I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become Righteous Partner Chapter 1092

Knowing the persona and the script, this is Shirou's so-called golden thumb of the traveler so far.

Shirou is a traveler, knows the script and character of this world, but Kakuko doesn't.

She only knew one thing, her truth seemed to be seen through by Shirou.

This made Musta Hinako feel irritable and anxious... even deep in her heart, there was a little panic that she didn't even notice.

"Take it out. Just show off your skills in front of this king based on a mere illusion like you, but you're going to kill yourself. Take that posture out." Shi Lang said.

After being said so, of course the temperament of Mizuhinako was already annoyed, but when she glanced at the killing courtyard where she was watching, she held it back strangely.

"It seems that you don't want to take it out. That's okay. Since you dare to go over the king's subordinates and directly attack the king. Then, die in the hands of this king, and there is no resentment."

Shi Lang used Gawain's record and took out the sword of rotation victory, radiating the brilliance of the sun.


Mustard Hinako became alert.

"Wait, wait a minute, Mr. Assassin!" Kiara of the killing house walked in from the cave.


Shirou stopped his hand and looked at the killing house Qiara.

Mustard Hinako also looked towards the killing courtyard and prayed, her slender brows couldn't help but frowned, and said coldly, "What are you doing? Didn't I tell you not to come in?"

"Only this time, I won't listen to Senior Mustard Hinako." Kiara said, with a firm face.

Mustard young child was taken aback.

This, this human...

What are you doing!?

Kiara in the killing house turned his head slightly, looked at Shirou, and said, "Mr. Assassin, do you remember me? I am Kiara in the killing house. It was the person you rescued in Romania. You said that beauty is not a fantasy. , I came out step by step! And now, I am walking, walking the path of my life with my own consciousness. For me, you are the light, it is absolutely impossible to sink into the darkness and even become [ Guardian of the connection point of the Council. Stop guarding this connection point, Mr. Assassin, go with me."

Kiara in Seishiin slowly stretched out his hand towards Shirou.

When it was confirmed that the guardian of this connection point was Shirou, Kiara in Seishiin was confirmed, and she wanted to take Shirou with him.

Leaving from this connection point together, return to Chaldea.

In this way, the previous regrets will be made up.


You will be very happy too, right?

Regarding Kiara’s remarks from the Seishiin Temple, Shirou...

Full of confusion: "???"

And it's not just Shirou, but also Mustard Hinako.

Looking at Qihuang in the killing house, she gritted her teeth on that cold face for the first time, with an expression of incomparable headache, and scolded: "You get out of here quickly, rookie! Immediately, immediately, speed!! !"

That bastard Morgan, what troublesome errands are on my head ah ah ah ah ah!

Faced with the cursing of Mustard Hinako, Kiara in the killing house was dumbfounded at the time: "?????"

After that, Shi Lang looked cold, and without hesitation, he swung the sword of rotation victory at the killing house Kiara.

The radiance of the sun was like a cold light, and it bombarded Qiara at the killing house.



Facing Shirou's attack, Kiara in the Seishiin Temple was dazed.


She held her head and ran away "wow wow wow".

Idiot rookie!

Musta Hinako cursed inwardly, stepped a little, rushed towards Shirou like a comet, and kicked straight towards Shirou's face with a sharp foot.

Shi Lang glanced at his eyes slightly, saw it, and then took out the scabbard-[Avalon] in his hand, forming a guardian enchantment.

Mustard Hinako kicked the scabbard-[Avalon]. Although he was very powerful, he couldn't shake the action as the strongest guardian [Avalon].

When Kazuki's remaining power faded, Shirou unlocked [Avalon], and then a liberating rotating victory sword swung Kazuki's body with a "bang", knocking her back and hitting her heavily. On the stone wall, the "Boom" rubble collapsed and buried her.

"Mustard, Mustard Hinako-senior!" Kiara took a look, clenched his fist, turned his head, stared at Shirou, and said, "You, you are not Mr. Assassin! Mr. Assassin, wouldn't you do such a thing? of!"

"Are you sure again, Killing Academy?" Shilang asked indifferently, looking down from a condescending view.

Hearing this, the killing house prayed for a moment.

"Romania is the king, and the one who stands here is also the king. What does the king have done, what does it matter that the king wants to kill you now?" Shilang looked down at the killing courtyard indifferently and said: " With a knowledge of the past, with innocent childishness, set foot on the battlefield, thinking that it is someone who has helped you before, and lightly asserting that it is not an enemy, ha ha ha...stupid! So stupid you can get, except death And regret, what else can there be?"

Shirou sneered and showed the Holy Spear Lungominiad in his hand.


Because he is the boss at the end of the level, is he determined that he will let them pass the level?Is that enough to eat him?

Of course, the most critical...

Such innocence...

Lesson learned!

Chapter 9 Sneak Attack?Ha ha ha, does this work for me?

Shirou likes innocent people.

Because such a person is very clean and pure, maybe such a person sometimes looks stupid, but after staying in a deceitful environment for a long time, the more you will find that there is only such a person who treats you sincerely, not for profit. consider.

However, he went to the battlefield with innocence.


It is absolutely necessary!

Perhaps it is because the killing courtyard Kiara is the half-body of the demon bodhisattva's [good], so the mind is so clean and the temperament is so naive.

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