I Will Be The Crowned King

Vol 4 Chapter 447: Escape?

Outside the city of Straw Town, the temporary headquarters of the Bolei Legion.

The distant sound of the explosion awakened Boley Lewent, who was lying on the gun carriage. Already in despair, the regiment commander repeatedly tossed and turned and couldn't sleep. He got up, kicked a few relatives who were still sleeping, and went to inquire about the situation in the direction of Straw Town.

Faced with the urging of the legion commander, several Levant knights, despite being extremely reluctant, still faithfully fulfilled the order, either dispatching scouts or taking their own actions to quietly move in the dark of night.

A quarter of an hour later, Bo Lei, who was originally just holding on to his thoughts, was stunned to see these relatives walking towards him with a solemn expression, and even screened the surrounding guards before they were willing to report the situation to him. One stepped up to his side and whispered in a whisper.


The shocked Borre Lewent couldn't keep his calm any longer: "A spellcaster attacked Anson Bach's headquarters? You...you can't be mistaken, right?!"

"Or else the talented attacked the town of Straw Straw, and was noticed by the old gods casters in the opposite army and fought back... There is absolutely nothing wrong." The knight bent down and said in a low voice:

"Although there is only a very weak breath for a moment, the breath of the caster is no different from the shadow under the noon sun, and the hard ice under the scorching sun, to the talent who has inherited the power of the bloodline. It will never be wrong."

"Then... can you confirm the identity of the person who gave off the breath, or the number of people, strength comparison, etc.?"

"This... It's not impossible, but the distance is too far." The knight's expression was a little embarrassed:

"The Clovis infantry regiment that defeated the cavalry regiment before is just outside the east gate of Straw Town. We can all find the movement. These people must have discovered it long ago, and they are still indifferent, maintaining their vigilance on our side - yes The two scouts got too close and were warned to open fire."

"Of course, this is just a small problem. If you order it, it's not impossible for us to sneak in to investigate." Before he finished speaking, another Knight Levant interrupted:

"It's just that we have to take some risks... The battle on the opposite side is quite fierce, and even so, only a little breath is exposed, which proves that the level of concealment on both sides of the killing is extremely high, and we have no talent who is good at concealing breath. The probability of discovery is very high.”

His voice fell, and several knights around nodded in agreement.

With a slight frown, Boley Levent thought for a moment. He was not sure whether the opponent was really too strong, or if the relatives were too afraid of death: "Is the battle fierce?"

"That's right, that's for sure." The knight said seriously: "Such a strong magical reaction is no longer a level that ordinary old gods can have - at least two digits or more, talented people...should It's about the same amount."

Bolly Levant's pupils shrank.

He didn't care whether Ansen Bach was attacked by the old gods or the talented, but two figures... what force could dispatch such a luxurious scene in one breath, quietly launch an assassination on the battlefield where tens of thousands of troops were fighting?

Wait a minute, well... it seems that there really is!

But it cannot be ruled out that this may be Anson Bach's conspiracy, pretending to create chaos to show weakness, but actually preparing a trap to ambush himself, the possibility is not low.

The hesitant Bolly Levant was silent for nearly five minutes, and the surrounding knights quietly waited for his decision.

In the end, the legion commander let out a long sigh, looked around, and asked without question: "Everyone, I now want to tell you a very important piece of information: the people who attacked Ansen Bach's camp in Straw Town, if they don't show up. If there is an accident, it should be the Knights of Judgment who came to eradicate the heretics under the order of the Holy See and the High Command."

Before the words were finished, all the Levant knights were shocked.

"That's right, Lord Wuying's promise to us before has finally been fulfilled." Boley Levent looked happy: "Tonight is the death of Anson Bach, a vicious pagan!"

"And everyone, we must also seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to accomplish what we must do, and we must not let the brave and fearless knights of judgment sacrifice in vain."

A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, something that must be done... The knights looked at each other, carefully looking at Bo Lei's meaningful and excited expression: "Lord Legionnaire, you are going to ask us..."

"Seize the opportunity." The corners of Boley Levant's mouth rose, and he clenched his fists violently:

"Then... take advantage of the chaos to break through!"

"Uh ah... ah this..."

"Otherwise, don't you think I'll let you fight back and defeat the Storm Legion?" Boley Levant shook his head:

"Don't be kidding, it's so dark and the other side is very vigilant, our morale is not enough to support this kind of battle... Let's be realistic, escape from this **** encirclement as soon as possible, and withdraw to the slave port. Let's talk about it. !"

Although he was very interested in witnessing the arrest of Anson Bach, the bastard, Borre Levant knew better that his real capital was the jihadist army he had in hand, and it was too uneconomical to kill a group of doomed dead in order to avenge him.

First, withdraw to the port of capture slaves to rest, wait for the Storm Legion to fall into chaos, disintegration or content due to the disappearance of Anson Bach, and then march forward calmly, the five eastern colonies are still theirs!

"But, didn't we promise Lord Wuying before to cooperate with the actions of the Knights of Judgment?"

Although the knights were also very interested in the matter of running away, they were somewhat unable to let go.

"Escape from battle? Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Borre Lewent categorically vetoed, glaring at his subordinates and relatives: "What is escape, we are using ourselves as bait to attract the attention of the main enemy force, and win for the ruling Knights to arrest the heretical pseudo-believer Anson Bach. Time, how can it be considered an escape?!"

"Oh oh oh oh..." The knights suddenly realized.

"So do you understand, this is a crucial battle that concerns the fate of the entire ordered world, and our legion is the most important one in it!"

Taking a deep breath and slowly getting up, Bo Lei's expression became brighter and brighter, and the light reflected by the surrounding torches gradually gathered into a circle above his head: "Now, everyone obeys my order and advances eastward, for the ring of order. Fight for the glory!"

"For the glory of the Ring of Order—!!"

The upright and awe-inspiring Levant knights shouted excitedly for the upcoming sacrifice (running).


Huge golden-red fireballs exploded in the thick fog, and the splashing flames were wild under the starry sky, like a fierce beast catching and biting the prey's minions, constantly swallowing the surrounding smoke and fog.

A gunshot exploded the flames, and the ruling knight holding a revolver fled from the flames in embarrassment. The remaining sparks turned into embers and dust on the slim-fitting trench coat and bowler hat, and a faint blue smoke enveloped his body.

Just half a step away, he will be blown to coke by Anson Bach.

The verdict knight's chest heaved up and down quickly, and his gaze subconsciously swept to the revolver on his right hand, which was a whole level larger than the revolver of an ordinary judge. It was specially made for him by the knights to match his bloodline of the Holy Grail Knight. weapon of power.

All objects touched by him, or touched for more than a minute, can obliterate or directly invalidate the existence of "unreal", regardless of the power of blood or the magic of the caster; relying on this ability, even if As a blood mage known for his tenacious vitality, it is not a dream to kill him with this special revolver.

But this time, things seem to be a little different...

Although it can still obliterate and eliminate the reality distorted by Anson Bach, the effect is obviously suppressed compared to the past, or the speed of obliteration is completely unable to keep up with the speed of the opponent's recovery.

And almost at the same time, the other party was also fighting with his other five companions at the same time.

This is the oppression of the Blasphemy Mage, this is... the gap between the two sides...

The firelight dissipated, and Anson Bach's figure disappeared without a trace again, and he did not provocatively use mind-reading again.

The Knights of Judgment sank. After a few minutes of confrontation and the almost fatal blow just now, he had probably guessed that the other party was testing himself and these people, trying to dig out information about the Knights of Judgment, so he was not in a hurry to make a quick decision. .

Continuing the battle will be even more detrimental to the Knights of Judgment... Two... No, even if one is alone, we must find a companion who is good at independent action and concealment as soon as possible to help them break through as soon as possible!

As for himself, relying on this extraordinary power of blood, there is still room for him to continue to negotiate with Anson Bach... The judgement knight, who has gradually adapted to the sense of distance distorted by the fog, looked around, trying to distinguish the direction.

Although the dense fog almost blocked all vision, but at the moment of the explosion, he still allowed himself to see the environment above his head a little, and he was still near the destroyed camp, so if others were in a similar situation, then...


The thought came to an abrupt end, and the sound of metal crashing from behind made the judgement knight turn his head sharply, waving a long silver knife, and a figure full of tatters and blood on the windbreaker came into view.

He knelt on one knee on the ground, the long knife that had just deflected the bullet was placed beside him with one hand, and his shoulders swayed slightly as he gasped.


The knight of judgment wielding the long sword was shocked, and with his eyes closed, he turned his head suddenly and roared behind him:

"Get down!"

Although the reason is unclear, the ruling knight instinctively followed the advice of his companions and lowered his body decisively.

Almost at the same time, a screeching sound that pierced the eardrum resounded above his head, tearing up the bowler hat of the knight of judgment, and even the scalp covered by the mask felt a tingling pain.

This is…

The stunned Judgment Knight didn't even have time to think about it, and without turning his head, the right-hand revolver fired directly at the opposite direction of the attacking ballistic, and even shot two more shots to make up for the deviation of the left and right displacements.

But even so, he was still half a step too late... The moment he pulled the trigger, a girl with an innocent smile appeared beside him, and the steam gun with a bayonet was aimed at his face.

Suffered... The judgement knight, who knew that he was absolutely too late to close his gun, could only stare at the girl's scarlet eyes in astonishment, waiting for the moment when the other party pulled the trigger.


The dazzling sparks lit up, and the moonlight-like blade blocked a fatal shot, dragging the lingering blade to Lisa's face.

Almost at the same time, the knight of judgment, who almost died, also got up, pulled the trigger while retreating to dodge, and emptied the remaining three lead bullets in the magazine, blocking the space for the girl to move around.

At this moment, the big sheriff, who had nowhere to dodge, showed a smile on his face.

That's the smile that the villains are about to throw themselves into the net.

Next, the judgement knight who hurriedly changed his bullets saw an unbelievable scene: the girl stood motionless, but Schiff, who was wielding a knife to counterattack...

Empty? !

The sharp mirror-like tip of the knife slid across the girl's fleshy nose, cutting off the dripping sweat, but it didn't hurt half of her cold hair.

This bizarre picture made the Judgement Knight stunned for half a second, and finally realized the truth from the panic on his companion's face - that girl, the aura on her body just now disappeared!

The power of Schiff's blood is to be able to feel the flow of air, and the condition is that he cannot open his eyes; so once he loses his breath, it is almost as if he disappeared out of thin air.

But half a second was too late... Schiff, who was swinging the air, didn't have time to fight back, and he hadn't opened the hammer of the revolver, but the revolver in the girl's hand was already aimed at Schiff's eyeball.

There is only a moment, a moment to dodge... The judgement knight gritted his teeth:

"Schiff, open your eyes!"


The gunshots sounded, and blood spurted out. UU reading www.uukanshu.com


Full of self-confidence, the big sheriff pouted as if he had succeeded in a conspiracy.

Suddenly opening his eyes, Schiff almost rubbed the edge of his eye socket to avoid the fatal shot, although he still left a deep, bone-deep wound on his cheek.

He was lucky to survive, and he also lost the strengthening of the power of blood. He swayed the girl's gun that stretched out to him and decisively opened the distance. The ruling knight on the side also opened fire to cover, and had no intention of taking the opportunity to counterattack.

Two figures, one on the left and one on the right, sandwiched the girl in the center; but who was surrounded by whom, even the judgement knights themselves did not know.

The big sheriff, whose plan failed, stared at the two with a European look on his face, suddenly seemed to be aware of something, turned his head without caring for the enemy, and smiled behind him:

"Anson, you're here!"

The two adjudication knights froze at the same time, followed the girl's line of sight, their trembling pupils instantly focused.

Ansen Bach walked out of the thick fog slowly. For some reason, his tattered trench coat, messy hair and missing triangle hat made him look a little embarrassed.

But these weren't the focus of the two judgement knights... On his right hand, there was a figure that both of them were familiar with.

"Ah... I'm sorry, Lisa." With a self-deprecating smile, he looked up at the girl: "It took a little more time to deal with these troubles."

When the voice fell, he also released the corpse of the judge knight in his hand.


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