I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1062

"Thirty percent, enough!"

Adam jumped down from the Huanshou.

"He actually jumped at this time!" Everyone looked at Adam who jumped from the Eudemons, all in awe.

"This idiot! Jump now, it's death!" Avisbronn shouted.

Adam jumped from the air, getting closer and closer to the original man.

Watching the head's tentacles gather like the sharp teeth of a giant beast.


No doubt, it's slow!

He has fallen now, probably because he was strangled by those tentacles, right?

Adam recalled his experience.

Short, but precious.

It is his most precious, imprint left in this world.



The one I remember most is this pronoun.


But ah,

It's different!

"I am not A-11072! I am, Adam—!"

Adam yelled, his body exuding a touch of magical power, like a propeller, fast, and rushed straight toward the opening where the tentacles converged!

"The magic, the magic is released!" Avisbronn looked stunned, "How can he have this ability! Impossible! On his body, I didn't have this ability to construct!"

The magic is released...!

Everyone looked at Adam who was rushing towards the original man like a meteor in amazement.

"Yes, that's it!" Spartacus remembered.

As early as the beginning...

Shirou, gave them the ability to release magic power!

"Operator... even if you are no longer here, but here... there is still your light left..." Spartacus murmured.

"What is that?" The artificial life form of the Thousand Realm Tree raised its head and looked at the galloping Adam, and couldn't help but wonder, "Why, so dazzling?"

Adam’s friends were proud and sad, and said, "That's... Adam!"

"call out--"

It is like a shooting star piercing the long night.

With the help of [Magic Release] given by Shirou in advance, Adam entered the head of the Primordial Man before the tentacles were combined, and the magic crystal on the head of the Primordial Man entered it.

He saw the black cup exuding magical power and stretched out his palm without hesitation.

"Wake up, Adam--!"

Adam shouted.

Numerous magic circuits come from all directions and connect to them.

this moment.

Adam's body dissipated like spring snow, and his will dissipated like a spiritual son.

The original man who kicked Spartacus to the ground and was about to stomped to death, suddenly stopped his body.

"Successful!" Avisbronn exclaimed, and then he liberated his treasures: "My endless dream, right here, turn it into reality! [Crown·Light of Wisdom]——!"

With a sound of "sharp", the original person's eyes flickered, he stopped his body and stood up again.

Avisbronn liberated the treasure, but his body was getting weaker.

"Caster, you--!" Astolfo looked at Avis Bronn with a stunned look, and said: "You, if you die, your treasure will go away again!"

"No. Not anymore, because he is Adam." Avisbronn said.

"No way, you mean..."

Avisbron nodded and said flatly: "The moment I achieved my treasure, I gave him [Crown·Light of Wisdom]. Now, this Adam is himself. So... even if I disappear, it doesn't matter."

Astorford looked at Avisbronn blankly.

"What, what are you doing looking at me like this?" Avisbronn asked.

"You are unexpected... a bit heroic?" Astorfo said after hesitating for a moment.

"Heroic? Don't say it, I am not a hero, I hate heroes, because those are things that humans worship." Avisbronn said lightly.

He turned his head, looked at Adam, and said, "I hate humans so much, so hate. That's why I have such a dream... The original man, Adam, he is my dream. Maybe... Maybe... …I want to create him, just like that magician… I long for the Garden of Eden, the farthest mankind."

"Avisbronn..." Astorford looked at him solemnly.

"Astolfo... I hate you, very hate. I hate you as a hero, and even more hate your irrational affiliation... But, perhaps, when I was maliciously opposed by those people, I too I wanted to appear next to me...you should appear...so, don’t forget, your disgusting manner...don’t forget..."

Avisbronn's body dissipated like a cloud of smoke.

Astorfo was silent for a moment, and then laughed: "Ah...I won't forget it. Because I am such a fool in the eyes of others."



Did not disappear!

Adam can feel his state clearly.

He did not disappear, but merged with the original man and became the original man-Adam!

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