I Will Be The Crowned King

Vol 4 Chapter 454: found it!

Compared with Norton Crosell's excited expression, the three people in the tent looked at each other, not only dancing with excitement, but also basically no waves.

Well, even a little disappointed.

They've been chasing the big fish of Beau Ray Levent for almost four days, and they've still come up with nothing; there are of course all the expected difficulties, but without resentment and disappointment it's impossible, or even possible Said accounts for a large part, eager to get a little bit of good news to ease the anxiety in my heart.

Obviously, at this juncture, the news that "the missing comrade has finally been found" is definitely not good news.

"Cough cough... Have you finally found it?"

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little embarrassing, with the idea of ​​trying to smooth things out as much as possible to prevent colleagues from coming down the stage, Carl coughed twice after exposing his disappointment and forced a smile to look at him, who was so tired that he could barely stand still. Norton:

"It's really good news that we finally got in touch after missing for so many days, you two... What do you think?"

The chief of staff gave a wink to the two guys who were slumped on the chair while helping out. The two who were insinuated by the madness could only support their tired bodies, paused for a while, and tried to smile, although it seemed more ugly than crying.

"Yeah, it's great to find it so quickly..."

"How is Lieutenant Colonel Alexei now? Are there any injuries? How about the reduction of the troops? The losses should not be large, right?"

Although he was trying his best to look like he cared about his comrades-in-arms, that reluctant gesture couldn't be more fake, as if he had learned it when he went home to visit relatives.

"That's not the case!" Norton's expression became more anxious:

"I just received the information from the commander-in-chief that Alexei is now arresting Slave Harbor!"

"Slave Harbor, isn't that just right?"

The chief of staff, who still didn't realize the seriousness of the problem, was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but twitch his mouth: "The main force of the Bolei Legion is moving towards Slave Port, Ansona... The commander-in-chief is also leading the remaining shooting corps and baggage corps. Advance to Slave Port, just to let him hurry to meet, okay…”

The voice stopped abruptly.

As if aware of something wrong, Carl Bain, whose pupils shrank suddenly, looked at the two who were also shocked, and then looked at Norton, who was anxious, and twitched his throat: "You...he...he won't Yes…"

"Aleksey Dukasky, he's in Slave Harbor!" The anxious Norton repeated:

"That idiot... He really followed the commander-in-chief's order and led the 2nd Infantry Regiment to build a position outside the town, and it was the Bolei Legion who stopped and retreated!"


"Dare to block with a regiment, is he crazy?!"

The stunned two people's expressions froze directly, and the originally relaxed and happy emotions flew directly to the sky.

"At present, the commander-in-chief is speeding up the march, but the baggage is too much and there are a lot of artillery pieces that cannot be discarded. The total enemy strength exceeds 10,000, and even if the mere 2,000 shooting troops arrive in time, it will not help."

Taking the water bottles from the two of them, Norton, who took two gulps, wiped the corners of his mouth full of sweat: "If you want to defeat the army of fighters in Slave Harbor, you will need at least 3,000 people, which means you can only There's a regiment that continues to hunt down Borre Levant - I've put my regiment on standby again."

"You... who are you going?!"

"Who stays?!"



The heavy roar, accompanied by bursts of explosions, echoed over the black reef harbor swept by gunpowder smoke; round after round of scattered, thin, and definitely not uniform shells fell like trash thrown out. In the position of the 2nd Infantry Regiment.

Three-pounder guns, eight-pounder guns, six-pounder cavalry guns, twelve-pounder cannons, mortars... Most of them basically failed, leaving only clouds of smoke and mud pits of different sizes on the ground; but some fell into trenches The edge, or slammed against the rammed earth sandbag walls of the fortress, the rubble and gravel rained down on the Storm Legionnaires, so heavy that they dared to hide in their shelters.

Although the enemy only has a dozen models and pounds of artillery that cannot be unified, it is already extremely terrifying firepower for the total force of only more than 3,000 people and the defenders who can only fight in the early 2000s. - The only captured 8-pounder gun in the entire army has been turned into a display to scare the enemy because the shells ran out.

Even the identity of this battlefield atmosphere group performance was forced to be completed in advance because it was discovered by the "audience" on the opposite side... Stepping on the explosion point of their own artillery fire, thousands of jihadist soldiers formed the dense phalanx they were used to, Begin to advance slowly towards the position.

The defenders, who had been dismantled by the paper tiger, had no choice but to fight. More than a thousand line infantrymen of the 2nd Infantry Regiment quickly entered the position and began to fire freely on the enemy.

Originally, in Alexei's arrangement, his 2nd Infantry Regiment should be used as the last trump card, and he should try his best not to go into battle unless he has to, but he soon found that it was simple: after experiencing the initial retreat and After the assembly, the remaining militiamen in Slave Harbor were all scum among the scum, literally stinky fish and rotten shrimp, hoping that their fighting difficulty would be less than one enemy thousand.

If the militias of the New World Corps are the atmosphere group on the battlefield, they can only pretend to kill the enemy like a fool in the shooting stage, then this group of militias can only be a "vision": in the war stage, let the enemy attack themselves Troops are misunderstood, and the nature is infinitely close to the scarecrow who deceives the crow.

Not to mention being placed in the forward position as cannon fodder to hinder the enemy's attack, even if they were allowed to shoot Alexei from a distance, they would not be completely relieved - who can guarantee that these scumbags will not panic and aim directly behind their own people. fire?

Gunpowder smoke spewed from the dark muzzle, and the slowly advancing jihad soldiers kept falling, but they didn't fire back.

In order to use a small amount of troops to block the collapse of the Bolei Legion, which was several times his own strength, Alexei invested a lot of effort in the construction of the position; almost every small fort is surrounded by large trenches and low walls, which can effectively It delays the speed of the enemy's advance and is forced to stop, greatly improving the chance of the soldiers to hit.

In addition, the Storm Legion almost achieved a Leopold rifle for each soldier, and the rate of fire was basically twice that of an ordinary front-loaded gun, which barely closed the gap in infantry firepower between the two sides.

But in comparison, the gap in numbers is not so easy to fill.

After a brief confrontation, the understrength 2nd Infantry Regiment had to withdraw from the perimeter defense line, shrinking its forces into trenches and small fortresses further inward; the Mujahideen soldiers who took the position were only divided into garrisoned troops, while continuing to move inwards. advance.

Entering the interior of the defense line, crowded and narrow trenches and small fortresses that can only accommodate half a platoon, twenty or thirty people, fork in the road, fences and curtain walls... Various defense facilities begin to maximize the advantage of the Mujahideen forces; even one company By storming a fort at the same time, two or three soldiers can hold the entire trench and force the enemy to retreat.

Even so, the Mujahideen Army was still desperately attacking, even throwing down corpses that could block the trenches; seeing the enemy marching forward with the skeletons of the robes, the Storm Legion soldiers guarding the fort could only silently give their rifles. Hit the bayonet, pull out the prepared shotgun, and rush up to melee the enemy.

The **** and ferocious hand-to-hand battles were staged one after another in trenches, in forts, in mud pits and foxholes; the flesh was torn apart by bayonets, the screams of lead bullets pierced through the torso, the gunpowder keg interacted with the roar of the explosion of grenades. Correspondingly, the dirty mud was covered with flowing blood and turned into dangerous swampy mudflats.

Even so, the Bolei Legion was still unable to break through the line of defense of the Second Infantry Regiment; the soldiers on both sides were like two torrents, completely intermingled.

"Such combat literacy and morale... Sure enough, they are Clovis people, those deserters really didn't lie..."

In the artillery position of the Borre Legion, Pavel Dukasky, who was observing the battlefield with a telescope, muttered to himself; although the thick smoke covered most of the battlefield, he still relied on his past experience to find the most intense battle situation. In the stalemate position, at a glance, it can be seen that the opposite is not a colonial thug at all, but a standard Clovis Royal Army.

Of course, what he didn't know was that if he was heard by the Storm Legion, he would definitely laugh out loud - at least 70% of the time, this army had nothing to do with the real king's army. On the battlefield, the cannon fodder levies who took the initiative to fill the trenches were killed.

But it is this group of Clovis people who came from cannon fodder, but now they are blocking the retreat route of the Bolei Legion. They have built a barely stable line of defense in the easy-to-attack and hard-to-defense Slave Port. Not only did they not collapse at a touch, they even It has blocked the repeated attacks of the defeated soldiers for many days.

In the eyes of the imperial army, which is used to big hands, this so-called defense line is simple enough. As long as the superior artillery fires are repeatedly bombarded, the collapse is only a matter of time.

It doesn't even matter if you don't even need to attack - there are large plains around Chanugang, you can send cavalry to bypass the flank, occupy Chanugang, and then attack or besiege from both sides at the same time. There will be no third way.

The problem was that the Bolei Legion, which had just broken through successfully, had basically no artillery or cavalry left, so they could only rely on the infantry, which was the least desirable and used as cannon fodder, as the main force.

Moreover, the one who lacks the most time right now is myself...

Putting down the monocular in his hand, Pavel sighed softly and looked up at his adjutant: "Is there any news about the whereabouts of the pagan army?"

"not yet!"

The "adjutant" who was asked answered loudly, without the slightest trace of humility and respect in his demeanor, and raised his chin: "Since the departure of the second article, the commander of the corps of Boray Levent has not sent us a messenger. Soldiers, I only know that there are about 5,000 Clovis people who are going around to rescue the colonies conquered by the army commander, and they have no time to take into account the direction of the slave port."

"As for the enemy in Straw Town, perhaps because of the cleaning of the battlefield, the speed of the action towards Slave Harbor is extremely slow, and it will take at least four to five days to arrive."

"…you sure?"

"In the name of the Levent family, it is absolutely true!"

As if he had been greatly insulted, the adjutant who was only asked by Pavel blushed instantly, glared at him and roared: "If you don't believe your judgment, please dismiss me immediately. , wouldn't it be better to change to an adjutant who makes you more comfortable to use?!"

"I didn't mean that... Forget it." Helpless Pavel sighed, turned his head to look in the direction of the battlefield again, avoiding the adjutant's proud and somewhat contented gaze.

The other party is an adjutant in name, but in fact it is the supervisor sent to him by the legion commander... This kind of thing is the same when it is replaced by himself. It is impossible to trust the subordinate commander to unconditionally hand over the military power of the main army, not to mention the Lewent family. His own private soldiers; even if Bo Lei was willing, his relatives would not be willing.

Although he knew that he was willing to take on this unfortunate errand, Pavel couldn't help rolling his eyes in his heart, lamenting why he was the unlucky person.

But if you want to talk about the benefits, it is not completely absent... With the command of the legion in hand, he Pavel can completely let the private soldiers of the Levent family in the army, UU read www. uukanshu.com, especially the knights, went to charge and save the strength of the Dukasky family; exchanged the blood of Levent to retake the slave port and save the merits of the jihadist army.

With a cruel smile, Pavel said solemnly without turning his head: "How is the Assault Legion prepared, can you fight immediately?"

"Anytime!" The adjutant who didn't realize the problem responded immediately, still extremely proud:

"As long as the Acting Legion Commander orders you, they will use the fastest speed to crush the Clovis people on the opposite side into minced meat!"

"Very good, then let's get started." Pavel nodded slightly, looking very relieved:

"The infantry of the Dukasky family have completely entangled the enemy. At this time, as long as the assault corps attacks from the side, it should not be a problem with their strength to defeat the enemy before tonight."

"That's natural!"

The adjutant snorted softly, turned around and left without bowing his head to say goodbye, and rushed to the position in a hurry to give orders.

It was precisely because he walked too fast that he didn't notice that Pavel was staring at his back all the time.

Ten minutes later, an unobtrusive young man in a priest's robe quietly walked behind Pavel and gave him a respectful salute: "Sir, everything is ready."

Pavel sighed and looked at the visitor with an extremely complicated expression: "I won't ask your Excellency what to do. Anyway, the price was negotiated by us from the beginning."

"Two thousand... two thousand heads of the Levant family, for our Dukasky family to survive!"

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