141 – 141 – Suitability after final exams # 1

141 – Suitability #1 after final exams

It’s still the evening of election day.

No, it was a good time to describe it as an early night.

“Well, I have to prepare for the final exam… !”

Nike went back to the dormitory to prepare for the upcoming exam.

The same was true of nymphs and imps like Ariole and Puipoi.

All that remains is Arnoi.

“Watching TV is always fun… ! So, what else are you playing with? ?”

Arnoy was still bored.

This guy doesn’t study.

The thought that if I continued like this, I might fail again and end up in ninth grade, made me quite nervous.

Come to think of it, I’ve never seen this guy study.

You say that your dream is to become a university nymph?

“Arnoi, what do I have to do to evolve from a nymph of gutter water to a nymph of college water?”

“All you have to do is read the book… !”

“Then go back to your room and read a book. Today we are also disbanding here.”

I also sent Arnoi, who was still bored.

The rest of the evening is my own time.

It seemed that I could personally use it for about two hours until I fell asleep.

These days, I’ve been busy with elections and business, so I haven’t been able to afford this at all.

Being alone like that, what I took out was the document I had earlier taken out of the student council president’s secret drawer.

「Student Council Officer Personal Record Book: Victor

Residence in the Kingdom: Arklight Nature, City of Southern Light.

Family Relations: None.

Companionship: Doesn’t seem to matter.

Fiancé: Victoria Arcwright

Speciality: Arclight-style lightsaber – Irregular.

Personality: Stubborn and cold-hearted. Ruthlessness is a plus factor as a member of the executive committee.

Symbol: It seems that there is no particular like or dislike.”

A document that records your identity.

Turning the back page revealed more interesting facts than I thought.

“My last name before being adopted into the Arklight family was Avon. It seems that the mother and father were students of Ludens, but the data are lacking.”

surname from here.

And the traces of Ludens’ mother and father, who are said to have attended school.

It was the first time I had heard of it in many ways.

Are you talking about Viktor’s birth parents?

They may be people who do not have a drop of blood mixed with the real ‘me’.

It was only natural that I was curious.

Behind-the-scenes settings are always fun.

“Rather than that, it’s Avon… .”

Assuming the records are true, Viktor’s hidden surname was Avon.

He just called me Viktor, so I thought that was his first and last name.

Is Avon the mother’s name?

or father?

It was a name I couldn’t say for certain, but something I would remember.

I think I saw it at least once while playing the original game as the main character Luke.

where did you see that

Seeing as I don’t remember, it’s not like an important quest.

I think I remember seeing it in the item phrase that can’t be said to be very important.

Why, there are phrases attached to each item.

「Steel Ax: It is a weapon that feels heavy. Attack Power + 20.

Is there anyone other than Melvin who can wield something like this? – Neva”

Here, Neva’s line, “Is there anyone other than Melvin who can wield something like this?” are the phrases I’m talking about.

Small settings and lines were added, so it was fun to collect items.

If you put them together like that, there was a case where a ‘story’ was completed.

Avon obviously… .

Then, as if something flashed, it occurred to me.

“Ah, I remembered. Avon. No way—”

-Hooong… !

At that moment, Kyeongkong, who had been quietly crouching on the square cushion, stood up.

The fact that this guy moved means that someone came to the door.

* * *

“Who is it?”

Who would be able to find me at such a late hour as now?

Soon a voice was heard from beyond the door.

-It’s me, Victor.

“Is it Christina?”

Why is Cristina here at this late hour?

I couldn’t figure out what the hell was going on.

The only thing I can think about right now is that I wonder if it came to me because of today’s election results.

It wouldn’t be strange if he came to blame me thinking that he lost because I didn’t support him.

-It’s very dark here, so can’t you open it quickly?

It’s dark and dark around my club room.

Nearby, there is an old school where ‘ghosts’ appear.

It’s also located in an abandoned warehouse area where someone is said to be hiding a bunch of suspicious items.

An out of season guest was a little annoying, but I had no choice but to open the door because I thought it would be a bit like leaving it alone outside.

rattle. interest.

“It’s getting late, so I’ll let you in for about five minutes. However, according to the school rules, you and I, who are men, are not allowed after 10 p.m. .”

My mouth stopped when I opened the door because of the unexpected sight.

The woman standing in front of the door was very unfamiliar.

I could tell that it was Christina- by her voice and general atmosphere.

Whether it was because she was taking off her glasses or because she was wearing an expensive black evening dress instead of her school uniform, the atmosphere was different.

A feeling of light emanating from it.

Where have you felt this feeling?

Didn’t you see it in the characters whose likeability reached the ‘trust’ stage and things like illustrations and poses changed?

“Excuse me.”

Christina came into the club room.

I looked around and sat down on a nearby wooden box that was being used as a chair.

I asked.

“What is going on?”

“I have something to say to Viktor-kun seriously.”

What do you mean seriously?

I’m already nervous.

“There is no time, so be direct.”

“I like that one too. As expected, don’t you think Viktor-kun and I get along well?”

it fits well

I didn’t think much of it, though.

It was when I wondered what the hell was flattering me to talk about.

“Victor-kun, I think I’ve come to like Viktor-kun.”

Is it April Fool’s Day today?

I wonder if there are cameras installed around me to tease me.

As I glanced around, Cristina added a comment.

“It’s not a lie.”

“So you mean seriously?”


Christina’s expression was very serious.

do you really like me

I never thought it would actually happen that someone else likes me.

In fact, there was a corner that I couldn’t believe, so I didn’t feel it.

That’s why I was able to keep quite calm.


I didn’t even talk to Cristina a few times.

Isn’t the feeling of liking a little bit sprouted when we shared a lot of stories and did a lot of things together?

No, I’ve heard that celebrities go out with each other within a day of meeting.

I don’t know.

I am not an initiator, let alone a beginner, in these matters.

So I asked.

“Are you really serious?”


i get it.

Could it be some kind of ‘status abnormality’?

I went up to Christina and put my hand on her forehead.

Slightly hotter than expected.

Her face was red and her eyes were moist.

It also seemed to have a slightly musty smell.

“Have you been drinking?”

“… … .”

Cristina didn’t answer.


You’ve been drinking.

“It is against school rules for students to drink alcohol.”

“… I know. But no matter how much I think about it, I can’t get my mind right… . I didn’t drink much though. About a bottle or two… .”

You drank two bottles?

Was the fact that he lost to Victoria so resentful?

Perhaps he wanted to cause an irreversible incident by throwing himself into drunkenness and despair.

Is that why you chose me as your partner?

“It has nothing to do with alcohol. Viktor, don’t you believe that I fell in love with you?”

“I honestly can’t believe it.”

“How can I trust you?”

How can I trust you

Cristina’s eyes were very hazy, either because she was drunk or because she was flushed.

Are you out of focus because you don’t wear glasses?

“Would you believe me if I hugged you? Yes?”


Cristina wakes up.

I told the guy

“Five minutes passed. Go back now.”

Men and women should not be together at too late.

that’s the rule

However, Christina seemed to have no qualms about breaking school rules, perhaps because she was desperate after losing the election.

He slowly came towards me and spread his arms.

“Victor, hug me.”

And then hug something.

“Victor-kun, you are thinner than I thought. how is it? Do you understand my heart now?”

“Christina, that’s not me, it’s the clothes hanger.”

“… what?”

Cristina was holding the clothes hanger tight.

Since I wasn’t even wearing my glasses when I was drunk, I must have mistaken the hanger with my school uniform coat for me.

“So, is this Viktor?”

ㅡKong-Kong… !

“That’s not me, it’s Kyeongkong.”

“… So what about this?”

-Hooong… !

“That’s also the case.”

“What is it, the world is spinning… .”

“The world doesn’t revolve, you do.”

Cristina staggers.

I lightly supported him.

Perhaps because of the thin silk evening dress, I could feel his warmth and the bitter smell of alcohol, so I was dizzy in front of my eyes.

“… this is viktor Really, can you believe this?”

His arm wraps around my waist.

There were people who had a habit of hugging each other when they were drunk.

He seems to be just that kind of person.

It’s crazy because it was me.

If it was someone else, I would have really misunderstood.

“You seem very drunk. I won’t talk about going back. I’ll put a blanket on you, so go to bed.”

You don’t know what will happen if you send this drunk guy outside.

So I took the trouble in many ways and laid out the futon.

“I’m not drunk… !”

“No, I was drunk.”

I lifted the struggling guy up.

“Did you hug me like a princess?”


After putting it on the bed and covering it with a blanket, the guy who had been messing around became relatively calm.

“Because I wasn’t drunk… .”

I said so.

After waiting for about 10 seconds, he fell asleep as if he had passed out.

I slept so much that I had to check my breathing with my fingers several times to see if it was really dangerous due to acute alcohol poisoning.

* * *

the day after the election.

Election day and the day after were designated as holidays under Ludens Law.

The time is early morning.

I woke up early because I slept outside the club room last night.

Fortunately, because I had good stamina, I didn’t get tired even though the bed was rough.

“Would you like to wake up now?”

last night.

Cristina, who was drunk, was drunk and could not enter the club room.

It’s crazy that summer is near and the dawn is warm.

I thought it would be okay now, so I knocked on the door of the club room.


But no answer is heard.

Are you still sleeping?

I thought it would be a good idea to wake him up and send him out.

“Go in.”

When I opened the door and entered the club room, something like a strange scent that I had never felt before was subtly spreading in the club room.

Should it be melon flavored?


Then something caught at my feet.

It was a black vinyl-like object.


As I was lifting it up, someone gasped.

I turned to see Cristina, who was wrapped in a blanket, frowning at me.

“… Viktor, it looks like my clothes, can you give it back?”

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