperial soldiers also wanted to re-enact the classic "Operation Grey Pigeon Castle"; artillery cover, cavalry stormed the city gate, and tried to directly scare the defenders of Black Reef Harbor; two hours ended a siege battle.

The result may have been so frightened that a certain soldier on the city wall took the initiative to shoot at the cavalry master under the condition of high mental tension, and he was killed by one shot.

The two sides, who were preparing to retreat and rush, were cold at the time; after a dead silence that lasted for nearly ten minutes, the battle of the day was shot by both sides, and the empire dragged the corpse to the end.

The imperial army, who had suffered so much, finally stopped underestimating the enemy, and started besieging the Black Reef Harbor according to the normal siege process - building siege positions and various fortifications on the periphery, while building artillery fortresses and organizing line infantry, under the cover of artillery fire Take turns attacking.

As a port city, the terrain of Black Reef Port is a little special: facing the sea in the south, there are undulating waves and hills on the other three sides; the whole city is like a small basin.

This terrain makes the traffic in the city very bad, and almost every tsunami is likely to cause flooding. The land soaked by seawater makes it almost impossible for the original colonists to grow any agricultural crops; at the same time, this terrain also makes the city's defense facilities. Become very "special" - relying on hills, undulating stone fortresses and walls.

The wall is not high, the tallest is not more than five meters, and the shortest position is even only one person tall; but with the blessing of terrain advantages, it can see the enemies attacking in all directions at a glance.

The battle lasted for five days, and the imperial army finally built a fort and smashed a bunker without any results, and even sacrificed two hundred and one brave imperial soldiers.

Facing the setbacks on the frontal battlefield, Bernard Morwes, the commander of the army, was very open to it; after all, sieging a large stronghold that is prepared and strong enough to defend is not a particularly easy thing, and the siege continues. This is normal for dozens of days or even two or three months, and it's not worth the fuss at all.

What's more, Heijiao Port seems to be well prepared and united, but they have no experience in facing the siege of the regular army; they don't need to take the initiative to attack. The liberals who accompany the damned have no choice but to surrender.

And through the Sail City Council, he has successfully bought off pirates operating near the coast of the turbulent sea; Black Reef Port can rely on the defense line on land, but the port is almost undefended; if you are lucky, you can take the city with a single raid.

So Bernard isn't worried about Black Reef at all, or compared to another big trouble, this problem is not a problem at all...

"...552 barrels of beer, 2,180 pounds of potatoes, 200 pounds of cured meat, and 1,600 pounds of bread..."

Looking at the shocking statistics table, Bernard, who felt his heart twitching slightly, took a deep breath, resisted the urge to get angry and looked at his messenger: "Can I understand it like this - in ten days at most, the entire army will Do you have to run out of ammunition?"

"Not exactly." The messenger replied cautiously:

"In terms of weapons and ammunition, because the intensity of the battle is very low, our army's reserves are still very sufficient. According to the current standard, it will not be at all for half a month..."

"By current standards?!"

The hysterical Bernard rolled his eyes: "Why does this happen? Haven't I already sent people to collect supplies as much as possible, even if the supply line at the rear is completely interrupted, this shouldn't be the only thing left!"

"That's because they brought back other things besides the supplies!" The herald looked very innocent:

"Beast slaves, captives, livestock... and those loyalists who want to join your mercenary group, bounty hunters, and family members who have been killed. Taking it out is far from enough to fill such a large vacancy!"

"Since supplies are in short supply, why not just dismiss all these people?"

"Uh... of course it can, but I'm afraid you have to find a way to hold a meeting with the officer corps to discuss it."

"Meeting? Negotiation?"

Bernard was stunned for a moment: "I remember that these people were not incorporated into the order of battle, they were just used as temporary labor and free skirmishers... Do I still need a meeting to discuss the demobilization of these people?"

"No, but these people have been incorporated into the names of various officers and become their 'private property'." The herald glanced behind him quickly, and after confirming that no one was there, he whispered to Bernard:

"Sail City has just experienced a rebellion, and there is a serious shortage of labor. These people can sell for a good price as long as they take them back; of course, they have left the largest share to you by convention, so if you plan to lay off these people If so, everyone should have no opinion.”

Bernard Morwes: "..."

Well, human trafficking is not a special situation during the war, even in the mainland, Bernard also personally operated it several times, using the war to accumulate wealth for the family.

"What's the matter with the supply line in the back? Why haven't the supplies from Sail City and Grey Pigeon Castle been delivered!" Bernard asked:

"According to the regulations, the first batch of logistics materials should have arrived yesterday, why can't even the shadow be seen now?!"

"Yangfan City Council has indeed obeyed your order, but this does not mean that enough materials and transportation capacity can be drawn from the rear!" The messenger explained:

"In order to gather enough war horses for the cavalry, and enough pack animals for the artillery and carriages, the remaining livestock in Yangfan City have been exhausted and can only be recruited from Grey Pigeon Castle; but the animal husbandry of Grey Pigeon Castle is not developed and limited in number.”

"Of course, these are just what they told me. I'm not very clear about the specific situation. You may only know the answer by asking yourself."

When it came to the last messenger, the conversation suddenly changed, and there was even a slight tremor in his voice that was getting smaller and smaller.

Bernard certainly knew what he was afraid of: hoarding goods, buying low and selling high, embezzlement... What happened in the logistics of local military supplies, the emergence of "classic fans" in the new world is not surprising at all.

In addition, the counter-insurgency army in the New World has no established logistics system at all, and relies entirely on outsourcing and forced collection, which naturally has more room for quartermasters who want to quickly achieve financial freedom.

But even if he knew what was going on, Bernard couldn't do anything at all; this was the new world, and he didn't have a military system as complete as his homeland. No matter how much he hated those profiteers and property owners, he could only contract the logistics to They, or the seemingly invincible army of the Empire~www.readwn.com~, would not be able to move even an inch on the ice fields of the New World.

"Although there are indeed a lot of logistical problems, the most important thing right now is Black Reef Port, right?"

Sensing the danger, the messenger quickly changed a new topic and said cautiously: "According to the time, the Storm Division may have left Winter Torch City and started to march westward; if……"

"There is no need to worry about the Black Reef Harbor. Everything is in my plan." Before the herald could finish speaking, Bernard made a confident steal:

"I can even bet you, believe it or not, that Anson Bach and his Stormtroopers will never show up as long as we don't take Black Reef Harbor for a day!"

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