I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1093

However, because he is the guardian of the connection point, he relaxes his guard.

at this point……

It should be a lesson!

Shi Lang stared at the killing courtyard coldly, the holy gun Lungominiad in his hand was shining with dazzling stars, and terrifying energy brewed in it, and then Shilang waved down at the killing courtyard. Holy gun.

"The eternally shining spear of brilliance-Lungominiad!"

Accompanied by indifference, a murderous voice resounded, and Qihuang in the killing house saw the infinite light coming out of the holy spear Lungomiard in Shilang's hand and rushing towards them.

"No... don't...!"

Kiara screamed, and a faint golden light emerged from his body, turned into an endless hand of light, and grabbed the light of stars that burst out from the holy spear Lungominiad.

It is the power of the third beast-all colors are sluggish!

Is it possible to use the power of Demon Bodhisattva a little bit?This is a bit of growth.Shiro was slightly surprised.

When the lingering colors and the light of the stars were connected, even the space shook slightly.

Afterwards, all the colors were condensed into a mass, forming a whirlpool of [All Desires in This World], and sucked the light of stars into the whirlpool of [All Desires in This World].

Seeing this, Shi Lang raised his eyebrows slightly.Can Kiara in Seishiin still use [All Desires in This World]?Was the Demon Bodhisattva deliberately giving control to the Demon Bodhisattva, or did the Demon Bodhisattva seize the power from the Demon Bodhisattva?

The most important thing is, this thing, shouldn't the killing courtyard become a demon bodhisattva?

Shi Lang frowned.

Facing Beast, it is normal to be cautious.If he wants to attack [Beast], Shirou must make a single blow to abandon the spirit base to get a chance of victory in the battle against [Beast].

Just like he had penetrated the evil heart of the Demon Bodhisattva before.


Kakuko pushed a few pieces of broken rocks away, and looked a little surprised at the situation where the sluggishness of Kiara in the killing house confronted Shirou's starlight.

That rookie... isn't it a human, either?

Mustard Hinako had such doubts in her heart.

Because that power is obviously beyond human control.

It is an outlier, and it is a high-level outlier that can be mastered.

However, this is not the time to consider this.

Glancing at Shirou who was staring at Kiara in the killing house, a cold light flashed in Kakuko's eyes.

Was beaten like this...


Her mind is super small!

Moreover, in such a situation, she would not be discovered if she did a little movement?

——General, King of Morgan!

"Curse the blood corpse sigh song!"

Musta Hinako pressed her hand to the ground, carefully releasing her abilities.

[Cursed Blood Corpse Sigh Song] This is a treasure from the perspective of the Heroic Spirit Realm.By abandoning his body and letting the magic power beyond the limit run away, after causing the abnormal weather caused by the curse, he rebuilds the crazy tricks of the body.It can be said that it is a self-detonation attack that can only be done by the elves that share the spiritual core with the environment.

Of course, this is the ability that a complete mustard young child can truly release when he is in an elf state.

And what she is releasing now is an improved version based on maintaining a human form.

Use all the magic power that the human form that he maintains at the moment can use to cause a runaway, thus creating a cursed abnormal atmosphere and killing.

Of course, it was originally a rare thing for Musta Hinako to maintain her human form, and it was even more impossible for her to improve her abilities and attack methods based on her human form.

The most important thing is that she has no patience to do this thing.

It was Morgan, the witch who had lived for more than 1,500 years and integrated the mysteries of the world to help her improve.

Mustard hinako exudes a strong blood.

Cursing, weakening...Various negative states brewing in the blood qi, then these blood qi penetrated into the ground, connected through the ground veins, and quickly entered Shi Lang's feet.


Shilang noticed something wrong at his feet, and then his blood spread, like a poisonous mist that filled the surrounding area, and then several cursed bloody hands clasped his ankles.

"It's over, Berserker!" Kakuko stood up, and then shook hands sharply.

The blood that filled Shirou's surroundings was full of explosive smoke and then exploded.

"Rumble, rumbling--!!!"

The air wave rises to heaven.

The light of the stars that bombarded Kiara in the Seishiyuan disappeared.

"It's over, is it over?" Qiarai sighed in relief.

However, being attacked by Shirou, and being attacked by Shirou who had a real memory of her, really made her sad.


Mr. Assassin!



Mustard young children breathed a sigh of relief.

Her [Cursed Blood Corpse Sighing Song] exploded from zero distance, and without timely protective measures, it was apparent that the spirit foundation had been blown to pieces.

However, it is normal for the other party to fail to implement protective measures in time.

After all, her [Cursed Blood Corpse Exclaim Song] has a curse of slowness.


In this way, she can also be liberated from this state of contact with humans.

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