I Will Be The Crowned King

Vol 4 Chapter 409: "Fake Attack"

Dove Castle Fortress, early morning.

The silver moon is still hanging high on the dome, but the faint morning light has already dyed the eastern horizon with a touch of gold; between the dark hills, billowing smoke and black shadows can be vaguely seen, advancing quickly along the rugged mountain road.

At the top of the towering tower, the leader of the Supreme Council, Polina Frey, embraced the "Declaration of Resistance" and approached the city wall surrounded by a group of knight officers, overlooking the golden irises and the Order of the Order. Ringed flags, rattling in the cold wind.

Although I had been repeatedly comforted by the people around me before I climbed the city wall, even artillery can't have any accuracy at this distance. Bloody; even if it wasn't for Norton Crosell, who was on the side, reacting quickly, he almost collapsed on the wall in front of the defenders.

"It is a great honor for the church that leads the orderly world to mobilize such a large army in order to capture the small Grey Dove Castle."

The girl who realized her gaffe immediately forced her composure, and deliberately put on a disdainful look, and looked at Lieutenant Colonel Norton beside her with a mocking tone: "It looks like the rebel army that slaughtered Grey Pigeon Castle was stronger than the More?"

"Indeed." The commander of the third infantry regiment carefully observed the slow-moving team at the foot of the mountain, and said in a very calm tone: "Judging from the size of the team, the total strength of the enemy is about 20,000, and it cannot be ruled out that the There is a possibility of follow-up reinforcements."

And the entire Gray Pigeon Fort fortress added up, I am afraid not even half of this number, the heavy firepower and the quality of the soldiers are far worse... Norton secretly said in his heart.

Despite this, the officers gathered at the top of the tower still did not show the slightest nervousness, and their emotional stability did not look like they were about to start a life-and-death battle with a powerful enemy that was several times their strength.

This is not only because the Grey Pigeon Fortress is strong enough, all kinds of defense facilities are fully prepared, and the logistics are fully guaranteed, but also because the intelligence about the actions of the jihadist army has long been sent from the staff of the Black Reef Port.

The total number of troops, the number of the organization, the materials and equipment, the commander-in-chief...even the target of the enemy's action this time, they all know clearly, and it is basically a state of unilateral transparency.

Since the enemy's attack on Grey Dove Fort before the end of the Battle of Black Reef Harbor is only a feint, even if it is defeated or the enemy reinforces, it will not be able to be breached in a short time due to the firmness of Grey Pigeon Fort. There is definitely enough time to organize a retreat. So what's there to worry about?

"Twenty thousand? If my father is still alive, I am afraid that at this time, I would have brought the most prestigious people in the whole city of Gray Pigeon Castle to greet him respectfully outside the city gate?"

Paulina sighed with a little self-deprecating emotion, but immediately raised her voice: "But! Today's Grey Pigeon Castle will never bow down to the rulers and invaders of the old world like it used to!"

"We are the citizens of the free and equal new world, the true masters of this land; if the invaders of the old world still wish to enslave us and put us in chains as they did in the past, then please walk over our corpses. !"

"Golden irises will never bloom again in the snow and ice of the new world; keepers of faith will never yield to dictatorial heresies!"

In the mist in the early morning, Paulina Frey held her "Declaration of Resistance" high in her hands, and her tender voice echoed in the valley of Grey Dove Castle: "Long live the Free Confederation! Long live the Thirteen Colonies!"

"Free Confederacy - long live -!!"

"Thirteen Colonies - long live -!!"

The screams of the mountain and tsunami exploded over the fortress, so that the jihadist army that was marching hard also had some riots, and looked at the gray pigeon castle in astonishment under the dark night, not knowing what happened.

In the cheers, the girl holding the "Declaration of Resistance" held her head high, and under the **** of knights and guards, while reviewing the guards in the fortress, they walked down the tower while trying to ensure that all soldiers could see clearly own figure.

She knows very well that she doesn't know anything about the military at all, and she does not have a large-scale army under her command. Commanding operations is the business of the New World Corps, that is, the men of Anson and Louis; her mission is to inspire and inspire the defenders as the spiritual leader of the Confederacy. morale.

"It seems that the commander-in-chief left her behind and did not withdraw to Winter Torch City. It was indeed correct."

Looking at the girl's disappearing figure, Alexei, who was still on the tower, couldn't help but sighed to Norton: "With or without her, the morale of those colonial troops is not at the same level; even if the enemy is just feinting, our The pressure can also be a lot lighter.”

"On the contrary, the commander-in-chief is the most opposed to her staying." The 3rd Infantry Commander shook his head and corrected himself: "The Frey family is the commander-in-chief and the Rune family's puppet... ally in controlling Grey Pigeon Castle, or is it an order? An important flag for the entire Free Confederacy; even a mere feint from the enemy could not have put such an important...important ally at risk."

"Well, then why is she still..."

"She insisted on staying voluntarily."


The surprised Alexei's pupils shrank suddenly, and he suddenly thought of a possibility: "The ring of order is on... Isn't she planning to stay here and not leave?!"

Norton nodded helplessly.

"This, what should we do, we are not ready to defend Grey Pigeon Castle and fight the Mujahideen Army!" Alexei suddenly felt that his head was getting bigger:

"What if she refuses to leave when she finally retreats, so what if we have to keep Grey Pigeon Castle for her--Isn't this mentioned in the battle plan given by the commander-in-chief?!"

"There is no other way but to take one step at a time."

The helpless Norton smiled bitterly. It was not the first time that the Storm Legion had been "persecuted" by friendly forces and had to change its battle plan.

"The only thing that is fortunate at the moment is that the enemy will not really attack the city on a large scale for the time being, and the commander-in-chief seems to be an inexperienced young man who has never even commanded a battle except for the power of his bloodline." He looked at the queue that was still approaching outside the city:

"Arthur Hereid...have you ever heard of that name?"

"No! Ah... It seems that he had a hand with us once in Hantu."

As if suddenly remembered, Alexei picked up the monocular: "They attacked our flanking position from behind, and then Miss Lisa Bach took care of it, so it's just a little impression. "

"Just a little bit?"

Norton turned his head and looked at Alexei meaningfully.

"It's really just a little impression, just a little bit!" Alexei, who was stared at the hair, twitched the corners of his mouth, his eyes dodged with a guilty conscience:

"Why did I lie to you?!"

"Yeah, there's no reason for you to lie to me." Norton nodded, his smile widening:

"We were both primary-level officers on the Eastern Front, and we were recruited by the Southern Army to join the Storm Division. We absolutely know each other well. How could you lie to me?"

Alexei's mouth twitched suddenly, and his whole body seemed to have thousands of ants crawling around constantly; and as someone's eyes became more and more strange, the number of ants seemed to continue to increase...

"Okay, okay... I surrender, surrender!" The second infantry regiment commander, who finally couldn't hold back, sighed, his expression was very indescribable: "I do know Arthur Herrid, but I haven't met him, so what I know is It's just some hearsay, it's not necessarily true."

"This guy is of the royal bloodline of Herid, a fairly well-known ranger knight, because he is a talent for dragon knights and can shout a sound wave comparable to a cannon. He has the nickname of 'Dragon Roar'... Ordinary talent, no matter how many. His opponent—of course I heard it too, and technically never saw it with my own eyes."

"As for leading the army... I just saw that he seems to have participated in a lot of records in exterminating robbers, suppressing rebellions, and looking for people to duel everywhere. I have never heard of him personally commanding any army, let alone an army of more than 20,000 people. "

Alexey shook his head: "That's all, I don't know the rest - I really don't know this time, I won't lie to you!"

"I know." Norton nodded and smiled:

"What you said is exactly the same as what I know, without any discrepancy."

Alexei Dukasky: "…"

Just as the two of them were still talking to each other, a shrill bugle sound was suddenly heard between the mountains on the west side of Grey Pigeon Fortress.

Norton and Alexei at the top of the tower, as well as the defenders of the entire fortress, all subconsciously looked in the direction of the bugle sound.

"Calm - don't panic!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Alexei, who was still talking and laughing for a second, put his hands on the wall stack, leaned out half of his body and roared: "Everyone strictly guards their posts, and there is no order not to do it without authorization..."


Before he could finish his words, a piercing screeching sound had cut through the night sky and blasted loudly on the walls of Grey Pigeon Castle.

Norton, who was the first to react, suddenly changed his face, and without any explanation, he directly forcibly dragged Alexei behind him, and at the same time activated the power of his bloodline, the dust-free land, and opened a repulsive force field in front of him.

Perhaps it was because the ballistic trajectory was too far, or because the night had not faded, the shells that hit the city walls did not hurt anyone, and only the sound of empty cannons echoed in the valley.

Then, nothing happened.

"How is this going?!"

The frightened Alexei almost thought he was going to be blown to death, and the whole person was not very good: "Isn't it a feint to fire the cannon before the formation?"

"I don't know!" Norton pursed the corners of his mouth tightly, staring at the golden iris flag in the distance in the dark:

"But one thing is certain, that is, the commander of the Arthur Hereid Corps, like our commander-in-chief, is the type who is good at surprising others - of course, whether there will be a war or not!"

Norton Crosell's judgment was completely correct. Just as the sudden sound of cannons tensed up and down the Grey Dove Castle, the jihadist legions that were still marching in the mountains were also frightened into chaos, completely out of order.

Because the three jihadist corps stationed in Yangfan City do not have any trust in each other, even if they send troops in two directions at the same time, they must act together, and they all leave enough troops in Yangfan City to maintain order, and at the same time, they strictly guard each other.

The same is true for the regiment that attacked Blue Dove Castle. Although it was commanded by Arthur Herreid, he only had half of his own regiment, and the remaining half was the regiment of Ludwig.

Relying on Bernard's preparations in advance, Arthur Herreid, who had a well-equipped and high-quality army under his command, did not despise the stinky fish and rotten shrimps that Cloveldong put together, and let them follow him as a burden. In charge of taking care of the logistics and baggage, I don't expect them to attack the city-mainly because I don't want to be taken away by the Clovis people.

So when Arthur Herreid arranged the siege position in advance and was excited to put on a posture to "scare and scare" Grey Pigeon Castle, the Clovis Legion, which he forgot about, immediately had an accident.

Because he had never received the order of the commander to attack the city in such a hurry, and it was night again, the Clovis Legion, who heard the sound of the cannon, thought that the troops in front were covered by the gunfire of the fortress, and immediately instinctively Abandoned baggage and retreated across the board, looking for cover as usual.

When they retreated, they didn't notify the imperial knights in front. As a result, the back team of Arthur's Legion turned around and found that the allies who were escorting the luggage had disappeared. They thought they were attacked, and exclaimed "Yes. Ambush!", while frantically assembled to retreat.

So the 20,000-strong army frightened itself in the dark mountains in the early morning, rampaging like a group of headless flies; when the excited Arthur came back to his senses, his invincible army had become a mess of sand, There were soldiers running around and shouting enemy attacks everywhere.

Arthur, whose scalp was numb, had to give up his genius plan to "scare Grey Dove Castle". Com took the only remaining guards and began to gather the jihadist army that was frightened by his own people.

A battle of Grey Dove Castle that would have started in the early hours of the morning ended prematurely, and did not finally begin until the morning of the third day; Alexei and Norton stopped Arthur without a single shot. 20,000 troops for two days and three nights.

On the other hand, in the Black Reef Port, where the elite troops of both sides have truly assembled, the situation is not so relaxing.

Dozens of warships split the waves, thousands of pairs of military boots stepped on the soft sand... After finding a beach that was not completely destroyed by the Free Confederation, Bernard Morwes, who forcibly landed 10,000 legions Continue by sea and land with the Legion of Borre Levant, while attacking Black Cay Harbor from the southwest and coastline.

"Black Reef Harbor, Free Confederation, Anson Bach... I'm back!"

Riding a pure white and flawless steed, Bernard Morwes proudly pulled out his saber and pointed at the hill guarding Black Reef Harbor in his sight:

"In the name of the Ring of Order - crush them!"

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