I Will Be The Crowned King

Vol 4 Chapter 443: The big sheriff's line.

What, what? !

Hearing the exclamations of their companions, the figures of the attackers froze, and their cheeks changed color under the gas masks; the two gunmen reacted the most obviously, subconsciously even forgetting that they needed to aim, and pulled the trigger in succession to shoot several rounds of air. gun.

Lisa, who had been going back and forth with them repeatedly for two minutes, seized the opportunity decisively, set up a steam spray gun with one hand in her right arm and fired to stop the judgement knight who was wielding a long sword with both hands, and the left hand was painted with a gun flower, it was pitch black The Inquisitor's revolver took aim at both gunmen at the same time.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The gun flames exploded, and only two of the six lead bullets hit... The gunmen dodged in time when their heads were about to explode. Only the brass on the shoulders turned into scrap iron, and the heart of the other person's breastplate was left behind. A grimly shaped depression.

At the same time, the judgement knight who swung the knife in the face was not forced to stop by the shot she just shot. The silver-like long knife easily deflected the lead bullet. Under the glass mirror of the gas mask, the other party was even closed. on the eyes.

Ugh? !

The sight in front of her made the little girl's head a little hard to turn. She could faintly feel that the other party seemed to have used some kind of ability. The effect should be to sense the position and the enemy's next move through the air, and the price must be closed eyes— To counteract the effects of Anson's smoke on them.

It's not a particularly powerful ability, and the effect is far inferior to that of Louis Bernard's body strengthening, but...a blind swordsman who wields a long sword and senses breath...

This, this, this... this is too powerful, right? !

As if she suddenly saw a can of yellow peaches with long legs, the girl who was nervous just now her eyes lit up.

Remember the URL m.9biquge.


The long knife smashed the hot barrel of the gun, and the girl rubbed the edge of the slipped sharp blade forcibly close.

Gun flames and gunpowder smoke alternately spewed, and the judgement knight who swung away the last two lead bullets jumped out of the smoke like a wild wolf, distanced himself from Lisa, and instinctively swung the knife at an unusually fast speed. The girl... The result was a direct bye.

Lisa, who suddenly gave up the pursuit, was still standing there, with the steam spray gun in her right hand on her shoulder, and the left hand holding the revolver, raising her forearm horizontally, blocking the line of sight. - does not exist - unfolds without reservation.

Deliberately waiting for the smoke to disperse a little, the girl pretended to be cold and a slight smile appeared on her face: "Humph... As expected of a blind swordsman who can drive Lisa into a desperate situation, it's really extraordinary."

"But your luck ends here... Be proud of yourself, not all villains are qualified to let Chief Sheriff Lisa uncover this cursed power!"

The judgement knight with his eyes closed: "...?"

At the same time as the words fell, the sneering girl moved her forearm away from her face little by little, her emerald green eyes gradually became scarlet; compared with the past, she was a little less crazy, and more than a little smug.

The hot revolver flame once again burst into a dazzling fire, and grandly announced the debut of the Grand Sheriff Liza Bach!

Quickly dodging the rapid fire of the girl, the dazed Judgment Knight didn't have time to think, and in the blink of an eye, he disappeared from the spot, and the blade fell from the sky.

But this time Lisa was faster than him.

The scarlet twinkling pupils pulled out a meteor-like afterimage, and the change in the airflow told the adjudication knight that the opponent's steam spray gun had resisted the back of his neck; then the falling blade suddenly stopped, followed the body that was forcibly turned in the air, and moved backwards. Flick.


The sharp metal slamming sound penetrated the eardrum, and it was judged that the knight could not swing the lead bullet this time, but was forced to smash it with the blade; the huge force injected by the trembling blade made him fall rapidly. .

But it doesn't matter, ?? Because the girl is also in a floating state, the advantage of landing first is greater, and... eh? !

The knight's expression suddenly changed, the girl was not on top of his head, and there was no trace of his breath.

where is she? !

"Here it is!"

The bright and sunny laughter suddenly appeared in front of the fallen judgement knight. With his eyes closed, he immediately raised his sword to parry.

Can't escape!

The judgment knight made a judgment in an instant, and the brass parts of the knees suddenly spewed steam, and the rigid body flew out to one side as if it had been blown apart.

The lead bullet ripped through the smoke screen, shattered the glass cover of the gas mask, and there were two more bullet holes in the bowler hat. The knight of judgment standing with the knife was still unscathed, but the cheeks under the glass fragments were covered with horror.

A girl who was suspected of being a spell caster but did not have any abilities even forced herself to use an escape device... How is this possible... What kind of monster is she...?

"Heh heh... Stupid villain, have you felt the power of the Chief Sheriff's sanctions?"

The girl who lowered her head and deliberately covered half of her face with the brim of her hat imitated the female elf Freya to sneer, imitating Anson's action of taking out a pipe, and gently biting the licorice stick: "So much reliance on self-confidence and ability will cause you to be caught. Live from the flaws."

"Ordinary people may not be your opponents, just because they can't see the subtle flaws, they can't see the abnormal in the normal, they can only be led by the nose of you bad guys and manipulated at will!"

"But Lisa is different, and if you want to ask why, it's because... um... well because... because..."

The voice came to an abrupt end, and the girl who was still triumphant suddenly stuttered, her eyes even a little flustered.

She's stuck!

Whenever there is a soldier from a guard company present, he will immediately realize that what his boss is talking about is a story of the protagonist in a detective interrogating a prisoner. It was published in the second section of a certain issue of Moby Dick last year. , As for the author... Who else is there except some unscrupulous family?

Maybe because I haven't watched it for too long, maybe because the battle is too fierce and I don't want to reverie, the girl can't remember the lines of "it's so powerful, so powerful", she blushed and even had a few minutes to go. Angry posture:

"Because...because...because Lisa is a good girl! Well, that's it, are you convinced?!"

The knight's expression was inexplicable, and he didn't know what the girl was talking about. He just raised his long knife again vigilantly, preparing to cooperate with his companions to kill this troublesome secondary target as soon as possible, and then clarify the so-called "incorrect intelligence" thing, and then …Um?

At this moment, he suddenly noticed that the smoke around him suddenly became stronger and stronger, and he couldn't see the figures of other people at all, and he couldn't even detect the breath.

A bone-piercing cold began to spread in the heart of the ruling knight.



The lead bullet that ripped through the dense fog exploded with flashes of sparks on the icy ground, as if it was just an empty gun that accidentally missed.

But the judgement knight, who was holding the revolver tightly, turned pale when he saw this scene, and quickly turned around to dodge to widen the distance.

The next second, a faint smoke screen rolled up on the flat ground with nothing, and gradually converged into a figure with a pipe in his mouth, a gray military coat, and a three-cornered hat.

Anson Bach, who was "discovered", did not immediately pursue him. Instead, he put his hands in his pockets, and his scarlet eyes hidden under the brim of his hat looked at the figure that was fleeing quickly.

An ominous surge of ominousness surged in the heart of the adjudication knight, and the aura of fear swept through his body like a substance. His already slow thinking ability and stiff limbs seemed to be more inflexible than at the beginning.

No, not only by the influence of the other party, but also by the fear from the heart.

Becoming a conjurer of the Blasphemy Mage, you can almost do whatever you want within your own domain... But a Conjurer can not only distort reality, but also use the abilities of a black mage, it is inevitable...

The expression of the adjudication knight showed a bit of panic, and instinct told him that this harassing attack mission had failed, and he must retreat as soon as possible, warning the members of the knight order who were responsible for arresting the primary target.

But the fact is that it's too late... The other party is obviously prepared, and all six people fall into the other party's domain; even if they want to leave their companions and run away alone, they can't escape the surrounding smoke.

Just as his pupils trembled, the smoke on his side suddenly twisted and turned into a shape almost like a shrapnel.


An explosion came from his side without warning, and the brass parts of the knight's elbow suddenly unfolded, turning into an umbrella-shaped shield.

Even if it can block the cracked shotgun, it still can't stop the impact of the explosion... The whole figure was thrown out like a sandbag, and fell heavily into the mud. The broken brass shield was mixed with a little "smoky lead bullet". His upper body was torn to pieces.

Ignoring the scars on his body, the judgement knight used the force of the impact to distance himself, got up quickly, and threw three shots straight ahead and on the left and right sides.

"Bang-! Bang-! Bang-!"

The spewing gunfire tore apart the twisted smoke, dragged the translucent spiral trajectory towards the gray military coat, and was covered by the triangular hat.

The unhurried An Sen exhaled a breath of smoke, and as his raised right hand began to twist, it converged with the surrounding thick fog to form a substantial "smoke wall".

A shot that was comparable to a cannonball slammed into the wall, and the power that distorted reality began to gradually disintegrate, turning into a huge puff of smoke that exploded to the surroundings.

An Sen was smoking a pipe, still standing there with a sneer, as if he was silently laughing at the other party's wasted effort.

The tense-faced Judgment Knight quickly got up, instinctively tried to distance himself again, concealed his breath, and looked for the opportunity to seize the enemy's flaws and kill him with one blow.

But in fact…

He had a chance to kill me, and more than once.

Why didn't he do it right away, instead he was delaying the time. Obviously, the longer the time, the more detrimental it would be for him to be exposed, wouldn't it?

What the **** is he... Anson Bach... waiting... thinking?


What are you waiting for, of course, because you really can't do it.

Locking on the figure on the opposite side who seemed to be more and more hesitant, An Sen showed a flash of wry smile on his face.

To be honest, several of the ruling knights are very strong. Although they are no longer who they used to be, and they have taken advantage of them unexpectedly, if they are not careful, they will be besieged at the same time, like mentor Mace Horner. The probability of Germany rolling over like that is not small.

Blasphemy Mage is very powerful, but not invincible, especially Cursor Mage is not like a blood mage whose vitality is almost indestructible.

Compared with the previous battle with the Wuxin Knights, the Judgment Knights are obviously more than one level higher in terms of strength and equipment. The six people are all experienced and high-level combat experts. So far, only one person has been exposed. They have the power of their own blood, and they are equipped with magical props with different abilities.

Especially the suitcase... Although I don't know what it is, the aura coming from it is very similar to Talia, and it should be some kind of blood magic alienated monster.

Now they can be unexpected and use the field to cooperate with the dense fog to distort their perception of reality, but this effect is not permanent; they will soon discover that it is not that they cannot get out of the fog, but that their sense of distance and direction is getting worse Now, a distance of a few meters feels like a thousand miles away... Over time, it is likely that they will become accustomed to this feeling.

The opponent's goal is to create an attack to cause chaos, so that the Knights of Judgment who are really responsible for the action will capture him alive... In this case, Anson can basically be sure that there are other people of the Knights of Judgment around Straw Town who are secretly observing the battle.

To try not to cause riots, preferably without being noticed, UU reading www. If uukanshu.com kills or captures these members of the Knights of Judgment, it is very important to know their strength level, equipment, number of people and even action plans.

Therefore, Anson is not in a hurry at all. On the one hand, it is indeed difficult for him to deal with the six ruling knights at the same time. On the other hand, he also needs to collect information as much as possible... He really has no time, and he is eager to get out as soon as possible, but he finds that the information is wrong and hopes to update the news. Pass out the opposite side.

In this case, I will hold them back, try to create some confusion, try not to expose the magical reaction, and let Lisa kill them one by one, and continue to make the Holy See think that she is only a high-level spellcaster, and she can hide it for as long as possible.

Well, by the way, let's find out why the Holy See wanted to capture it alive, instead of killing himself directly... Anson pulled out the revolver around his waist, locked the muzzle of the gun firmly on the knight of judgment, and pulled the trigger with his index finger.

The sound of gunshots echoed in the thick fog, and the one who clenched the crown of his teeth turned around and dodged in an instant, dodging the shot that hit the door.

Then... he saw that the lead bullet that had been rubbed with incantation ignited the dense fog behind him, and the golden-red flames spread rapidly, expanding...exploding as if they had touched hot oil.


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