I Will Be The Crowned King

Vol 4 Chapter 453: found it!

East of Slave Port, Kulin Village.

It used to be one of the three kingdoms of the North Sea, a colony of the Nakhir Kingdom; in the past hundred years, dozens and hundreds of criminals, bankrupt businessmen and nobles who have been deprived of their titles have been loaded into ocean-going merchant ships every year. The warehouse was escorted to this place through the port of capturing slaves, and he cut down wood in the ice and snow to pay for his sins.

The reason why it is arranged here is not because of the dense trees, but because the slave port is becoming more and more prosperous, so that the kingdom of Nakhir must find a new "good place" suitable for exile criminals, and there is no need to worry about the "good place" that they may escape - surrounded by ice and snow, The land is barren, and the dry forest village deep inland is a good place.

Over the past 100 years, countless prisoners died of illness, freeze, starvation, exhaustion... The remaining tenacious or lucky guys have gradually built this place from a small logging farm to a population of thousands. The small villages and towns surrounded by wooden fences and rammed earth made a living by providing good wood for the slave ships of the Slave Port, and later joined the Free Confederation, becoming a tenth that can nominally be on an equal footing with the Slave Port. One of the three colonies.

Of course, these were all times.

Heavy horse hooves kicked open the wooden fence of the colony, and the harsh sound of gunfire broke the calm in the depths of the ice and snow; even though most of the residents had evacuated, in the end hundreds of immigrants who insisted on leaving their "hometown" did not escape. The flames of war; the thick smoke that covered the sky lit the fields and houses, and under the bloodstains flowing in the sea of ​​flames lay a hideous body with a pitchfork and a musket in his hand.

In the wilderness outside the burning town, people were surging and the horses were neighing... Thousands of jihadist soldiers who had just vented their beastly desires lined up neatly, their blood-stained cheeks filled with unfinished smiles, looking at their faces. Lord Legionnaire.

Riding on the warhorse that had just been captured, Bolly Lewent's face was not as excited as the soldiers. There was a dark cloud under his knitted brows, and he solemnly looked in the direction of Slave Port.

After successfully breaking through the siege from Straw Town, he who kept gathering the defeated soldiers did not immediately retreat to Chanugang as he said before, but took a slight detour and attacked the northeast side of Chanugang by taking a path. dry forest village.

Even ordinary Levant knights know that the materials in Slave Harbor can't guarantee the Crusader Army, which has just suffered a crushing defeat and is in urgent need of rest. Of course, Boley Levant also knows this; To boost the morale of the rout soldiers, he directly ordered the slaughter of the entire colony plus the surrounding small settlements, trying his best to scavenge for supplies.

It's just that the final result was not satisfactory. The land in the remote Kulin Village is more barren than that of the slave port. Even if it is killed, burned, and looted, the materials obtained will only be enough for the army of more than 8,000 people in three or four days. Expensive; as the rest of the defeated soldiers continue to come and join, this stretched supply may not be enough to last for a day or two.

Even Kulin Village, which is very close to Chanu Port, is very poor, and the rest of Bingxi Town and Yanshi City, not to mention, will be difficult to return to.

But it's not just the supply that makes Bo Lei feel heavy...

"The rout soldiers who came to meet from the rear reported that Eco Levent died in Slave Harbor. Most of the more than 1,000 soldiers were captured, and less than 400 escaped."

Holding the information just obtained, the young knight Shen Shenghui, who had just been "promoted" to be an adjutant, reported: "Besides, in the past two days, nearly three or four thousand troops have arrived at Slave Port. Either an attempted attack was defeated, or a warning was detected before approaching."

"The number of the heretic troops stationed there is unknown, but from the point of view of the ability to defeat Eco Levent in a battle, it should be no less than two thousand, but no more than five thousand - with the pagan navy, it should not be possible Sending an army of 5,000 people so far from Slave Harbor is not noticed by our people."

"Therefore, it can be basically concluded that most of the troops stationed there were the ones that slipped through the net when we harassed the main force of the New World Legion. They took advantage of the chaos to steal the control of the slave port, and also took the opportunity to build fortifications."

After closing the document, the knight looked up at Boley Levent after a slight pause: "It's a hassle, but it's not worth your stress, Legion Commander."

"Pavel, what you said is absolutely correct." Bo Lei raised his eyebrows slightly: "The real trouble is not the 2000 or 3000 defeated soldiers, but our fleet."

The fundamental reason for the sudden fall of Slave Port is that the fleet responsible for transporting reinforcements and supplies has not arrived... This is a sign of real danger.

Unlike Arthur Herreid, who received sponsorship, the Levent family, who came from the south, did not have their own ships. The fleets that transported the legion were all provided by the Holy See, some of which were the empire’s large fleet, and the rest were greedy for commissions. of the merchant ships, and did not fully obey the loyalty and necessity of his Boray Levant.

Excluding the low-probability events of being killed and being sunk by infidels, there are only two possibilities for them if they don't show up... Either they are forcibly detained by the rest of the jihad, or they are bought by some ulterior motives - they are all making money anyway. , who earns not earns?

And what Borre Levent worried about was both, not only did some scheming - such as Ludwig Franz - bribe his fleet at a high price, the Holy See's high command also had the idea of ​​giving up his side .

After all, what he did in Black Reef Harbor did provoked public anger, and the Holy See still needed the rest of the legion to continue to work hard, so it was natural not to be overly partial; Ludwig Franz, who had been bribing allies and excluding dissidents, naturally would not let it go. This kind of good opportunity, try every means to block yourself.

If he can win the battle of Strawtown, of course, Boley Levant will not be afraid of this small move from the opposite side; but if he is delayed without reinforcements, he is really blocked by the Storm Legion in Slave Harbor. risks of!

"Up to now, we must regain control of Slave Port as soon as possible, not only to replenish military supplies and control a stable forward base, but also to give some explanations to the high command." Boley Levent made up his mind:

"We need to make the Holy See realize that the cost and difficulty of attacking the infidels from the west is too high; if we attack from the east, only a small amount of troops can force the enemy's strategy to shrink and retreat to the Ice Dragon Fjord - the so-called In the Free Confederation, only the colonies of the Clovis remain, and by organizing the remaining loyalists in each colony to establish a new Free Confederation, the pagans can be divided and disintegrated!"

"As ordered!"

The knight nodded slightly: "Then I will immediately notify the officers and invite them to the military meeting."

"No, we don't have that time anymore!" Boley Levant interrupted directly: "You immediately take my order and lead the main force of the jihadist army to set off to capture the slave port."


The knight showed a surprised expression: "This, why..."

"Because in addition to this small slave port, we have to face the pursuit of the Storm Legion - if they know that it is me who is besieging slave port, those guys who are greedy for military exploits and ransoms will definitely go crazy. Come here and tear us, who are already weak, to the point where there is no **** left!"

Borre Lewent sighed: "I will lead the cavalry to continue to harass the remaining colonies. On the one hand, I can search for supplies, and on the other hand, I can attract the attention of the enemy for the legion, so as to capture the slave port as soon as possible."

"Indeed, if the current supply situation of the legion is not relieved, I am afraid it will be difficult to persist until the fleet arrives...if theirs will arrive." The knight's face was still surprised:

"But... why me?"


Looking at the suspicious eyes beside him, with a little bit of vigilance, Borey Levant stopped talking when he spoke, and paused for nearly half a minute, and sighed heavily under the gaze of the other party.

"Forget it, I'll be honest with you." Bo Lei said with a gloomy face: "You should be very clear that our holy war army is mainly organized by the strength of the Lewent family, and almost all the elites are Lewen. The special family."

"In the battle of Straw Town, the main force of the legion suffered heavy losses, and most of the thousands of people who can still be assembled are not the army of the Levant family; it may be fine if I am here, but if it is replaced by someone else, it will definitely cause dissatisfaction... This kind of At that time, it is necessary to make the Legion non-Lewente faction, but the strength and prestige are barely enough to maintain the existence of the Legion."

"And now the Legion is not the Levant family, and you are the only knight who has both prestige and ability... Your Excellency Pavel Dukasky."

"This is also the reason why I made you my adjutant to give orders on my behalf." Boley Levent's expression became more serious: "I'm not discussing with you, but... it's not an order, you You should know what I mean."

Pavel pursed his lips tightly, not only afraid that expressing his consent immediately would reveal his thoughts, but also extremely unwilling to refuse this opportunity; of course, he knew that the other party only regarded himself as a temporary emergency "tool man", but he could also temporarily become a "jihadist". The tool man of the Legion Commander.

Looking at the other party's incomparably tangled expression, Boley Levent showed a fleeting look of smugness; he knew very well how important this opportunity was to the Dukaski family, and Pavel himself probably didn't have this idea. , but his position does not allow him to maintain his so-called dignity.

After a moment of silence, the young knight lowered his head slowly, pressed his right hand to his chest tremblingly, and bowed humbly to the legion commander:

"As ordered!"


"Today is Kulin Village, tomorrow is Bingxi Town, and the day after tomorrow is Yanshi City... Does Bolley Lewent have four legs? Why doesn't he run from Slave Port and stay in this area? What the **** are you doing in a poor place, are you addicted to playing hide-and-seek with us?"

In the temporary camp of the Fourth Infantry Regiment, Leo, panting, slumped on a chair with his feet on the table, as if he was drained of energy: "It's been three days, I thought it would be over in four days. It's a battle, but now it looks like it won't be difficult for a month or two!"

"One or two months is too exaggerated... Even if the enemy can, our supplies can't last that long." Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Julien, the commander of the 5th Infantry Regiment, who was about to be soaked, shook weakly. Shaking his head: "Why didn't we try our best to attack the main force of the Bore Legion in Slave Harbor at the beginning, but chased Bore Levant closely?"

"Because all of you refused to give up so much credit for killing or capturing Boley Levent, and Anson Bach unexpectedly agreed."

With only half of the water bottle left, Carl Bain, who was already limping from exhaustion, also walked into the tent and looked at the two of them angrily: "The three main infantry regiments, nearly 4,000 people, followed the prey all over the mountains and plains. After playing hide-and-seek, I got nothing except collecting the corpses for those unfortunate colonists. If Anson Bach and Alexei knew what we looked like, I am afraid that even the back molars would have laughed."

Looking at the half-jug of water in his hand, the eyes of the two guys who were too tired to move lit up at the same time, looking at their good colleagues and good seniors with hopeful eyes.

His Excellency the Chief of the General Staff rolled his eyes and gestured at the two of them, who immediately understood: Leo, who was fumbling for a while, took out the last half-pack of cigarettes from his underwear pocket, while Julien skillfully took out a match and struck it brightly.

The heads of the two main regiments waited on Carl Bain to swallow clouds and mists alone, and solemnly took over the half-pot of water as if taking over the holy relic.

The cold spray and the smell of high-end cigarettes entered their throats, and the faces of the three showed a look of relief.

"Speaking of which, we don't seem to have any news about Alexei yet." After pursing the water at the corners of his mouth, Julien, who finally regained some energy, suddenly said, "It is said that his mission has been completed. , should have reunited with the commander-in-chief long ago, right?"

"I don't know... That guy has always been unlucky, maybe he lost his way as he did in the Battle of Black Reef Harbor?" Leo shrugged, his face full of the calmness of a lucky lucky man:

"I only care about where the bastard, Boley Levent, can run to... I got the news in Salt Rock City in the morning and disappeared in the afternoon; I have escaped from the encircling net again and again, even if it is someone who has insight into the power of blood. Talented people are too exaggerated!"

While biting a cigarette, Carl Bain looked at the two with a trance that had nothing to do with him... There was no plan for this hunt for Anson, UU read www. uukanshu.com has been handed over to his regimental leaders; from what he knows about this guy, this situation can only show one thing, and that is that Anson Bach doesn't care if he can catch the target, but in the process of arresting The things and people that will definitely be exposed in the .

Could it have something to do with the silver beam that night?

The tent was suddenly quiet for a moment, until Norton Crosell, who was in a hurry, rushed in and shouted impatiently:

"Look, found it!"

Oh? !

The tired three people's eyes suddenly lit up: "Bore Levent?!"

"No." Norton's expression became more and more disturbed:

"It's Alexei!"


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