142 – 142 – The suitability after final exams # 2

142 – Suitability after final exams #2

Christina’s expression was low pressure.

Impression staggered and retched in vain while frowning.

“Wow, I think I’m going to die… .”

Is it a hangover?

So why do you suffer from drinking?

It didn’t look very good, so I put the Haejang ramen, which I often boiled for Domina, on the fire.

The smell is very pungent as it is boiled with crab and spicy spices.


「Detoxification Ramen: It is effective in recovering the poisoned state. Stamina + 30”.

Because it was made with expensive ingredients, the effect is worth using.


“… Can I really eat it?”

“Of course. By the way, you will receive money. 30,000 René.”

“… … .”

Cristina seemed to hesitate.

Was 30,000 Renae too expensive for a bowl of ramen for this guy?

“It’s very red.”

It’s scary because the soup is red.

It’s definitely not red.

Cristina immediately lifts her chopsticks.

The guy gulped and slurped the noodles with his small lips.



The speed at which the noodles are absorbed is fast.

It must be quite hot, but I am amazed at how they eat it so quickly.

However, it must have been quite spicy, so Christina was sweating profusely.

When I drank all of the broth, my forehead was wet as if it were raining.

“Huh, I think I’ll live for a while. Well done, Victor.”

“It’s the clothes hanger, not me.”

He keeps confusing me with hangers.

As I lightly corrected the facts, Christina frowned and looked at the clothes hanger.

“… I can’t see because I don’t wear glasses.”

He has worse eyesight than I thought.

That’s why I usually cover my face with big glasses.

There were people who liked it, but I think it’s a pity that my pretty face is being covered.

“If you’re done eating, go back now.”

I said firmly, clearing the bowl.

However, Christina was somewhat confused.

“… maybe, me Didn’t you make some kind of mistake yesterday?”

“Do you remember what happened last night?”

“… … .”

I can’t seem to remember.

When I sighed, Christina glanced at her arm and said,

“When I came to my senses, in many ways… My clothes were all off… . Perhaps… !?”

Christina checked the duvet.

But my blanket, as always, is pure white enough to make me feel obsessive.

Are you checking to see if you vomited in your sleep?

Then Christina seemed surprised to see something red.

Red spots on the duvet.

“This, this… .”

Cristina was very upset.

Because that was an obvious mistake.

I’m a little angry too.

“No, what if I get ramen soup on the blanket I washed yesterday?”

– Kreureung… !

Even the guardian of cleanliness who likes to be clean, Kyeong-Kong, seemed very angry that ramen soup was spilled on the futon.

Cristina, of course, said, “Ramen broth? Oh, it’s ramen soup,” he stammered. I didn’t know what it was because I didn’t wear glasses.

I asked.

“What else do you think there will be besides ramen soup?”

What else did you eat under the blanket without me knowing?

What did you eat on the futon while I was sleeping outside?

He’s tough and wild, so he’s more unpretentious than I thought.

In my mind, I deducted Christina’s cleanliness score by -5.

For reference, his cleanliness score is now 85 out of 100.

“… … .”

Christina blushed without answering my question.

Are you ashamed?

Yes, it is normal to feel embarrassed if you drop ramen soup on the white blanket.


I was thinking of washing it anyway.

It must have smelled like alcohol.

“I came here with a big heart… . really nothing happened Victor, are you more gentlemanly than I thought?”

“… … ?”

“Okay, okay.”

Cristina stood up from her seat.

But even after eating my secret hangover ramen, I stagger as if my hangover hasn’t eased.

“Christina, what kind of drink have you been drinking?”

“me? I don’t know, was it the Black Grail… .”

It’s an expensive, high-alcohol drink.

It was a drink that even a man like Cain of the Arkwright family would not drink more than once.

I blew two bottles of that, so it’s good that I didn’t collapse as if I fainted.

“I will go back now.”

Cristina was about to leave the club room.

When I asked, “Wouldn’t it be better to call Hilder too?” Cristina replied, “Hilde… . I haven’t seen you since yesterday?”

And rather ask me.

“Don’t you know what Hilde is doing?”

“I do not know.”

how do i know that

Anyway, just like that, Cristina quickly went back to where she was supposed to be.

“He is like a storm in many ways.”

ㅡKong-Kong… !

“Yeah, what. Like you said, it’s better than being gloomy.”

In life, there are times when you win and times when you lose.

In that respect, it seemed like there was nothing to worry about.

* * *


It’s a surprise.

When I was washing the blankets, someone opened the club door and shouted.

When I turn my head, Victoria appears and sighs.

“Why again?”

If I did something wrong, I get angry as soon as I come back.

After all, he’s like a boiling pot.

“Where is Christina?”

Victoria rummaged through the club room.

However, I had no choice but to ask, “Why are you looking for Christina here?”

Then Victoria asks.

“Didn’t Cristina come here yesterday?”


“As expected, you came… !”

“I came and went to sleep. thank you very much it bothered me Did you send it to me?”

“… … !”

Victorica was as surprised as a cat who saw a cucumber.

It was very surprising to see his silver hair stand on end.

is it magic

“You, you, you, you… ! By any chance, I didn’t do anything shameless… !?”

“Is that shameless?”

“That of a man and a woman… Something like that!”

“I didn’t.”

It’s against the rules.

If I break the rules and get expelled from school, who will take responsibility for my life?

Victoria seemed dubious.


“yes. Did you see me lie?”

At my firm answer, Victoria laughed as if something was funny.

“is it. Huhu, that’s right.”

“… … ?”

“I guess so. Viktor, even when I’m next to you, you’re like a wooden stone. No matter how much Christina flew and crawled, huhuhuhu-”

It was strange to see him immediately relieved.

Did he get drunk too?

No, I don’t think it smells like that.

Far from the smell of alcohol, there was only the smell of peaches, as usual.

Victoria, who seemed relieved for some reason, asked.

“So, what did Cristina say?”

“They say they like me.”

“… what!? So, what did you reply!?”

Is he also interested in other people’s love stories?

After all, the adolescent girl seemed to be a girl.

I answered honestly.

“I didn’t have a specific answer. There was no time for that.”

Because the kid was drunk and out of my mind.

It could have been because he was drunk in the first place.

If you think about it seriously, it’s rather a loss.

Early on, when I was working part-time, I once took a girl who was drunk at a dinner party.

I was really drunk, but the direction to go home was the same, so I had no choice but to take him there.

At that time, he once asked me in front of the house, “Do you want to go out with me?”

I said, “You’re too drunk. If you’re serious, say it again tomorrow morning.”

But there was no call the next morning.

So, on the day he left for work, I went back and quietly said, “Hey, you asked me to date—” and he looked at me with very strange eyes and said, “When did I do that!?”

the day I took you I waited for a call with open eyes and a throbbing heart, and I had no choice but to make a firm resolution to the thought, ‘Let’s not believe the words of a drunk person.’

He was very much a liar.

Even on April Fool’s Day, he sent me a Kakao message asking me to go out with him and said, “April Fool’s Day.”

Even now, just thinking about it makes me want to wear a blanket.


“It’s a story to think about later if you’re talking seriously when you’re sober and not drunk. At that time, I will have no choice but to think seriously and answer.”

“Earnestly? What, are you thinking of going out with Cristina?”


After all, the election is over.

Since there was no need to unite with me, I thought that Christina would not approach me.

“Victorica, as you know, I am not one to accept confessions from women.”

“… … .”

“Anyway, congratulations on winning.”

Victoria, who was frowning, relaxed her expression at my words.

Then he breathed out, “Well, it doesn’t feel like a big deal.”

He said so, but seemed relieved.

Does Victoria really know?

The real problem is that after the second semester, when Victoria was elected student council president, things began to explode.

You’re starting to really struggle from now on.


Right now it seems to be happy, so I decided to just leave it alone.

But I had to say this.

“Aren’t you going to study? I wouldn’t have been able to study because of the election or whatever.”

“Who are you talking to? I was the top of the class for two consecutive years, right? you study hard Before being kicked out of Class A.”

“I was kicked out of Class A. Is it really so?”

* * *

“Attendance number 1. Victorica, your grades are in. It is three stones. Uncharacteristically for you, you got two questions wrong.”

“… … !”

Final exams are over.

Victoria froze as she received her report card.

The students whispered while looking at Victoria like that.

“Victoria said she was three.”

“Oh my gosh… .”

“Isn’t the scoring wrong? There’s no way Miss Victoria could be wrong on either question.”

“The election or what, I guess it was because I was busy… .”

Victoria went back to her seat listening to the whispering.

It seemed like he was really out of his mind.

“Number 2, Enio Blackstar.”


Enio was called by Bergerac and went to the front of the lecture hall.

Bergerac handed over the report card to Enio and said.

“It’s the second seat again. Unfortunately, I got one thing wrong. Still, you’ve improved compared to the two problems you got wrong last semester. great.”

Is Enio second?

As the teacher, Bergerac, said, it was an excellent grade.

“… … .”

However, Enio seemed quite shocked.

Then he looked back and forth between his report card and Victoria’s face.

“I’m second again… ?”

Is it hard to believe that he won the second seat after beating his fateful rival, Victorica?

If so, who is the chief?

Of course I knew the answer.

“Attendance number 15, Viktor.”

“Is it my turn?”

“You are the only one who gets a perfect score in all subjects.”

“It is a natural result.”

It was a test that I invested more time in studying after memorizing all the questions and settings.

If it’s not perfect, there will be problems.

“Victor got a perfect score… !?”

“Was he originally a good student?”

“Wow… .”

“Look again. Now that I see it, I think I look smart.”

The students were agitated.

Is it that strange that I got a perfect score?

I returned to my seat.

No matter what, it feels good to see the perfect score report.

There was a time in the past when I had an immature imagination saying, ‘It would be nice if there was a place where you could take a test based on your game skills’. It was kind of funny what to say since that imagination became a reality.

Anyway, final exams are over.

It seemed like it would be a good idea to plan a vacation soon.

So I talked to Enio sitting next to me.

“Enio. I’d like to have a chat about the vacation schedule.”

“… … .”

Enio glanced at me.

Then he turns his head around again.

Are you still pouting after the final exams are over?

Read at readwn.com

Just in case, I checked the shadow under Enio’s feet.

The stockings from which the slippers were removed were slightly darker, but the shadows were light.

Perhaps feeling my gaze, Enio put his foot aside.

You’re so pissed off.

It’s not a kid.

No, the kid is right.

can’t you do it

I took out something I was carrying in my arms.

“Enio, it’s a gift.”


Enio looked at my hand with narrow eyes.

Soon, the boy’s eyes widened.

“This… ?”

“This is the entry ticket to the resort, Bikini Island.”

There’s nothing like this to drastically increase Enio’s favorability.

Do you know how hard it was to get this?

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