152 – 152 – Healing trip outside the map # 1

152 – Healing Journey Off the Map # 1

“How can the arms be twisted like this? High heels are also broken. I bought it with a week’s salary… .”

Female teacher Domina sat down under the shade of a palm tree on the beach.

After taking off the high heels she was wearing, she hammered a wooden plank with the flat, wide sole and nailed it.

Pang, Pang Pang.

“I expected it because it was a free trip. what’s this. I feel uncomfortable because of the seawater and there is not enough water to drink. To even be homeless?”

It’s a light-hearted trip, but it’s worth complaining about because of some terrorists. After all, Fimblebert was a real bad guy.

I held out a water bottle made of leather to Domina, who was struggling to make a tent for herself to stay in.

“Here, drink water.”

Then Domina was startled.

“What is it, Victor? How long have you been there? Did you hear what the teacher said?”

“Domina has been around since you took off your shoes and brushed off the sand on your feet.”

“What, then it’s almost from the beginning. What I just said should be kept secret from others. Understand?”

Domina seems to want me to pretend I didn’t hear her grumble.

When I asked, “Why?” the female teacher looked around and said in a small voice.

“Well, as a teacher, if I don’t have energy, I won’t be an example to other students. So cancel what you just said. Instead, I’ll give you this.”

Domina rummaged through her pockets.

Then he muttered in an anxious voice, “Oh, where are you?” and started to rummage here and there. Then, she finally reached out to the island in front of her.

Reaching perhaps deep inside her underwear, she finally gave me something. It is an object wrapped in a small wrapping paper.

“Is it gum?”

“Yeah, I brought it with me to refresh my mouth when I was at the banquet hall. Do you know how valuable this is in the current situation?”

Domina boasted that this piece of gum was like a gold coin.

It’s funny, but now chewing gum was actually worth that much.

In their own way, things like gold coins that could not be eaten on a barren, wild, uninhabited island, or picture frames with nice paintings, were just objects that only took up weight.

“Hey, Otmir, I have leftover biscuits from yesterday. Do you want to trade the rope you have? I need to make a tent roof, cut your rope.”

“If you give me another bag of biscuits, I will think about it. I saw you sneaking it in your pocket earlier.”

“Keugh… .”

“If you don’t like it, it might rain tonight, so sleep without a roof.”

In this way, barter exchange was prevalent among the people on the uninhabited island.

The most valuable are the tools necessary for survival.

And things to eat, such as sweets and drinking water.

“Well, how are you? chewing gum. Don’t you like it?”

One piece of gum in this situation.

Is the confidentiality value sufficient?

“I get it.”

I took the gum from Domina’s hand.

It was a strangely warm chewing gum.

sniff sniff.

I wondered what kind of gum it was, brought it to my nose and sniffed it, and Domina’s hair stood up like a snake.

“Don’t smell… !”

That’s really tricky.

Anyway, Domina seemed to be well prepared for her tent.

It seems that the bed is almost secured.

So what about water and food?

Then, in the distance, I saw Arnoi running barefoot on the beach.

“Chef Viktor is watching this… ! This Arnoi, I brought you plenty of drinkable water… !”

In Arnoi’s hand was a leather bottle of water that slithered.

This guy often found drinking water on this island and brought it back.

“great. Where the hell did you get this clean water from? Is there a water source?”

“… … !”

When I asked, Arnoy looked very serious.

Then, “Do you really want to know… ?

I nodded.


“Then it is irreversible… ! Nymph Biggie, splashing around in the water… !”

Arnoi suddenly splashed his hand in the muddy water nearby.

Splash, splash, splash.

“What are you doing?”

Why is he suddenly like this?

Did it get weird because I was exposed to a lot of sunlight?


Soon I was able to notice an anomaly.

Isn’t the muddy water that should have become more turbid because Arnoy splashed his hands is getting clearer?

Arnoy poured the water into a jug and held it out to the headmaster who was whipping an ax in the distance.

“The principal is to drink water… !”

“yes? Thank you very much. I was really hot and thirsty.”

Principal Midas drinks water.

He immediately frowned and put on a very serious expression.

“The water tastes… .”

Did he notice that he ate muddy water?

would you be angry?

As I was looking at this situation rather nervously, the principal said.

“This water tastes like nymphs washed their hands. It’s clean water. As far as how clean it is, it is like ditch water.”

What kind of situation is this?

While I was puzzled, my wife, Clarisse, the nymph of the stream, who was sitting in the shade tearing off her clothes and wrapping them like bandages around the arms of the wounded, laughed.

“The nymphs of the gutter have a knack for finding clear gutter water. Also, it has the ability to purify muddy water into clean fresh water.”


“Depending on the degree of purification, it is divided into ditch water grade, ditch ditch water grade, and ditch ditch water grade. The ditch ditch ditch water produced by the nymphs in the Evian region is sold at a high price.”

Did you have that kind of talent?

It’s a complete human purifier.


Having Arnoy here was a helpful situation in many ways.

“As for the drinking water, it seems that Arnoy will be able to solve it somehow if Arnoi works hard.”

Will you eat the rest?

Food on this island was so scarce.

In many ways, it’s a joke to do life content.

Is Ssangwoldo an island for other content besides living? ?

“Victor, look at this! It’s a mushroom! These are edible herbs! Also, this is edible tree bark… , I don’t like this very much.”

Nike, knowledgeable about forests and plants, picked a lot of mushrooms, herbs, barks, and fruits.

After all, it was not enough to feed thirty people.

* * *

The night has arrived.

Unlike the hot days, the nights were colder than expected.

If you don’t turn on the bonfire, it’s about to tremble.

Then my eyes saw lights flashing on the island on the other side.

It seems that there are people on the other side of the island.

Nike, who was nibbling on the bark next to me, said while looking at the distant light.

“Is there much to eat over there?”


Seeing the smoke rising, there might be a lot of food to be grilled over an open fire.

It could be that there is a lot of food obtained from wrecked ships.

“Originally, it should have arrived on the mainland tomorrow morning… . I guess this happened because I asked to go to the mainland… .”

Nike was understandably depressed.

But I knew it wasn’t Nike’s fault.

“It was the Fimblebert guys who made the mistake.”

If they hadn’t done the crazy thing of sinking the ship in the first place, I would be lying in a soft bed and having a comfortable night.

So what are they like now?

When the ship sank, there was no time to care about them.

I don’t think he would have died.

Could it be somewhere on this island or another island?

Thinking so, I thought it would be better to search the whole area of the island tomorrow.

I also have a personal curiosity to find out what the island is all about.


I was hungry and felt very uncomfortable because I couldn’t wash my face.

I didn’t have time to soothe my heart, so I just leaned against a tree and looked at the sky.

And then I was unexpectedly surprised.

“The sky… .”

The twinkling starlight was like silk sprinkled with salt.

The horizon of the black night sea and the sky were connected like one, making it look mysterious.

Are there so many stars in this world?

Is that the Milky Way?

Is that a shooting star?

It was when I was looking at it with a curious mind.

“That’s Cancer.”

Victoria, who was reassuring people, came over and sat down next to me.

“Look over there. If you connect that star with that star, it will look like a crab.”

Victoria’s finger pointed at something, but honestly, I couldn’t relate to whether it really looked like a crab.

“Victoria, don’t you look like a crab because you want to eat it?”

“What are you saying now? The people of the Arkwright family are knowledgeable about constellations, right? That’s a real Cancer. Can’t you see it?”

“I don’t know.”

Soon Nike said something too.

“There’s a bunny over there! If you make it by combining the shining Jiknyeoseong and Gyeonwooseong over there, it becomes two ears, and there is a tail over there… body!”

is it a rabbit

That really looks like a rabbit.

As I was nodding my head, Victoria said.

“Because there is no rabbit in the zodiac zodiac? No such place exists. You don’t become a constellation just by making it up.”

Then Nike gets angry.

“My dad told me, there are rabbits… ! It is said that a rabbit raised by a god became a star and ascended to the sky to become a constellation… !”

“yes? Which god raised rabbits?”

“that’s… .”

Nike seemed speechless.

“Look, it’s a made-up story,” Victoria said like an adult.


Actually, for me, it didn’t matter whether I had a rabbit or not.

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Just looking at the starry sky while leaning against a tropical tree like this-.

What should I say?

I felt much more comfortable than when I was making money.

Is this how you feel when you travel to Hawaii?

Although there is no comfortable bed and no coconut juice.

Even so, wouldn’t my “Healing Achievement” have reached 24%?

For reference, the 「Healing Achievement」 was an achievement I devised and created, and it was a score raised according to strict rules when I felt fun or comfortable.

Of course, 100% is perfect.

For reference, when it reaches 100%, there will be a prize given to myself to commemorate the achievement.

“Then, let’s get hold of it for today. As we decided earlier, you never know when a boat will pass, so don’t forget to stand up and wave your torch.”

Everyone went into their sleeping quarters one by one at the story of Principal Midas.

I also decided to go into the bed I made through the long leaves and put my eyes on it.

My night watch is close to morning, so I should be able to sleep all night without waking up.

“… … .”

It was when I was about to fall asleep with that feeling.


I heard something touch the door of my bedroom.

When I opened my eyes, wondering if the time for night watch had already come, the world was still dark.

“… … .”

Someone is outside my bed.

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Just in case, when I put my hand on the sword-.

Someone’s head entered the tent made of long leaves.


“Victor-kun, you’re awake.”

Enio hadn’t been seen all day today.

I thought it was on the other side of the island.

When I questioned the situation, Enio spoke softly.

“Shh, it takes a long time to explain. He was deliberately hiding himself. Anyway, you shouldn’t be here on this island. I think you’d better get out. We are not alone here on this island.”

“What if we’re not alone?”

“Victor-kun, I can’t go into detail because I don’t have time, but… Watch out for days when the full moon rises.”

Enio disappeared without answering my question.

“Wait a minute.”

I also went out of the tent and looked around, but only darkness was full.

With my current skill set and abilities, it was extremely impossible to find Enio, who had completely hidden himself in the dark.

So the next morning after time passed.

“Hey, what is this… !”

I woke up to the sound of people screaming.

I had my turn to watch at dawn, but no one woke me up.

It was when I stepped out of the tent with such thoughts in mind.

I was able to find something piled up near the site of the tent we were staying in.

It is something made of twigs, feathers, and the bones of animals and fish.

“Who put this in my tent… !”

“Upset… !”

“Why are they only in men’s tents? What have you girls done… !?”

It’s only installed in men’s tents?

Then I saw it.

While everyone was carefully examining the situation, someone approached the sculpture.

It was Nike.

Nike picked up the twigs and artifacts hanging from Domina’s tent with her hands and looked around.

“This is a totem. It’s also an incredibly old ancient black magic… !”

It is a totem of ancient black magic.

Is it Nike’s specialty?

Suddenly, it felt like lightning flashed in my head.

This island was added in DLC.

Nike is the main heroine of the DLC.

Maybe this is an island of episodes for Nike’s growth?

Maybe the ship sank and arrived here wasn’t a story-I thought.

Nike holding a suspicious totem said confidently like the main character.

“The meaning of this totem is probably that… , praying for an easy delivery… !”

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