I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1049

"Really. That's it..." Mordred was silent.

She got it.

She understands everything.

Why did this heroic spirit protect her in Garner's hands, and why did he stay by her side, even before he would fight the Black Berserker.

"Is that so... Is it the heroic spirit who guards and loves the child?"

Mordred smiled, "Actually treat me...as a kid..."

"It's... ridiculous hero..."

Mordred held the dissipated spirit son, allowing the spirit son to flow from the fingers of his palm like snow.

She got up, turned around and said, "Let's go. It seems that after the Eternal King and [Beast] left, something came out of their heads! Follow me, don't get lost!"

"Ah...Um! I see, Miss Unknown!" Qihuang from the killing house quickly followed.

Mordred glared at the killing house Kiara a little embarrassedly, and said, "Don't call me Unknown Miss. This kind of title sounds strange, do you know?"

"Then, what should I call you?" Qi Huang shrank his head and asked dryly.

She was in awe of Mordred.how to say?Although it was indeed very small, three heads shorter than her, she felt that Mordred was very majestic and could not help but be convinced.

Mordred turned his back and said, "Mordred! I am the king of destruction, Mordred! Don't forget!"




pS: That's it for today.Good night~!

Chapter 120, when do you need to remind you?6K, two in one

As time passed by, the earth shattered like a cobweb, and one after another weird earth-boring monsters emerged from the earth, making the already riddled [Vanity Sky Garden] even more tattered. , Like a flat boat in the storm, crumbling.

Semiramis clenched his fists, his eyes flashed with annoyance and anger.

Her magnificent courtyard, her beautiful kingdom, has become so dilapidated at this moment.

The state of affairs has surpassed Semiramis's imagination.

In other words, the direction of this holy grail war has gone to an unpredictable ending from the beginning.

The perfect sky courtyard, which represents her world.

In her world, she will become extremely powerful, even Garna can fight.

In fact, Semiramis, who holds the [Vanity Garden in the Sky], has the strength not weaker than Garna and Arjuna.

However, what happened in this Holy Grail war was too unexpected.

The first is the Bodhisattva who has countered their control, and the second is the coming of the Eternal King.

The endless tower of glory directly pierced through her indestructible [Vanity Garden in the Sky], and her perfect garden, a perfect country, would be destroyed like a shabby cottage.

And she, directly from the noble queen sitting on the kingdom to a poor woman in shabby houses.

Difference, farewell!

[Vanity's Sky Garden] The inherent barrier is directly destroyed, and its effect is also dispelled.The top-notch popularity bonus, this treasured special effect completely ended with the destruction of the courtyard by the Eternal King.

After that, her kingdom was connected by an unknown abyss, and one after another weird and disgusting bugs emerged from the depths of the earth.

Semiramis showed disgust.

However, such a scene can be regarded as suitable for her poisonous woman.

"Help you one last time, Master."

Semiramis suppressed the retching in his heart and made a decision.

Why do you want to help Yanfeng Shiro?

As a poisonous woman who is good at using poison, why would she help that man to such an extent?

Isn't this taken for granted?

At the moment of achieving the third magic, she will become the queen of the world... that man is so promised.

For the sake of power in front of him, he poisoned her husband, and thus reached the top of Assyria's queen. For the sake of sheer power, this step is not unusual.

However, Semiramis himself was always shaken by this reason.

As a vicious poisonous woman, the oldest poisonous killer in the world, it can be said that she is a sinful woman. Why on earth should assist that Master, Semiramis himself does not know.

It's just that whenever she asked herself this way, she would recall in her mind the expression of yearning for heaven when her Master described heaven.

At that time, she agreed to Yanfeng Shiro and chose to assist him at any cost.

And at this moment, the same is true.

What the poison woman desires, even the poison woman herself does not know.

However, she knew what she could do now.

She mobilized [Vanity's Sky Garden], the last magic circle.

The technique that was destroyed by Astorford finally assembled.

There are very few heroic spirits left on the red side, and she has lost its value as the last trump card, so then, we can only free up another trump card.



Arjuna is the king of the gods, the son of Indra, and one of the five sons of Pandu.

Such a life experience made him always call himself a "big hero".

He has a perfect personality that is very diligent, clean, upright, and without shortcomings... This has always been the impression that everyone has of Arjuna, so he is also loved by God.

For this reason, Vulcan Ajini even asked for the divine bow Gandiba from the sea god, and gave it to Ajuna as a weapon.

However, A Zhou knew clearly that he had always had a hidden side.

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