I Will Be The Crowned King

Vol 4 Chapter 167: track of rebellion

"I will be crowned king (!

Quietly leaving the tavern, Carlin Jacques walked straight to the gate of the Storm Division's resident in the city without a word, and took out the token given by Miss Rune without a word.

The guards, who were all about to drive people away, suddenly changed their expressions, and immediately bowed to the black-robed priest, led him across the checkpoint, and entered the headquarters without notifying them.

The person who met him was Alan Dawn... Unlike other guys who "judged people by their appearance", Carlin Jacques never dared to underestimate the little clerk beside Anson-because he was also a member of the church system. from.

In addition to the illusory Holy See in the entire Church of Order, ordinary people can basically get in touch with churches, monasteries and inquisitions in various places. Some people with good luck—or bad luck—may also be able to get in touch with the Knights of Judgment.

If the church's "target" is the Knights of Judgment, representing the two major forces of the church's military and administration, the monastery is the opposite of the inquisition, the ivory tower and research institute used to train senior elites.

As a religious organization leading the world, the church holds and monopolizes the vast majority of knowledge and unknown information, but there are levels to how much it can access—a trainee priest like Carlin Jacques can only get the equivalent of a senior General education at the textbook level of the church colleges.

The most common "admitted priests" in the monastery have access to a level of content that is second only to the archbishops of the branch churches.

The monastery training system ignores age and background. As long as you can master the corresponding knowledge and successfully complete the assessment, you will be immediately assigned to work: senior researcher, mint or bank management, scripture editor, department head or church secretary… …

Some of them are geniuses who are already in high positions at a young age, and some are likely to die without getting their own graduation certificate.

Obviously, the little clerk belongs to the former.

Even if he only used his priesthood as a pretense to cheat, but every time he faced the little secretary, Carin Jacques always had the illusion of being ashamed of himself.

On the one hand, the situation is really urgent, and it is also to hide the inferiority complex - as soon as you enter the door without waiting for the other party's courtesy, you can't wait to say: "Is Fabien there?!"

"The commander of the Grenadier Regiment is currently negotiating with the Confederacy the marching order and route of the coalition, and by the way, is supervising the logistics base project in Winter Torch City."

The little clerk said in an orderly manner, smiled and handed the panting black-robed priest a glass of cold light beer: "The person on duty in the headquarters is Lieutenant Colonel Norton Crosell. Do you need me to help make an appointment?"

"Crossel? This surname sounds familiar, shouldn't it be... no!"

Carlin Jacques, who was holding the wine glass, changed slightly, hesitated before continuing: "Actually, the person I'm really looking for is Anson Bach. There is something and a very important piece of information that must be delivered to him as soon as possible— Intelligence is more important!"

"In that case, can I arrange a carriage or a mount for you?" The little secretary still kept a formulaic smile and replied without looking up:

"Let me see, let me see... Well, there will be a carriage going to Black Reef Harbor from 16:00 to 17:30 this evening. Would you consider going with them..."

"No, it's too late!" The black-robed priest categorically refused:

"This is really urgent!"

"Then let's write a letter."

The little clerk took out a piece of letter paper, raised a pen and looked at Carin Jacques, who was still out of breath: "What kind of information?"


The black-robed priest twitched his dry throat, his expression sluggish—how could he convey such important information to others in a letter without revealing his old bottom and telling the truth?

Only then did Carin Jacques especially regret that some **** novelist wasn't with him.

"The situation is like this, I have a friend..."

The little secretary looked shocked: "You have someone in the new world?!"

"It's a new friend! Friend!" The black-robed priest almost choked to death:

"This 'new friend' told me that there is a group of old gods in Yangfan City recently. They plan to unite with some liberal remnants and middle forces in the city to take advantage of the opportunity of the imperial army's siege of Heijiao Port to organize a rebellion!"

Rebellion... The little secretary who was writing quickly stopped suddenly and looked up at him cautiously:

"What you really want to say should be 'uprising'?"

"...Slip of the tongue, sorry."

The embarrassed black-robed priest forced a smile: "All in all, as long as Commander-in-Chief Anson Bach can find a way to drag the imperial army to Black Reef Harbor, a rebellion...uprising will break out in Yangfan City, and it will become a colony dominated by liberals. "

"But this is not the point! The point is that a lady with extraordinary status is lurking in Yangfan City, and she is likely to be in an extremely dangerous situation."

"And this particular lady, Commander-in-Chief Anson Bach...he knew it."

Carin Jacques stared at the little secretary, and said meaningfully.

A lady of special status, lurking, is an acquaintance of Lord Anson Bach...

The little secretary's eyes widened again: "You, you mean that Miss Sophia Franz has sneaked into Sail City?!"

"Cough cough cough cough...!!!"

The black-robed priest, who coughed violently, almost lost his breath: "It's not her!"

"That! Is that the size of Talia..."

"It's not her either!"


"No! Not at all! It has nothing to do with these guys!"

The black-robed priest suddenly burst out, shouting like a hysterical beast: "Can you think of a reliable answer?!"

"But that's all I know!" The little secretary curled up behind the desk with his pen in his hands, looking particularly aggrieved:

"If not them, who is it?"


Carin Jacques hesitated.

The reason why he refused to say it was not because he was worried about the little secretary, but more because he was afraid that if the letter was withheld and finally exposed, it might cause a series of uncontrollable consequences.

Unlike a novelist who doesn't take it too seriously, and always likes to do things, the black-robed priest is very disgusted with this kind of behavior of deliberately or unintentionally blowing up the powder keg - especially the possibility of blowing up his own. when.

Perhaps seeing his prudence, the little clerk did not continue to ask questions about this matter, and switched to a different way: "Then... Is there any special signal that can make Mr. Anson respond after receiving the letter? The importance of intelligence is understood immediately.”

"For example, who gave you this information?"


"Faithless Knights?!"

The stunned young knight blurted out, his dazed pupils shrank suddenly: "Impossible! They have already been wiped out by the Judgment Knights along with the Crecy family, you lied!"

"I do not!"

The attacker by the neck of the knife raised his hands above his head, the half-top hat on the top of his head was drooping, and there was a flattened expression in his embarrassment:

"If you don't believe me, you can kill me directly. Anyway, the mission failed, and I'm already your captive, but please don't doubt my integrity."

"I can tell you with certainty that it is indeed the Knights of the Faithless who hired me to monitor and make sure you don't leave this chapel, delaying if necessary - yes, I'm a mercenary, an old **** Send spellcasters, but no liars!"

"This...what's the difference?"

"The difference is that when you go to the gallows, you are ridiculed by those ignorant people, or you are dead silence." The attacker's eyes burst into a strange brilliance, and he would rather be scratched by a blade and raise his chin:

"Everyone is silent, and the eyes are shocked - I have learned a little rhetoric, and this way of dying fits my personal image."


He licked his lower lip, and Louis, who was reminded of some shameful memories of his youth by the assassin in front of him, took a deep breath, held back his smile and said seriously:


"Yes!" The attacker nodded vigorously:

"And out of professionalism, I didn't ask any superfluous questions-by the way, the guy who attacked you and the Isher Elf before is not my companion, and is strictly a rival."

"But the people who hired me didn't ask me to interfere in their actions, and the pay was just the surveillance part; as a reward, I can tell you where they came from."

"What reward?"

"You have spared my life. According to the industry guidelines, I need to give out the equivalent payment and all my belongings to redeem myself."

The attacker sternly said: "Of course, if you can, please don't take away my specially made cards - the black mage is not like the conjurer, we rely on these magic items in battle."

"I don't remember that you were going to die with a bang?"

"That's when there is no doubt about death! Generally, a big man like you, isn't the first reaction when he catches a spell caster to be sent to the church?"

The attacker looked at the young knight with a "knowingly asked" expression, but quickly returned to his seriousness:

"As long as a professional mercenary can live, dignity is a luxury that can be given up at any time - you take the knife away, I can give up my dignity now, kneel down and beg you to spare me not to die!"


Looking at the righteous resignation, with a somewhat determined attacker in his eyes, the young knight suddenly felt a faint twitch in the corner of his mouth.

The last time I encountered such a lack of killing intent, I don't know how to be a good opponent. I remember when I was in Thunder Castle...

For a long time, Louis, who did not let go of the blade, looked at the attacker again with a solemn expression: "I have two questions."

"Who are the attackers before, and how did they perceive us; secondly, why did the 'Untrust Knights' you call spy on me, and what did they want to do - you can just say you knew."

Perhaps it was because he had read the records about the Untrustworthy Knights in the Clovis newspaper before, which made Louis feel a little shaken in his brother who had absolutely trusted him.

Could it be that there are people from the Crecy family who escaped to the new world alive, just like myself and... Freya?

"no problem!"

The attacker agreed without hesitation: "The guy who attacked you and the Isher elf before, strictly speaking, is the same group of people who were originally responsible for protecting you - all of them were private soldiers hired by the colony chief minister! "

"However... the only person who thinks this way is the chief minister himself. Although he has gathered a large number of people to gather under the governor's palace through commissions and bounties, he has no ability to restrain and manage these guys at all, which is equivalent to spreading thousands of people among six The dark forces of the big colony are all attracted to Yangfan City!"

"Of course, I am also one of them." The attacker shrugged:

"Before the imperial army was still in the city, these people - including me - were more cautious, plus many guys left because of the high reward of Winter Torch City; when the army left for Black Reef Harbor, many people - Including me - I couldn't help it."

"As for you... without any pretense, I can assure you that most of them don't know who you are, they probably just regard you as an ordinary talent, and the real target is actually the Iser Miss Elf."

"You are not of the old gods, and you don't know how precious the blood of a Ysir elf spellcaster is, so I will describe it in more exaggerated terms: in the eyes of many spellcasters, that petite elf lady is probably the same size as a few spellcasters. A ton of walking gold is about the same!"

"But everyone doesn't actually dare to do it, because there are too many colleagues in the city, and they are afraid that they will be ambushed by others, so only a few guys who are not afraid of death try to sneak attack. As for their fate... You should know better than me. ."

The attacker forced a smile: "As for the Faithless Knights... I don't know much about them, but I'm sure they are not the same group as those who want to hurt you and Miss Iser. "

"To state in advance, this is by no means an excuse for my employers - with their strength and financial resources, coupled with the local and indigenous people's connections, they want to try to assassinate you, even if the two are strong, it is difficult to stay for a long time. , especially now that the imperial army has left."

"I don't know what the 'Knights of No Faith' you are talking about, but based on my more than 20 years of experience living in the New World, this 'Knights of No Faith' has spread to every corner of the empire's colonies very early on. There are all of them - many local forces want to do some shameful things, and they usually entrust them to do it."

Louis nodded slightly, acquiescing to what the other party said.

After all, the port of Adland was the territory of the Crecy family at the beginning, and it was specially responsible for the affairs of the colony; as an armed force cultivated privately by the Crecy family~www.readwn.com~ It is not surprising that it has deep roots in the colony. .

And if the Clovis paper is true, the reality is even more exaggerated than what the other side said.

"As for what they want to do, I can only tell you that they should very much not want you, the heir of the Bernard family, and the Miss Iser elf to intervene, otherwise they don't need to hire me to follow them here."

The attacker paused and said in a very confident tone:

"But if I have to make a bold guess, then..."

"Probably a rebellion!"

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