I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1067

He turned his head to look at Adam who was slowly following him, laughed, and asked, "Why are you here? He was bounced out of the world, but just like me, he was lost in the cracks of this Yuan. It’s not good to go to the inner sea of ​​stars. ?"

Hearing that, Adam smiled and said, "Because, I don't want Mr. Assassin to go forward alone. If that's the case, Mr. Assassin would be too lonely."

"Really?" The man smiled, got up, and left Adam with a bleak figure, and said, "Then you, you have to follow up."


Adam took steps.


Go into the passage to Chaldea.

Getting closer to the so-called Chaldea, Mordred clenched his fists, feeling a little nervous in his heart.

She watched Grey point and pointed on the Chaldean bracelet, as if she was manipulating something.

Mordred frowned and asked, "What are you doing, Grey?"

Grey said, "I am preparing to write a report to Chaldea. By the way, tell the King of your affairs."

"Wait a minute!" Mordred hurriedly stopped, and said with a flustered face: "No. Don't tell her...tell her about me!"

"Why?" Grey asked strangely.

Kiara of the Killing Institute also looked at Mordred with a strange look. It was the first time she saw such a panic from Mordred's face.

"No, no. No...no!" Mordred shouted.

"Oh... okay." Grey nodded.

"Also, one more thing!"

"What?" Gray asked.

Mordred hesitated for a moment, pursed his lips, and said, "Tell me, her range of activities and daily habits in your Chaldeans!"

"What are you doing?" Grey looked strange.

"What else can I do? Of course I avoided her!" Mordred shouted.

"This one……"

"Anyway, give it to me!" Mordred said.

"Okay..." Grey nodded.

Mordred breathed a sigh of relief.

Let her go face to face with the Knight King, and Altria, and her real mother, and get along...

too difficult.

It's too difficult!

She would rather fight with others thousands of times, and then be killed, all felt much easier than this.

However, now that Grey agreed.

That would be great.

Mordred breathed a sigh of relief.

Then she thought about why she became the culprit of this embarrassment.

——Eternal King!

The self-talking left her the opportunity to reunite with Altria...

Really, didn't he see through it?

She didn't dare to meet Altria at all!

She just wanted to use the Holy Grail to rescue Altria's body from the gap between time and space, and then leave the scene obediently.

Yes, Mordred thought, so.

Perhaps, Spartacus's evaluation of her was correct.

She - is a dedicated scarecrow.


Thinking of that bastard's gentle smile, Mordred clenched his fists.

In this way, she really owed him.

damn it!

Admit it, this time, you won, Eternal King.

Don't be proud!

Mordred gritted his teeth.

next time……

If I can see you next time...


I will definitely win!

Thinking of those gentle eyes like open flames, Mordred clenched his fists.

The road ahead came to an end. For Mordred, it was an unknown Chaldea and an unknown future.

Yes, the ghost who wandered in the past has ushered in an unknown future...!




pS: That's it for today.End of this volume.

Next, I plan to write a few more sweet possibilities.Of course, I also want to update it with Fanwai first, so that I can review the outline of the next volume several times.It collapsed twice, and then collapsed again, it feels like it's over, and it must be taken seriously.

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