I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1064

At the same time, there is a desire for blood, this inhuman desire.

Vlad III used the magic spell to keep himself awake, and another magic spell to strengthen himself, so as to use his own characteristics to merge the [King of Death] and [Inheritance of Blood] into pillars, penetrate and control the two behemoths .

It even pierced most of the earth burrowing insects on the earth, and released part of his body that turned into a blood mist, hunting the earth burrowing insects that sporadically escaped the [King of Capital].

It's just that he can't hold it anymore.

Therefore, the pillar of his incarnation collapsed, freeing the two giant beasts from control.

Fortunately, Adam turned into a giant.

After becoming Dracula, Vlad III's sanity was no longer lost all the time, but the sporadic consciousness maintained by Lingshu also made him see the state of Adam at this moment.


It was like he had never picked up a sword soldier before.

In this way, he would not use his strengths at all, let alone fight, and defeat is only a matter of time.

But how could he be defeated?

If he is defeated, his Wallachia, what should he do?


Never let him fall!

Recalling the past, he was feared by the enemy, feared by the nobles, feared by the people, feared by allies, and feared by the people of later generations...

Therefore, he was stigmatized and fabricated as Dracula.

He used to hate this stigma all the time, but now he is facing and accepting it.

Because it can give him power... to protect his own people!

Dracula, Dracula...


Isn't this the best evaluation of his achievements?


Not bad.

"Yunai, Dracula--!"


At this moment, the countless wooden stakes standing on the ground gathered towards the sky like flying swords.

It's overwhelming, like a downpour.

Tens of thousands of wooden stakes are condensed into one body, and the power of the "King of Death" is infinitely high. Finally, Vlad III used Dracula's ability to combine the special effects of the "King of Death" to form a 1000-meter long gun. In Adam's hands.

Adam held it in his hand and relied on the benefit of his weapon to repair his lack of combat experience, and he was on par with Shude Meier.

Of course, this is not because the original man's ability is insufficient, but because Adam's combat experience is really insufficient, just like Shirou who initially participated in the Fourth Holy Grail War, the fighting methods are really unsightly.

Fortunately, with the advantage of weapons, he was still able to match Shude Meier.


The spear in his hand emits a faint luminous spirit from time to time, and there is no doubt that this is dissipating.

After the Great Holy Grail was destroyed, the heroic spirits were able to stay for less and less time.

"No, if we go on like this, things will go bad when we disappear. Don't forget, there are some monsters in the area that have not been cleaned up... We should start to clean it up." Saber squeezed the saint in his hand. sword.

At this moment, facing Xiud Meier, the invisible holy sword in her hand was emitting a faint light of stars.

"Don't liberate the treasure here, Miss Saber!" Matthew said suddenly.

"Why?" Saber looked at Matthew strangely.

Matthew took a deep breath and said, "Mr. Fujimaru and I met this monster in the treasure of the Red Caster. The monster's body has powerful magical powers, and Mr. Fujimaru used the sword of victory. , And then liberated the Sword of Oath of Victory from the mouthparts of this monster, and finally eliminated the monster."

Mordred asked: "In other words, the most secure way for the Star Sword to destroy the monster is to release the Star Sword into the monster's mouthparts?"

Matthew nodded.

"Go ahead, the goal is clear!" Saber said.

The crowd nodded and rushed towards the place where Adam and Shud Meier fought.

On the road, Mordred, who was running, looked at Saber, was silent for a moment, and said, "I'm afraid, we are going to leave here, mother..."

"You still call my mother?" Saber didn't stop, but raised his eyebrows and asked.

"I said before, and you promised. You will be my mother before the end of this Holy Grail war." Mordred said.

Saber sighed, and then said, "Okay. Then Mordred, I know it’s not appropriate for me to say that. Is your real mother in Chaldea? Wait until you go to Chaldea. , Just get along with her. Although I don’t know how I am, but since it’s me, then I will never hate you. Because I have never hated my Mordred."

Mordred was silent, then took a deep breath, and asked: "Then what about you? Are you probably stuck in the gap between time and space? Just like my stupid mother."

"I will continue to look for ways to save Camelot." Saber said.

"Did you not let go?" Mordred asked.

"How can I let it go?" Saber gave a wry smile, and then said with a serious face: "However, it is precisely because the [beast] has been involved in the world of my dreams, so I also know who I am now, It is impossible to achieve that goal. So I will spare no effort to study, and then to achieve that goal. Of course... If there is fate, we may meet again in a certain world someday. After all, the heroic spirit , Isn't it such a existence?"

"Really...you are really, stubborn."

Mordred sighed.

Several people rushed into Adam's body.

Astorford drove the Eudemons, hovering around Adam, revealing their plans and plans.

After Adam understood, he used the gun in his hand to lock Shud Meier's throat, then reached out and grabbed Shud Meier's brain tumor ball and slammed it on the ground.


Shud Meier made a strange cry, and the corrosive acid spurted out from time to time, but it could not hurt Adam.

Adam stabbed Shud Meier’s throat with a spear in his hand and nailed it to the ground. Then, he pulled both sides of Shud Meier’s mouthparts with both hands to remove the The mouthparts are pulled and enlarged.

Seeing this, Saber, who had been on top of Adam's body, did not hesitate to raise the holy sword in his hand, freeing his star sword.

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