153 – 153 – Healing trip outside the map # 2

153 – Healing Journey Off the Map # 2

I have tried various part-time jobs.

I also changed jobs several times.

Among them, there were quite a lot of hard work that required me to sweat every hour.

In my opinion, what was really difficult was the work that ‘people’ made difficult.

If the people I work with have the right personalities and are fun, I can manage to endure even when the work is difficult.

If the work is easy, but the co-workers who work together are scolded, the stress builds up for no reason.

Of course, that was the case with me.

Other people may feel differently.

So why am I telling this story now?

“Didn’t you guys install it? Why did you install the black magic totem for safe delivery in our men’s tent?”

“What is he saying now. Why do we women install something like that?”

“Who else is here besides you!”

It was a headache to see people fighting wildly in confusion.

Even though they were a group of people who were stranded on a remote island, there was hope until just yesterday.

We build a house together, get firewood, treat the wounded—.

However, controversy arose over the totems installed during the last night.

A black magic totem to pray for safe childbirth, installed only in men’s tents.

Someone’s prank?

Victoria asked, placing a hand on her forehead.

“I think the first thing to do is to find out when this was installed. Yesterday’s vigilantes, come here and talk.”

I agreed with Victoria’s opinion here and there, saying, “That’s a good idea.”

I thought it was a good opinion too.


I could tell that ‘Milford’, who had been on watch around 4 am, in front of me, was talking nonsense.

“I was obviously leaning here near a tree… I remember after that… .”

Cristina, who is picky about the seemingly lazy and naive guy, asked with a frown.

“Didn’t you fall asleep while working?”

“Nope. I don’t sleep well at night Really. But at some point, I couldn’t remember. And I swear to you, nothing strange happened until I was awake.”


Are you saying something happened when it was Milford’s turn?

Everyone’s gaze somehow contains tension and anxiety.

Yes, when everyone is sharpened to survive, going through something like this can make them tough.

I wondered if it was Pimblebert’s fault.

There’s Wendy that I missed.

However, they were dismissed because they were far from religious rituals such as black magic. What I care about is Enio, who came to visit me last night.

At that time, Nike, who had the most serious face in this situation, said.

“Maybe one of us is the perpetrator of this prank…” !”

Then people flocked to Nike.

“Do you know something?”

“Isn’t that what you did? You seem knowledgeable about black magic and totems.”

“What do you think of the current situation–“


Nike seemed to be overwhelmed with the attention of the people who suddenly flocked to it.

Pom, trembling with a red face, seemed to want to hide in a mouse hole. No matter what you do, that stage fright doesn’t get better.

I stepped into the crowd to help Nike, who seemed pitiful.

“It is a waste of time to talk about unresolved problems. The time on the island may run out soon, so today we must find food to survive and light a beacon to signal the rescue team.”

Let’s start with the urgent first.

that was my opinion

People gave me a look of reluctance.

It didn’t seem like there was any way for them either, so they quietly backed away.

* * *

“Nike, here is the water.”

I handed Nike a leather water bottle filled with Arnoi’s purified water.

Nike, who had been looking at the rattling totem, looked at me, then shifted her gaze back to the strange totem.

“… … .”

Nike was understandably depressed.

I said to Nike.

“Holding on to unresolved problems will not change anything.”

“If I had been a little smarter, I think I would have known what this was…” . Everyone can’t trust each other. It seems to be filled with distrust.”

There was definitely something like that.

After it was discovered that even the food they had been diligently gathering yesterday was gone, considerable distrust began to spread among the survivors.

“If I were Enio, who studied black magic diligently… .”

Is it Enio?

Come to think of it, Enio seems to have said something like this.

“Maybe someone other than us is the culprit. I don’t know if there’s something else on this island besides us.”

According to Enio, there is someone other than us on this island.

Only now, I wondered if what happened last night was a dream I had… .


What I want to say is that this is not all.

“I’m trying to set up a search party. There might be survivors somewhere on this island we haven’t found. Because I don’t know if I can get something to eat. Nike, you too.”


“You are well versed in the geography of the forest. That’s something even Enio, who is proficient in black magic, can’t do.”

The island where we were located was thicker than expected with trees and bushes.

It means that it is a perfect stage for Nike to use the magic of the forest.

And I thought that in this DLC island, Nike, the heroine of the DLC, would be an important key.

“Maybe our arrival on this island is also the fate of something.”

Nike seemed to have come to his senses a little from my honest story.

“fate… ?”

“yes. So you can stop being depressed.”

“Is that so? It seems so!”

Like Nike, whose emotions change quickly, he quickly got up from scratching his butt.

I took Nike and joined the reconnaissance party.

The members of the reconnaissance team are me, Nike, and Victoria.

Cristina, who had limited combat and reconnaissance abilities, decided to remain at the shelter and lead the people.

“Christina, since you’re acting student president while I’m gone, you should do well.”

“If you don’t come back like this, will I become the student council president? I’m kidding, of course.”

“Yeah, it’s really fun.”

After the dry conversation between Christina and Victoria, we set off towards the tropical jungle.

It was a jungle with many vines and grass.

It seems wider than expected.

“This is a mushroom I didn’t see yesterday… !”

Nike rushed towards something.

It was as fast as a beekeeper trying to guard his hive after finding a wasp.

“Oh yeah… ! It’s a mushroom that costs 500,000 Renae apiece, but it was a windfall… !”

Mushrooms that cost 500,000 Renae each?

Thinking so, I couldn’t stay still.

“I’m going to pick up a lot of things that have happened like this.”

It’s white and looks like a matsutake mushroom, right?

“Oh, there it is again… !”

Nike and I happily picked mushrooms.

I don’t know what kind of mushroom it is, but it’s 500,000 Renae per one.

However, Victoria looked at us with a pitiful expression and said something.

“Is it because you guys don’t know how urgent the situation is right now? I’ll have to investigate what’s on this island. It’s because I’m very sinister.”

Is it ominous?

don’t even do that

It’s not strange to feel insecure in a position where you have to take responsibility for other people like Victoria.

Most of the mushrooms were also picked, so we continued on our way.

What we found when we went into the forest for such a long time was—.

“ruins… ? No, it’s more like a temple serving some god than a ruin… .”

Victoria stopped walking.

As Victoria said, there was something like a stone ruin buried between vines and trees on this island.

I thought it was just an uninhabited island, but I never thought I could feel the presence of people like this.

Soon Nike shouts.

“You guys, look at this!”

Where Nike pointed, there were fish bones, twigs, and bird bones.

And, judging from the fact that there was something like a crude vine rope, I wondered if the totem that caused a lot of noise this morning was made here.

“As expected, there was someone other than us on this island.”

Who is it?

Since the opponent uses black magic, is it a witch-like monster?

In any case, the fact that there was an element that could be dangerous on the island was found out, so the reconnaissance was reaping.

So what shall we eat now?

I kept walking and I was hungry.

“Then let’s have something simple to eat.”

I made a fire near the ruins.

Roasting the fruits and root vegetables collected so far makes a plausible dish.


「Jungle Assorted Grilled Vegetables: Healthy low-salt meal… ! HP + 30, Cold resistance +5」

It’s a food with cold resistance.

The taste was good enough to eat except for a little boredom.

Then Nike trembled.

“Miss Victoria, what are you eating?”

“What is it? you eat mushrooms The mushrooms you picked a lot. I got one earlier too.”

In Victorica’s hand, a mushroom stuck to a wooden stick had been roasted to a golden brown and had been ripped off in half.

Those white matsutake mushrooms look quite appetizing.

“It tastes good. It’s worth about 500,000 Renae each.”

When Victoria was admiring, Nike was shocked.

“That, those aren’t edible mushrooms… ! It’s a poisonous mushroom… !”

“what!? Is it just white? Aren’t poisonous mushrooms fancy?”

Victoria looked at the mushroom in her hand.

Did the perception that ‘poisonous mushrooms are splendid’ spread?


There are mushrooms in the world that are deadly poisonous even though they don’t look like poisonous mushrooms at all.

I heard that Sunmudang catches people, and Victorica, who boasted that she got used to the wild, ended up paying for her job!

I hurriedly asked Nike.

“How are your symptoms? How to neutralize it?”

“The antidote… doesn’t exist! Also, nothing happens if the men eat it… The bigger problem that occurs only when women consume it is… .”

“the problem is?”

It was when I asked with a serious expression.

“Neuaaa… !”

someone made a strange noise.

When I turned my head, I saw Victorica, blushing, lying on the floor, twisting her body. This is a clear sign of addiction.

The shortness of breath made it seem like I would lose my mind at any moment.

No, the guy who survived the presidential election and Fimblebert’s attack and sinking died here in a daze of poisoning… !?

no… !

If this guy collapses here, my healing will be ruined.

When someone you know dies of poisoning right in front of you, it’s a lifelong trauma… !

Is there any way?

It was when I was looking for a way to feel that way.

Nike, who was watching this, said seriously.

“This mushroom, there is no danger to life… ! Your symptoms will get better with time… ! That… However, the woman who ate was very… My five senses are very sensitive… !”

It is a mushroom that makes the five senses sensitive.

So, is there no problem with life?

“what. I’m glad. Victoria, please wake up.”

I reached out my hand to Victoria, who was lying on the floor.

Victorica, who touched my hand like that, suddenly started to flop like a mackerel pulled ashore.

“Nuh… ! Cow, hand-to-hand taste… !”

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