I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1047

There is no doubt that it is the Red Archer, the demonized Atalante.


"...Can you survive till now?" Mordred looked at Atalante and raised his eyebrows.

She didn't expect that Atalante, who was not very strong, could survive till now.

Did you run away?Still haven't played against Black?

Mordred was thinking about it, but Atalante roared at Hercules like a lioness, wandering around, pulling the bowstring in his hand, arrows like rain, like wind from all sides, Attack towards Hercules.

Hercules roared.

However, the answer to him was an arrow that pierced his head.


Hercules regained his original form again, and let out a deafening roar.

But this time, Atalanta's attack no longer worked.

But this kind of phenomenon made Mordred look surprised, "I... actually fought? Why? Could it be that I pretended to be controlled like me? Or, after being controlled, like Like Lancer, retains a part of his own instinct?"

Kiara in the killing house was about to run over.

When Mordred saw this, he stopped and said, "Get out of here! You are not suitable for here!"

Kiara in the killing house stopped.

Mordred turned his head to look at Hercules who was harassed by Atalanta, and slowly poured magic power into the star cup.

Although it is not clear what the situation is, since they started fighting on their own, she naturally has to seize the opportunity to activate the star cup.

Ten seconds!

Just ten seconds without distraction!


The ground is cracked.

Numerous earth-boring monsters emerged from the earth.

Mordred ignored it, just focused on starting the Star Cup.





Hercules, who had been chasing Atalante, had instinctively sensed the danger. He turned his head, his fierce eyes fixed on Mordred who was hiding behind and quietly starting the star cup.

"Hoho Ho Ho Ho Ho——!!!"

He roared and abandoned Atalante, and turned to Mordred who activated the star cup.




It was three seconds away, but Hercules was already roaring and approaching, and the ferocious aura could only be heard.

The terrifying stone axe is raised high, like a falling meteorite, bringing destruction.


Not good!

No way!


Mordred yelled inwardly.

At this time, a ghostly figure followed like a shadow, a petite body, a frantic aura, irrational, and it could be described as a violent monster.

However, the figure stood in front of her.


The body fell heavily, blood splashing everywhere.

She just blocked the heavy blow for a moment.

However, it was this moment of blocking that allowed Mordred to successfully restart the Star Cup.

With a "swish", the huge stone axe passed through Mordred's body and fell on the ground.


With the heavy force, the earth shattered, and the terrifying air wave broke out, overturning and destroying all the surrounding ground burrowing monsters, sending out a "zizi" wailing.

Hercules didn't wait to kill Mordred while the Mordred Star Cup expired, but his warrior's instincts made him make the next pursuit.

He raised the stone axe high and ran outwards, trying not to drag Mordred's killing courtyard and throw it away.

Mordred's eyes narrowed.

At this moment, there is really no rescue.

Even if the [Pole Star] is released and the light cannon is released again, the speed cannot keep up with this blow.

Mordred sighed inwardly.

She couldn't protect the woman that the man tried to pull out.

If this man knew about this, I would be laughed at.


The sound of hunting.

Seeing that the stone axe was like a broken meteorite, struck towards him, the horror of death, the shudder of destruction, descended on Kiara in the killing house.

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