I Will Be The Crowned King

Vol 4 Chapter 166: close-up illusion

"I will be crowned king (!

Red Hand Bay, in a tavern.

With his back to the hustle and bustle behind him, Karin Jacques, huddled in the corner alone, played a deck of old cards, stacked them in neat four-stacks on the table, and shuffled them over and over again.

The glass of beer on the table remained untouched.

Usually, the bartender will come to rush people within an hour of customers like him; but because the store is always full recently, for such a black-robed priest who has no sense of existence, when he is too busy to touch the ground, he can only Choose to ignore.

When he was shuffling the cards for the fifteenth time, a hand suddenly tapped his shoulder from behind.

The expressionless black-robed priest straightened his body naturally, and the tall man sitting in front of him in astonishment took advantage of the situation and typed a "Joker" on the table.

"Sorry." The tall man pulled the hood on his head, and held the corncob pipe in the corner of his mouth with his hands, covering most of his face:

"I don't want to come in person either, mostly for a reason... If you're concerned, we can suspend the deal."

After hesitating for a moment, the black-robed priest shook his head and typed "Plum Blossom Ten".

The tall man nodded slightly, took out a sealed cloth package from his arms while swallowing clouds, stretched out his hand and stuck it under the table, and stopped Carin Jacques who was about to raise his hand:

"This time, we didn't follow the rules. As a sign of sincerity, please go back and inspect the goods first, and don't rush to pay the bill."

Carin Jacques thought for a while, put down the hand that was stopped by the opponent, and played "Six of Hearts".

The tall man showed a happy smile and looked at the black-robed priest with seductive eyes: "By the way, let me tell you a piece of information that I just got recently, even if it is an extra compensation - of course, the price is your 'client' 'If you want to buy something good next time, you have to introduce it to us first, how?"

Even if the free information is fake, there is no reason to refuse it... Karin Jacques threw the "Three of Hearts" on the table without thinking.

"A month ago, a mercenary group in Yangfan City discovered the stronghold of an old **** sect."

The tall man's eyes suddenly became sharp, and he said without hesitation: "Of course, it's not the ordinary old gods, otherwise it wouldn't be called any intelligence in a place like the new world. They... are the Iser elves."

Iser elf?

Carin Jacques raised his eyebrows and tapped the "Six of Hearts" lightly.

Seeing him interested, the corners of the tall man's mouth rose slightly:

"At first, no one took this seriously, but simply thought that elves were a bit rare. After all, it's not surprising that there are people in places like Yangfan City."

"But that mercenary group happened to have a friend in the Empire's army who told him that the Colonial Minister, Lord Bernard Morwis, had been to that stronghold -- and more than once. "

"It's nothing... But a very trustworthy friend told me that the 'stronghold' used to be the base camp of the Untrust Knights half a year ago!"

"So I couldn't help but wonder, what kind of guy can frighten the Untrust Knights to flee in a hurry, flee from Yangfan City overnight without even wanting their hometown, and secretly collude with the emperor's appointed chief minister of the colony? "

"You may already know the answer - just a few months ago, the rebel plan of the Thirteen Council of the Iser Elf was exposed and was strangled by the Knights of Judgment!"

Looking at the splendid face of the tall man, the corners of Carin Jacques's mouth twitched.

Not only did he know that, even the "Report on the Great Incident in the Royal Court of Isel", which is currently being circulated as a top secret in Clovis City, is a "masterpiece" that he completed by himself.

So there is a group of surviving Thirteen Council members who escaped from the Knights of Judgment, the Southern Legion's joint strangulation, quietly escaped to the New World, and received Bernard's asylum?

This is not impossible, after all, given the relationship between the empire and the Iser elves, not to mention leaving a place in the colony, even if the Iser elves establish a new kingdom in the colony, it is not impossible.

So the black-robed priest rolled his eyes and handed the man a "square five".


The tall man categorically rejected it, took Fang Pian Ba ​​directly from the table, and stared straight at Carin Jacques: "Either add extra money, or this is the limit."

The black-robed priest shrugged and took away the "Plum Blossom Ten" just now.

"You are really stingy, that is, the money for a meal, but you can't bear it..." The man grumbled and complained a few words:

"Okay, let me tell you an additional key piece of information: so far they have only found one Ysir elf caster in that stronghold, and it's still a female elf."

When the words fell, the tall man stopped talking, smoking a pipe and silently looking at the black-robed priest's expression - very much like a profiteer waiting for a guest to speak.

Female elf?

Karin Jacques frowned slightly, this is indeed not a lot of important information: there are not a few women among elf spellcasters, and there is nothing special compared to men; the most important thing is that there are no living female elves that I know. Either one is spellcasting...


Black-robed priest... He suddenly recalled something.

Yes, I do know a female elf spellcaster.

With strong strength, he can scare away ordinary old gods by himself, and can get in touch with the empire.

The most important thing is... she is indeed still alive!

She definitely remembered that she did not die in the royal court of Iser, which was bombed by the Knights of Judgment, and indeed escaped into the empire.

Thinking about it seriously, the possibility that she will want to run to the new world seems to be very high indeed!

Carlin Jacques panicked, and the whole person was sluggish for a moment; and after the sluggishness, there was infinite fear.

There is no delay, this information must be told to Ansen Bach as soon as possible! He must be told immediately, at least...

At least before attacking Yangfan City!


Outside the small church in Yangfan City, seven figures of different heights, shorts, fats and thins fell to the ground, each with only a shallow wound on his chest and neck, and the weapons in their hands were also broken in two - proving that they were both In the first round of confrontation, the weapon was damaged, and the fatal blow was taken.

On the rainy night when you can't see your fingers, only one heart is still beating in the empty street.

Louis Bernard stood in front of the steps, his right hand holding the handle of the knife and his arms were dyed blood red, and the rain-soaked golden bangs drooped weakly, covering his lonely face, revealing only tight lips. .

It's not entirely unexpected, but...why?

Both myself and Freya have exercised restraint as much as possible, and have expressed to them that they have no threat, just simply want to live in peace and stability here, and even communicated "willing to compromise" countless times, either overtly or covertly. The idea of ​​​​-if it is really unacceptable, they are also willing to leave the new world at the right time and return to Adelaide...

So, it's still going to be slaughtered, right?


Bright silver blade light flashed in the rain, and the blood on the blade left a blushing semicircle around him.

"Aren't you ready to show up yet?"

The young knight suddenly opened his mouth and said, the long knife in his hand tapped lightly, and the sharp tip of the knife made a clear and continuous sound with his steady steps:

"Although I don't know who it is, since I see that I still have no plans to retreat, it means that you are ready to fight against the Bernard family."

"I'm not an old god, and I have no interest in your recent actions in Yangfan City, let alone who is the ruler of this colony."

"If even that's not enough, let's do it! Although I have vowed not to interfere in any disputes, don't expect me to stand still."

"In the name of the sea knights, the outsiders who step into this place and have murderous intentions."

"Wait, don't pass!"


The moment the voice fell, the sharp blade swept through the drizzle, making a harsh metal collision sound.

Following the direction of the attack, the young knight looked up, and the vision enhanced by the power of the bloodline locked the attacker who had just been peeping at him in the dark.

It was a tall figure wearing a black turtleneck trench coat and half-top hat, with his left hand behind his back, his exposed right hand standing in front of him, and a rectangular-shaped weapon sandwiched between his fingers.

Is that... a card?

Just when he was in a daze, the attacker suddenly threw his weapon.

Without hesitation... Louis put the blade in front of him almost instinctively, and prepared to dodge to both sides while blocking.

The scream of tearing the air echoed in the rainy night, and the speed was so fast that even the dynamic vision of the sea knight could not accurately capture it. The young knight could only subconsciously swing the knife and slash at the invisible "ballistic".


The young knight swung forward with the knife, and the revolver hidden at his waist exploded the golden-red gun flame, stabbing the tall figure who suddenly appeared behind him like a long spear.

The stunned assailant froze in place, not even noticing his blood-gushing left arm and the short knife he dropped: "You...?!"

"You underestimate the power of the Sea Knight!" Louis snorted coldly:

"With such a naive method, do you think you can deceive others?!"

In the rainy night, the bright long knife pulled out an arc of nearly 270 degrees, and in the blink of an eye, the blade was approaching in front of him.

The cold assailant didn't have time to think about it, his right hand juggled an extra card again, and at the same time, he leaned back to dodge.


The dazzling sparks exploded in the rain, and the metal "card" was split into two as if it didn't exist. .

The expressionless young knight had no surprise in his eyes, raised his left hand and raised his gun to shoot blindly.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The fire light illuminated the darkness, blasting thunderous screeching sounds in the alley; every time it was lit up, the attackers could be seen fleeing in panic, unable to dodge.

Finally, the revolver fired all the bullets, and the smoke-breathing muzzle no longer lit up the fire; the young knight who abandoned the revolver charged straight to the corner where the attacker last appeared.

A "card" came screaming from the darkness in front of him. Louis, who had expected it, slid forward to the right to dodge, and the long knife in his hand turned with it, taking advantage of the situation to slash.

But at this moment, the card that should have been easily dodged by him disappeared.


The card that appeared suddenly hit the center of the blade, and under the deflected blade, the attacker holding the top hat dodged the fatal blow in place.

Louis' pupils shrank suddenly, but he didn't stop the long sword dancing in his hand.

One after another knife flashes flashed in front of the attacker, each knife was more severe than the other; the expressionless young knight was like a reckless beast, slaughtering forward desperately, approaching the neck and chest of the attacker again and again.

Under the swift and violent blade, the attacker held the top hat on his head and calmly dodged from under the deadly blade, like a shadow that he could only see but never touch.

Compared with the initial consternation, he looks very calm now, as if he is determined to fight with the young knight; but as long as Louis tries to distance himself, or the speed of his swing increases, the "cards" that come from out of nowhere. " will appear, interrupting the rhythm of the battle without warning.

But the attackers did not take the opportunity to counterattack, but continued to negotiate, dodging the "fatal blow" that was about to strike.

In the narrow alley, if nothing else, this battle may go on forever, until one of them is exhausted, or...

"Close-up illusion."

The expressionless young knight suddenly said in a deep voice, waving his sharp sword.

Um? !

The attacker's pupils shrank suddenly, his left hand holding the brim of his hat suddenly trembled, and he was almost hit by the blade, so he continued to dodge calmly.

But Louis did not continue to pursue, but stopped the long knife in the air and stared coldly at the attacker who took the initiative to distance himself from him: "Your trick has three prerequisites... Your Excellency the Black Mage."

"One is that you have to get close; in order to maintain this trick, you must never leave within three steps of me."

"When you first attacked me, you were not on the top of the building, but at the other end of the alley - the act of throwing a card was just a mirror image of the flip, matching the trick of the heart."

The young knight said coldly, "Crack!", his left hand raised without warning, and caught the cards that came from nowhere.

The attacker's eyes suddenly froze, and his body froze in place.

"Second, you are very aware of my identity, strength, and weakness of bloodline power." Louis stared at the other side expressionlessly, and raised his mouth in self-deprecation:

"Once I am disturbed and cannot maintain absolute calm, the effect of the power of blood will be greatly reduced or even unsustainable; so the best tactic for me is to fight endlessly~www.readwn.com~ while killing patience Stop to disrupt the rhythm and hide the fatal blow in a chaotic attack."

"Thirdly, your purpose is not to kill me, but to delay time - forcibly keep me here, and the non-existent killing intent can also avoid my true position being detected by the power of my bloodline."

"How, this gentleman, I said... right?"


The long knife stopped in mid-air slashed horizontally, and the attacker who had hid ten steps away showed an extremely frightened look, and a bloodstain suddenly appeared under his neck.

Long bloodstains.

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