I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 1046

The back hurts fiercely.

"That, that..." Kiara looked at Mordred worriedly, but didn't know what Mordred was called, so she could only cry out worriedly, "Miss Unknown!"

"What kind of ghost name is this!" Mordred complained, then looked at the killing courtyard and yelled: "Run!"

Qihuang in the killing house was shocked.


Hercules, with only the lower body left, stood up again, steaming all over, and then returned to his original state.

"There is actually a resurrection type treasure..." Mordred's eyes shrank sharply.

"Hoho Ho Ho Ho Ho——!!!"

Hercules snarled on his back.

Mordred squeezed the black and red holy sword in his hand and poured magic power into it.

The faint black and red light flickered again, and Mordred once again released [Rest in peace, sleep forever].

The light is like a column, like a star.

But this time...

"Hoho Ho Ho Ho Ho——!!!"

Hercules ran towards her against Mordred's light cannon.

After passing through the killing house to pray for the wasteland, Hercules didn't pay any attention to the killing house for the wasteland, but directly continued to rush towards Mordred.

He can instinctively feel that the untouchable enemy can be touched at this moment!

"I am actually immune to my Wang Jian...?"

Mordred glanced at Hercules with some surprise, then bombarded the ground without hesitation, lifted up gravel to cover Hercules' vision, and then used the [Unknown Flower of Rebellion] Escape into the land.


Hercules' collision fell into a void.

Mordred, who had gotten into the ground, was about to take the killing courtyard and run away together, but something underground attacked her.


The long snake-like insect body, the strange sound, and the viscous acid turned the surrounding soil into a thick stream.

"Here too?"

Mordred looked surprised and swung his sword to kill the earth burrowing insects that were coming towards her.

The earth-boring monsters under the earth are endless, and Mordred entering the earth is like entering a worm's nest.

As a last resort, Mordred had to emerge from the ground.

However, as soon as her head emerged, Hercules noticed it and rushed towards her with a roar.

Mordred frowned, exited the ability enhancement state of the Star Cup, and it took some time to start the Star Cup.

There is no doubt that Hercules's [Twelve Trials] caught Mordred by surprise.

[Twelve Trials] This gives Hercules the chance to resurrect twelve times, and after each resurrection, the treasure that killed him before will be invalid.

At the same time, as long as the magic power is sufficient, the resurrection times of the [Twelve Trials] can be restored.

If the Master of Hercules is Ilia, then [Twelve Trials] can recover one life in three days.

Of course, if an extremely powerful treasure is used, it can kill [Twelve Trials] multiple lives at once.

Therefore, if you want to deal with Hercules, you must either hold countless treasures like Gilgamesh and invalidate the resurrection immunity of [Twelve Trials], or use a powerful enough attack to directly kill Herak at once. Many lives of Luss!

The poison of Hydra and Basium is terrifying, and Hydra has a hundred heads, each with a different attack effect, which cost Hercules four lives.

And before Mordred's [Rest in peace, sleep forever], a sword killed Hercules two lives.

Therefore, Hercules at this moment still has six lives.

Mordred didn't know the existence of [Twelve Trials] or the real name of Hercules, but from the performance, she had already guessed some characteristics of [Twelve Trials].

Hercules charged towards her, Mordred had to burrow into the ground once more, but there were endless ground-burrowing insects emerging from it from a certain connecting gap.

Qihuang in the killing house looked in his eyes, anxious in his heart, but helpless.

Hercules may be aware of her harmlessness, so he classified her as a non-threatening grass and stone, and gave priority to Mordred.

However, Mordred withdrew from the Star Cup's ability increase in the previous situation of rescuing the killing house.

She must have time now.

After about ten seconds, restart the star cup.

However, whether on the ground or underground, there are enemies.

The situation is a bit critical!

"call out--"

The sound of cutting through space.

The scorching heat of the sun and the softness of the moon knead it.

With a single arrow of a shooting star, Hercules was repelled, and Mordred successfully emerged from the ground.

"Hoho Ho Ho Ho Ho——!!!"

Hercules raised his head and snarled, his voice deafening.

The vigorous posture moves around, like a hunting beast, phantoms appear quickly, making people unrecognizable.


With a sound of "", the figure flickered out like a beast, and fell on Hercules' shoulders. The fierce claws, like a beast, slammed on Hercules' body and issued a "Boom" "The steel neighs."

Hercules roared and threw the demon from his body.

The demon, like a sensitive wild cat, rolled in the air, pressed his hands against the stone wall, pressed himself tightly to the stone wall, and stared at Hercules hoarsely.

"Red Archer..." Mordred looked at the demon in surprise.

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