I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1063

The black cup exudes a magical aura, which leads to the real murderer of the connection point, which makes Adam's consciousness shuttle into the gap of the dimension.

He saw it.


In the dark chaos, countless earth-boring monsters, a man is fighting alone.

That figure, that figure throwing mud, and those bright eyes that still shine in the cracks of the dimension, like fire.

There is no doubt that he is...

"Mr. Assassin... now, I am finally on the same path as you. Mr. Assassin... my mentor!"


A crack like a spider web appeared in the black cup, and Adam's consciousness was completely integrated with the original man, and he took control of the original man.

Do not.

It should be his body.

Yes, it has been from the beginning.

The body does not have a brain, so the body cannot move. Similarly, without the brain, the body is weak and vulnerable.

And now, the body and the brain are one.

Therefore, the real Adam has awakened!

Adam stood on the ground, raising his head and howling.

The sound was shocking.

The 700-meter body is like a lofty mountain!

Chapter 124 Towards an Unknown Future [7K, Two in One, End of this Volume]

Adam stood up from the ground, looking at Shude Meier, or the deformed Amakusa Shiro Tokisada, from a distance of 700 meters.

He pulled his legs, and rushed towards Shud Meier.

"Crack, click, click——!!!"

Dracula's pillar completely collapsed, and Shud Meier regained his freedom.

And as soon as it regained its freedom, without seeing the surrounding environment clearly, Adam rushed over, leaning against its body.

Hearing a "boom", the 700-meter-long Shude Meier was directly knocked to the ground by Adam, and the earth shook.

Adam took advantage of the momentum to sit on the body of Xiud Meier, raised his fist like a mountain, and smashed it down like a comet.


Earth quake!

"The original man has already started to operate. Has Caster succeeded?" Saber raised his eyebrows and said.

"No," Astorfo fell from the sky, standing beside a few people, and said with a serious face: "He is Adam. It is Adam, he is acting with his own consciousness!"

Hearing this, everyone was astonished and turned their heads to look at Adam who was attacking Xiud Meier.

At this time, Saber looked behind Astorfo, but did not see Avisbronn, so he couldn't help but ask: "Where is Caster?"

"He has already left." Astorfo said: "The moment before he left, he gave up his finished treasure to Adam. Therefore, Adam maintained his self-consciousness."

"Is that right……"

Everyone was silent.

To be honest, their impression of Avisbronn is not good.

However, at this last juncture, he actually gave up the treasure to Adam, thus allowing Adam to maintain his self-awareness, which was really beyond their expectations.

Because this is not like something that a world-weary and human-averse magician would do.

But he did.

And at this moment--

With a "bang", the ground shook like an earthquake, making people unable to stabilize their heels.

Even Spartacus, who had swelled to more than 30 meters, couldn't hold his heels.

Everyone turned their heads to see, their hearts sank suddenly.

Shud Meier, who was attacked by Adam first, overthrew Adam. At this moment, he was violently attacking Adam and directly suppressed Adam.

"No." Mordred saw through the battle between Adam and Shud Meier at a glance, and said: "The one named Adam is just like Chiara in the killing house. They are all young birds and don't know how to use their own. power!"

"Woo..." Kiara, who was named, shrank his head.

Matthew patted her on the shoulder like a very experienced old man.

Spartacus said with a deep face, "He needs a weapon!"

"But, here, where can I find a weapon suitable for him?" Grey frowned and said, "His body...at least seven hundred meters!"

"Yes...!" Spartacus said confidently: "There is only one person here who can give him the weapon. And, he must have noticed it."

"Who is it?" Gray asked.

Mordred said, "He's talking about your black side, Lancer, right? And, he has noticed it."

Mordred pointed to the wooden stake not far away, and everyone turned their heads to look around, and was stunned.


The wooden stakes all over the earth formed the earth into wooden stakes like piercing hell, all trembling.

"What, what's going on?" Grey asked with a look of surprise.

"It's him," Spartacus said solemnly: "The oppressor of Wallachia, Vlad III...!"

Vlad III has always existed.

Once regarded as the forbidden treasure [the inheritance of blood], under this situation, Vlad III did not hesitate to use it and turned it into the vampire Dracula that was once regarded as a stigma.

After becoming a vampire-Dracula, Vlad III will be sealed with general skills and treasures. On the contrary, he will gain greatly improved physical abilities, change the form into animals or fog, healing powers, and magic eyes of charm. Special abilities, as well as the weakness of the sun and the seal.

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