I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 1068

Also, I am going to overhaul the first volume once to make the second brush party look better.Of course, it will not take up normal updates, but it will take a long time to make changes during leisure, but I will do it.

In short, thank you all for your support so far, good night~!

By the way, what is owed, I have finished it today~!

Skaha I just like to look at your face!5.5K, two in one

October 3, 1993.

This is destined to be a day Shirou will never forget.

At the age of six, he plucked up the courage to wear Ultraman's leather case, and was given a severe lesson on the night when he rescued Fujimaru Sakura from Matsumoto's house.

This is a country of shadows.It is dark and lifeless, and if there are substantial shadows in the surroundings, it makes people feel a kind of dullness that is not breathable, but also has a mystery that makes people explore.

It's just that Shi Lang is not interested in exploring this mystery at the moment. He was beaten to a bruised face and "killed" 21 times. Now he is lying on the ground like a salted fish and doesn't want to get up.

But the woman who broke into his dream inexplicably and said to herself "killed" him 21 times, is now squatting next to her, teasing her nose with a dog's tail.


Can't help it, Shiro still sneezed.

"It seems to have recovered, so get up and continue." The woman threw the dog's tail grass, stood up, and said softly.

However, this gentle tone sounded like a demon in Shirou's ears.

"What a joke! I haven't recovered yet, I don't want to get up!" Shi Lang firmly grasped the grass on the ground with both hands and said nothing to get up.

Together, they must be tortured by this woman again.

"That won't work, you..." The woman was silent for a moment, then smiled softly, and said, "Well, let you rest for a while, my disciple."

"I never said to be your disciple!" Shi Lang raised his head, looked at the woman's beautiful face, and couldn't help but smile.

The woman has purple hair that falls straight down her waist, and her proud and rugged body is wearing a very bold and revealing purple-black leather armor, and she holds two scarlet short guns in her hands.A pair of beautiful red eyes were looking at Shirou.

Shi Lang was depressed, he knew this woman.She is the Lord of the Kingdom of Shadow in Celtic mythology, the woman who is called the master craftsman by Xing Yuefen, Skaha.

A woman who has lived from God to the present.

However, shouldn't this woman not be able to live in the world?Why did you suddenly appear in your dream?

Moreover, he said inconsistently that he wanted to educate himself or something, and then beat himself up and killed a full 21 times.

Fortunately, it was a dream, otherwise it would really die.

"Master, how did you enter my dreamland?" Shilang asked. He was really crazy about this.

He has now rescued Fujimaru Sakura, and according to his plan, he can leave Fuyuki City the day after tomorrow at the latest.

The results of it?

As a result, the woman got into his dream and beat him violently.

"Master? Is this what people in your age call a teacher?" Skaha blinked, and then smiled softly: "However, I don't hate it."

Do not.

This is just a simple neon term...

"Entering your dream is very simple, it's a kind of magic you don't know." Skaha smiled sweetly, his voice soft, like a breeze, like a big sister.

However, Shirou knew that this was absolutely wrong.This woman is definitely a violent man in the coat of a beautiful girl, otherwise, how could she easily kill a cute six-year-old boy like him 21 times?

"If you have a good rest, get up and continue fighting with me." Skaha said urgingly.

Shilang was full of bitter melon: "I'm just a child, please let me go."

"You haven't rested yet? Okay, I'll wait for you again." Skaha smiled.

Shi Lang looked at Skaha suspiciously, is he so talkative?

if it is like this……

Shi Lang grimaced, and said cautiously: "Master, I'm just a weak chicken. If you want to experience fighting, you should find other masters."

To experience the feeling of being killed again and again, this is definitely a great punishment for the dedicated Shirou.

"That won't work, after all, I have promised others. It is not my habit to miss an appointment. And, for you, I really want to educate and educate myself." Skaha chuckled and said something weird.Especially when talking about education, there was a touch of Ling Shi Lang's fearful excitement flashed in those gentle red eyes.

However, Shirou noticed a little.

"Promise someone? Someone let you break into my dream?" Shi Lang stared at Skaha and asked.

"Yes." Skaha nodded.

"Who?" Shi Lang asked.He wanted to know which bastard called Scarha to disturb his dream.

Besides, it's weird!

Those who can ask Toscana must also be ancient heroes like Gilgamesh and Iskandar.As for those ancient heroes, either Gaia and Alayella were used as gangsters, or they were hiding in the inner world. Those who can appear in the world are the seven servants summoned through the Holy Grail ceremony.

Who can ask the immortal Skaha to do such a thing?

The most important thing is that I don't know anyone who can do this kind of thing!

"Who? Hmm... a completely self-centered, quite stinky guy. As long as he can please himself, he will probably do terrible things like destroying human beings." Skaha thought about it. After reading her own evaluation of that person, at the end, she added: "However, I don't hate it."

Why is this description so familiar?... Shiro asked cautiously: "Master, do you know about the Fourth Holy Grail War that took place in Fuyuki City? Then this completely self-centered, rather stinky guy, is he a participant this time?"

"Yes." Skaha smiled lightly.

Shi Lang was depressed.He knew who it was.

Bastard, Gilgamesh!

But it doesn't matter. After today, he quietly left Fuyuki City by himself.

Can't afford to provoke it, can't it be hidden?

"Don't have the idea of ​​running away, otherwise, the most likely possibility is that you will be caught up by that guy on the way to leave, right? Kill it along with the transportation?" Skaha smiled and said Cruel reality.

Shiro: "..."

"How De and how can I be targeted by that king..." Shi Lang smiled bitterly.

"He is such a completely self-centered person. So, do you understand your current situation?" Skaha asked with a smile.

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