I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1048

At this moment, she recalled the mocking of the Demon Bodhisattva.

——The whole world is a primitive wilderness, with wild beasts full of desires.Ah... you who realize this will definitely become me again, crying and begging me, let me take you back.

Such a pungent laugh.

Perhaps she had long realized that she still retains the [goodness] as a woman, just a memory, but she has not really experienced it, she is just the country girl who was locked in the mountains and forests by her father.



I don't want to die...

——True hero, just this moment!

The last scene of Mr. Assassin glimpsed from the Demon Bodhisattva flashed in his mind.

The kind of indomitable spirit.


She can't.

She couldn't learn that kind of indomitable spirit.

and so……

I don't want to die!

Qihuang in the killing courtyard yelled in her heart, instinctively to survive, the next moment, a faint brilliance radiated from her body, one hand after another...

Do not.

It was she who snatched it from the body, and the technique that should be called "all colors lingering" was activated.

The endless hand of light emerged from the back of Qihuang in the killing house, like a thousand-handed Bodhisattva, rushing towards the stone axe.

It was almost instantaneous.

The power of [Beast] shredded the stone axe, and swarmed toward Hercules and the surrounding burrowing monsters unabated.

The endless sluggishness directly penetrated Hercules' body, piercing him completely clean.

Hercules raised his head and roared, but before the roaring sound was heard, the endless hands of light flooded into his final, and the "chat" directly pierced his throat cavity.

The hand of light that pierced Hercules was "all colors lingering" and twisted into a ball behind Hercules, forming an endless vortex.

That is the Demon Bodhisattva's [All Desires in This World]!

It’s just different from the [All Desires in This World] opened from the abdomen of the Demon Bodhisattva. The [All Desires in This World] of the Shishengyuan Qihuang is opened by the lingering of all colors and is opened by connecting with the Demon Bodhisattva. The door to the Demon Bodhisattva's [All Desires in This World].

The sluggishness directly pushed Hercules into the [All Desires in This World].

He didn't even roar, [All the desires in this world], the whirlpool of the mighty power of [Beast], directly crushed his body into a spiritual child.

[Twelve Trials] There was no chance to start, and all lives were crushed into souls by this [desire] almost instantly.

In the moment when the spirit base was crushed and was about to return, Hercules recovered his clarity.

is it.

So this is ah……

Even if he had wiped out his sanity, he was controlled by others, and did he commit the mistake before him?


Hercules turned his head slightly and looked at Atalante lying in a pool of blood.

Sorry... my friend.


His body was completely crushed by all the desires of this world into a spiritual child and dissipated.

The surrounding earth-boring monsters that emerged from the bottom of the earth were pierced one by one by the sluggishness, and then dragged into the small whirlpool of [All Desires in This World] and crushed into pieces.

The sluggishness disappeared.

Qihuang in the killing house was panting and sweating.

It's terrible...

Just this feeling...

"Didn't you do a good job?" Mordred walked to her side, patted her on the shoulder, and said.

"Yes...Ah! No, no, I'm sorry, I, I have dragged you down before...unknown lady." Qiara said with an apologetic expression.

"Here again. I said, I don't like to hear these three words." Mordred frowned and said with an unhappy expression.

Kiara asked in a daze, "But I didn't say'I'm sorry'."

"It's all the same!" Mordred curled his lips, then looked at the killing courtyard and said: "You shouldn't say'I'm sorry' or'I'm sorry', you should say,'I can do it','I Yes,','I will do better'. Don't forget, your true identity, but [the beast]! Let us heroic spirits be helpless, real, and feared."

Kiara said cowardly, "I don't want to be feared... and... Besides, I don't want to be another me."

"Then you need to be strong. Then confidently tell yourself what kind of person you will become." Mordred said.

"Is that so...I understand!" Qi Huang nodded his head.

Mordred turned his head slightly, looked at the demon who was about to dissipate, frowned, and walked over.

The demon looked at Mordred quietly, with violence in his eyes and a violent aura on his body, but it was unexpected and wouldn't make people feel dangerous.

Mordred knew that although this woman, this heroic spirit was controlled, she still maintained her own characteristics as a heroic spirit.

"Your real name—what is it?" Mordred asked.

The demon raised his palm, trying to touch Mordred's face, but he was afraid of hurting himself, and finally retracted his hand.

She looked at Mordred's face, and then showed an inexplicable but relieved smile: "Meow~!"


She disappeared.

It disappeared like a spiritual child.

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