I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 1066

Spartacus fought Dracula.

This is a battle without suspense.

Vlad III, who was in Romania and became Dracula, was already very close to Garner in strength, and Spartacus could not be an opponent at all.

However, in the end, it was Spartacus who won.

When the sword of Spartacus was about to penetrate Dracula’s heart, Dracula, who could easily kill Spartacus who had reached its limit, gave up defense and counterattack, but just like that. Easily let Spartacus's sword pass through his heart.

"Sure enough, you planned it like this, oppressor," Spartacus said.

"In this way, the last evil cloud covering this land will also disappear. The rest is up to them." Vlad III smiled.

He looked into the far east.

A red-hot sun is rising.

The long night has passed, and the dawn has come.

"I'm like the passing sunset, gone forever. The morning sun of the people, after a long night, is rising. I just hope that they can find their own way, like those artificial life forms...no . Like Adam and the others, they have found their own way of self-reliance...Yunai, Dracula."

Vlad III...

Do not.

Dracula smiled, facing the scorching sun that day.

Let the scorching sun shine on him, burning his body to pieces.

"Lancer!" Dannick shouted.

Dracula turned his head, looked at Dannick, and smiled, "Master!"

Afterwards, he dissipated like snowflakes and spread all over the land.

"Spartacus!" Adam shouted.

Spartacus turned his head to look at him, smiled, and said, "This time, I finally succeeded in the uprising, Adam. Next, you must take good care of yourself and enjoy your lives..."

Spartacus disappeared.

All disappeared.

All the heroic spirits summoned by the Holy Grail disappeared.

Except for Mordred.

She was kept because of that bastard liar.

The only, the only, the heroic spirit left behind.

As Shirou destroyed the connection channel with Laley, Grey was able to reconnect with Chaldea and was ready to return to Chaldea.

Mordred bid farewell to the lion robbery.

"Master, the curse on you, in fact, I have used the star cup to help you solve it a long time ago. After you, you can rest assured and boldly carry forward your own family! It's just... you adoptive daughter, I can do nothing." Mordley De said.

"I understand...this is really a pity." Lion Jiejieli smiled.

Mordred felt the same way.

At this time, the Lion Jiejieli said, "So, don't repeat my regrets,'Galahad' Qing."

"What?" Mordred frowned.

The Lion Jiejieli said: "I can see that you have no resentment towards the King of Eternity, so if you see him next time, you must get along well."

"What a joke! I have a terrible resentment towards him! A terrible resentment! Didn't you see the resentment that broke through the sky? Did you see my big watery eyes? It was filled with'resentment' A word! That bastard liar! Let me fall into his damn trick... By the way, why should I listen to your preaching? Who are you to me! Go away, don't talk to you anymore!"

Mordred turned and left.

Lion Jiejieli looked at her back and smiled.

When you are away, you must not forget your way home, Ching Galahad.

"Well, I should also report to the Magic Association." The Lion Jiejieli lit a cigarette, turned around, and left alone.

Grey recovered the [Council] black cup from Adam's hand. Because the black cup was recovered, the dark ring in the sky also disappeared, causing many people in the world to pay attention.

"What are your plans next, Adam? No, to be precise, it's you." Gray asked, pointing to Adam and other artificial life forms.

"I'm probably going to the Inner Sea of ​​the Stars. Because of my current existence, it can only cause trouble to the world, and my inhibitions are also warning me." Adam smiled indifferently, but just looked at the artificial lifeform, his face Showed a look of worry, and said: "I'm just worried, they have no place to survive. If there are so many illegal households in a country suddenly, it will definitely cause people trouble, right?"

"If this is the case, let them go to Chaldea." Gray said.

"Huh?" Adam was taken aback.

Grey said: "The Chaldeans are short of people. Regardless of their background, as long as they are humans, as long as they don't cause harm to humanity, they can accept them. It's just that you are too big...can't pass through."

"I understand this. I will go to the inner sea of ​​the stars." Adam nodded, then turned to look at other people, and asked, "Partners, what do you think?"

"We are willing to go."

"Yes. I am willing to go. This world is very bright, but there is a world that needs our help. Mr. Assassin and Spartacus said that if you have any difficulties, you should help."

They said.

"Okay." Adam nodded, then looked at Grey and said, "They agreed."

"That's great." Grey smiled.

Grey and Matthew took Mordred and these artificial lifeforms into the art of returning to Chaldea.

And Adam said goodbye to them with a smile, and then took his steps seriously.

He lied.

He didn't go to the inner sea of ​​the stars, but used the repulsion of restraining force to be ejected from the outside of the world and walked towards the crack of the dimension.

He remembered that the direction was here.


It's here.

A chaotic, dead burrowing monster everywhere.

Amidst the death, a man sat aside, breathing deeply.

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