I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 1091

Wasabi Hinako did not answer Shirou, but stepped slightly, shooting out like a bullet, and blasted directly at Shirou.

She is a person who hates humans, and at the same time she is reluctant to contact humans, and she is very efficient.If someone else comes over, maybe they will talk to Shirou and exchange information or something.

However, she is different.

She prefers to use her hands than to start her mouth and use her brain.

As long as Shi Lang is solved, all the connection points and all things will be solved.

It can be said to be the most efficient action.

As for whether it can be fought... let alone the heroic spirits that are generally eulogized by the saint king after Alterization, they are basically weakened. The most important thing is that as the star elf, as the true ancestor, she is not a sage.

In terms of personality, the personality of the star elves is naturally higher than the heroic spirits who arrived in the heroic seat through human legends.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, the star spirit is stronger than the heroic spirit.

In particular, there are evildoers such as El Quett who are also classified in this rank.

However, Kusatsu Hinako obviously forgot... No, she didn't think about a problem at all.

Specific examples should be analyzed in detail.

For example, among the twenty-seventh ancestors of the dead disciples, there are the planet-level Mercury spiders, and there are also the [beasts] Fufu, which is very high, but there are also weak ancestors that can be killed by ordinary modern magicians.

If we generalize, it is obviously empiricism.

The same is true for the heroic spirits. There are weak, weak heroic spirits who have no resistance to the star elves, as well as the manifestation of star warriors like Attila, and the enlightened spirit base recorded by the realm belt at the moment before enlightenment. This kind of heroic spirit is too strong.

What kind of Shiro belongs to?

It's indeed not as good as the perverted Attila, who is in the state of enlightened stars, but he is also a hero who stands at the top level.

Shirou smiled as he watched the rushing Mustainako.

Perhaps, what she wants is melee combat, right?


I never let people get what they want!

With a sneer on his face, Shirou waved his hand, using Altria's record, and took out the sword of victory.



Aiming at the mustard hinako who sprinted, let's take a shot!

"Senior mustard, mustard young child!" Qihuang shouted in the killing house.

Seeing the light cannon attack from the sword of oath of victory, Kazuki Chinko's eyes shrank sharply, and her body stopped in the air against the physical nature, and then swiftly turned to the side and hid.

"Rumble, rumbling--!!!"

The Sword of Oath of Victory swept the ground, sweeping out a very deep, hot line.

Mustard Hinako landed on a high platform not far away, turned her head, and stared at Shirou with a serious expression.

This guy……

Not ordinary goods!

Shi Lang slowly put away the sword of victory, looked at Mustard Hinako, smiled, and said, "I can hide in that situation. I have some ability. The king should give you a little praise. "

"You have a lot of words."

There was blood rolling on Kaneko's arm, but when she realized the existence of Kiara in the killing house, she restrained it again.

She realized that Shilang was not an ordinary commodity, and if she wanted to clean up Shilang, she might need to remove her disguise and seal.


But if someone...

Mustard young child hesitated.

She has made a mistake!

Although there was no strategy from the beginning, it was clear that she had made a mistake!

Shi Lang's strength is not as weak as she thought at the beginning. If this is the case, she should have driven away the killing courtyard and praying for a long time before, so that she can release her true strength.

But in this case...

"You are hesitating, Star Elf." Shirou looked at Musta Hinako and said.


Hearing this, Mustard Hinako's eyes shrank sharply.

Star Spirit...

No, no?Could it be that he saw through me?

Wasabi Hinako looked at Shirou in amazement.

"You are probably thinking in your heart, did this king see through your disguise?" Shi Lang asked with a smile.

How, how is it possible?

Is it really seen through?

Kakuko stared at Shirou with wide eyes.

It's impossible.

In the long years, she should have never been in contact with this talent.So, how does this person see through her?

"Ha ha ha... Isn't this answer of course? This king is the eternal shining star, the ruler of all phenomena. How can we hide the eyes of this king from the mere illusion?" Shi Lang folded his arms and said.

of course.

It is deceptive to dominate the whole world.

This skill has long been useless.

And knowing so much...Of course it is because I have read the script.

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