I Will Be The Crowned King

Vol 4 Chapter 410: Bernard Offensive

The sound of the bugle piercing the sky stretched the entire western horizon of the Black Reef Port. The jihadist regiment with tens of thousands of troops stepped on the fierce drum beat and walked to the hilly position where the 13-star ringed flag fluttered in the distance.

Almost at the same time, on the sea on the right flank of their front, a fleet of dozens of light and heavy cruisers lined up and opened fire on the city and the fortifications of Black Reef Harbor; Large swathes of smoke and dust exploded in the positions and towns, and countless rubble and rubble were carried by the air waves and flew into the sky, and the thick smoke rolled up to a height of more than ten meters.

Relying on the fleet to provide firepower cover, and the headquarters has a full sixteen eight-pounder guns and twenty four-pounders, relying on the rough terrain around the Black Reef Port to build a temporary artillery battery to form a powerful firepower network, which is completely sufficient in theory. Shoot against the outer defense line of Heijiao Port without falling behind.

Despite this, Bernard Morwes, who has fully learned the lessons of the last defeat, still chose an extremely conservative style of play, only sending a small number of elites to form skirmish lines to lure the enemy and attract firepower, and the main force is only far away. The rear followed, not in a hurry to advance.

Regardless of whether the Free Confederation or the Holy War Legion had a small amount of heavy artillery, the only field infantry guns that could really play a role in combat were the eight-pound, six-pound, and twelve-pound field infantry artillery.

Although their theoretical range is two kilometers, unless there is a high-level artillery commander, the effective damage will not exceed 800 meters; considering factors such as terrain, climate, wind direction, and bunkers, it can be 600 meters. Meters are fine.

In addition, there are naval guns at sea to provide firepower suppression, Bernard Morwes calmly and slowly advancing the range of the artillery shells, covering the forward movement of his artillery positions, and constantly expanding the surrounding craters and the bunkers dug by skirmishers. A shallow trench was formed to provide cover for the follow-up troops.

Of course, such a prudent tactic also has its fatal flaw, that is, it is slow, especially slow.

The battle had been fought for almost a morning, and the landed jihadist corps still did not come into contact with the outer positions of Black Reef Harbor. The casualties on both sides were basically zero, and even the ammunition consumption was not much - only the fleet of Borre Lewent at sea level. He spared no effort to bombard ports and positions.

Although such an overly cautious style has reduced casualties, it has also made many officers uneasy: "Master Supervisor, the Bolei Legion on the opposite side is still waiting for us to attack. Is it a bit too much to delay so deliberately..."

"Deliberately procrastinating? How did we procrastinate, and deliberately?!"

Seeing the uneasy and even a little embarrassed look of the officers, Bernard snorted coldly: "Black reef port is a front-line base camp where a large number of the enemy's elite troops are stationed and focused on defense; the fortifications are solid. The firepower is strong, we remain cautious and do not underestimate the enemy, what's wrong with this?!"

"Some of you have also participated in the previous battle at Black Reef Harbor. Even if you haven't, you should know that the last time I lost the battle was because I was too reckless and tried to be quick. As a result, not only did I fail to fight quickly, but I also fell into the enemy. trap."

Bernard suddenly changed the subject again, and began to blame himself inexplicably: "Nearly ten thousand troops were almost destroyed. This is a **** lesson!"

"So this time we must not be reckless, we must be prudent. Unless absolutely necessary, we must not take the initiative to attack; without my order, not even a battalion or a platoon is allowed to attack the enemy's fortifications!"

Looking at Bernard's anger, self-blame, seriousness, dramatic expression and rich body language, the knight officers could only nod their heads in agreement, but their pale faces were obviously not real. Take it easy.

After all, it is an upright and upright release of pigeons to sell teammates. No matter how many reasons there are, it seems that it is not justified; and if the opponent is accused of being unfaithful to the ring of order because of the unfavorable battle, wouldn't there be a risk of being burned at the stake.

"You guys..." Bernard couldn't help sighing, he didn't know whether to call these people too cowardly or too brave: "Do you remember what our mission was in this battle?"

"Cooperate with the Borei Legion, contain the enemy's peripheral defense line, and win the opportunity for them to land - containment!" Bernard, who was dumbfounded, shouted loudly:

"Instead of cooperating with the fleet, directly enter the Black Reef Port from the western defense line; in other words, as long as you can keep an eye on the troops on the enemy line, make sure that they will not directly ignore us, who ran to the beachhead to block the landing of Borre Lewent, and contain them. The mission is completed, understand?!"

Oh... The knight officers suddenly realized that they looked at the well-intentioned and tireless supervisor with the eyes of the savior.

With Bernard's reminder, the people who were still worried suddenly became clear-headed, as if they had discovered a new world: since it is only a containment, there is no need to fight the enemy head-on, so why insist on attacking from the western front?

The Black Reef Port is surrounded by mountains on three sides and faces the sea on one side. If you want to besiege, you should besiege the northwest flanks at the same time, and at the same time send mobile troops to cut off the eastern passage.

Oh, by the way, you have to send another strong team to guard against the northwest direction. Grey Pigeon Castle may send additional reinforcements, then occupy the surrounding highlands, and then dig deep trenches to form a confrontation with the defenders.

With just such a tossing, the jihadist army of more than 10,000 people is obviously not enough; the troops spread out to various positions are pitiful; it is not a mobile defense, but it is the same as nothing.

But that's okay! Each of our jihadist armies will be used as 100,000 troops, and 10,000 people will be used as 100,000 troops. It is not a problem at all!

"Well, well said." Seeing that the knight officers finally came to their senses under his own reminder, and one by one actively invited to fight, Bernard's face showed a very relieved expression.

He originally did not support the crusade against the Free Confederacy without waiting for the assembly of the jihadist legion to launch an offensive in such a hurry; not to mention that the other party is waiting for work, there is still a large strategic space for detours, and a battle that cannot be fatally struck is meaningless.

Since this guy Bo Lei is so active and wants to grab military exploits and occupy territory, let him do it himself. Anyway, it is the vassals and private soldiers of their Levant family who died; the Herrid royal family and the Bernard family They all handed out an olive branch to themselves, and there is no need for the Morwes family to continue to follow Lewent to court death.

As a result, the Black Reef Port defenders and the Boley Legion floating at sea saw an amazing scene: the Bernard Morwes Legion, which was still advancing at a turtle speed, stopped advancing, and then the formation suddenly "disintegrated" at the speed of light. , fleeing everywhere as if he didn't know who was defeated.

Due to the cover of naval artillery and the inaccurate artillery fire of both sides, the entire battlefield was filled with thick smoke of gunpowder, and the military flag could only be vaguely seen moving randomly in the wilderness on the outskirts of Heijiao Port. Exactly the same, can't even organize a decent attack.

Could it be that Bernard Morwes has been killed by the Black Reef defenders, impossible?

Could it be that Bernard Morwes has already been killed by us, no way?

A big question mark appeared in the heads of the commanders at the forefront of both sides at the same time, but because they could not make a judgment, the defenders of Heijiao Port could only continue to fire on the jihadists who were "fleeing" on the battlefield, and the fleet at sea was still moving towards the port without interruption. And the firepower coverage on the position, but they all slowed down the frequency quite tacitly.

A full hour passed, and it was not until noon that the "rout" Bernard Corps fully exposed its front - but the army of more than 10,000 people set up temporary artillery batteries and siege positions on both sides of the northwest." "Occupy" the two traffic arteries leading to the northwest and east, and spread out the lines completely, spreading out the soldiers like peppercorns.

Even in order to avoid misunderstandings by the defenders of Heijiaogang, the army that "blocked" the eastern road did not even build fortifications, and was carelessly placed on both sides of the road. At the same time, it was also a line formation outside the effective range of the defenders' artillery, which was completely unreal. To cut off the road.

So the defenders of the Black Reef Port and the Bolei Legion floating on the sea understood all at once.

"Bernard Moreways, you bastard!"

On the deck of the flagship of the fleet, the furious Boley Levant cursed in the direction of Black Reef Harbor, and the gilded telescope in his hand smashed to pieces on the deck: "Who gave you the guts to play with me like this?!"

Dozens of knight officers crowded around him, and their faces were extremely ugly.

In the original plan, Bernard took 10,000 troops to contain them. They used naval guns as cover to attack the port and capture the Black Reef Harbor in one fell swoop. Now it is good, even if the defenders of the Black Reef Harbor are all fools, they will know about the 10,000. People will not launch an attack at all, the Bolei Legion must storm the port, and the bayonet of the main force of the defenders is red.

Even with reinforcements, artillery support, and beach landings are extremely high-risk military operations that will almost certainly result in heavy casualties; the landing ships and soldiers with half their bodies immersed in seawater are all excellent living targets. ; The Free Confederacy also damaged the docks at Black Reef Harbor, preventing warships from approaching to provide cover...

That kind of battle that has no room for change, just thinking about it makes people shudder, not to mention facing the main force of the enemy directly, and the muzzles of large and small aimed at the beachhead... It is simply a massacre.

Staring at the nearby Black Reef Harbor, Boley Levent's eyes were full of resentment, and the flag of the Ring of Order fluttered in the distance, as if they were all mercilessly laughing at his own stupidity.

At first, he also hoped to use the initiative to undertake the "active" mission and provide naval gun cover as bait, let Bernard attack the outer positions of Black Reef Harbor, and wait until the two sides are completely indistinguishable from each other. Conquer the colony to pick peaches.

After all the calculations, I just didn't expect that the supervisor of the army was not offline than himself, and he didn't even act. He simply put on a "what can you do with me" attitude.

Should we simply retreat, leave Bernard and his 10,000 people to those infidels, and return to Sail City first?

This idea flashed in Bo Lei's mind, and then he gave up decisively.

Although Bernard has blatantly released his own pigeons, he and his 10,000 people have not retreated, but are still performing the task of containment - although it is the same as nothing - if he runs away, those who do not keep the promise will not be Have you become yourself?

What's more, the real leader of this battle is himself. If he fails, how can he gain a foothold in the jihadist army in the future, let alone become a part of the cake after the war and get his own territory.

Therefore, this battle must be fought. Even if everyone puts their own pigeons, only the 20,000 people in the headquarters must fight, and they must win!

"The order - let the vanguard begin to assemble and prepare for the landing." Boley Levant gritted his teeth and said: "Don't pay attention to that coward Bernard, we will attack alone and conquer the Black Reef Harbor in one breath!"

"I don't believe it anymore. Tens of thousands of troops and more than a dozen warships can't even swallow a small colony; the ring of order is on top, and the jihadist legion is invincible!"

"The Holy War Army is invincible—!!"

The knights with the same angry faces broke out in neat shouts, and orders began to be quickly passed between the warships. In less than half an hour, the preparations for the landing battle were quickly completed.

Of course, this is not because the anger against the friendly army makes the legion more efficient, but all preparations have already been completed, and it will be implemented immediately when the friendly army and the enemy on the shore are in progress... so it is just ahead of schedule.

Standing on the edge of the flagship, the grim-faced Borre Levant personally directed the actions of the landing troops to stabilize the army, but he was actually quite uneasy; but he couldn't trust anyone without directing himself - who can guarantee that only friendly forces are Coward, if you put your own pigeons in a show, your subordinates won't?

At this moment, a very confusing message came from the lookout on the flagship.

"The main force of the defenders of Heijiao Port... is still stationed on the defensive line outside the city. There is no sign of returning to the city. There are less than a thousand skirmishers and five field guns near the port? "

Bolly Levant, who was still furious just now, was startled for a moment, with a rather strange expression: "This...why is this? Bernard's army is like that, they thought this guy would attack?"

"Or is it that the guards at Black Reef Harbor are all blind, or that **** Bernard really has some special way to cover up all the guards?!"

Boley Levant was extremely puzzled, and the situation in Black Reef Harbor City was equally chaotic.

Looking at Bernard Morwes, who was lying on the outside of the defender's artillery firing range and pretending to be dead, but refused to run into him and take the initiative to attack, Carl Bain, who was on the front line, jumped in a hurry, and wished he could rush out to be the man himself. The bait lured the opponent to attack:

"Bernard Morwes... This downright coward, why are you unwilling to attack?!"

"You don't attack... If you don't attack, how should I set up traps and kill you while the war gods don't know it!"

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