I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1097

They will be very happy to see Mr. Assassin again.

Hee hee hee……

Qi Huang thought in his heart.

Mustard Hinako completely abandoned his plan to capture this connection point this time, and was going to send these little Moengxins back to Chaldea.

Of course, she doesn't value human life at all, but for her own living space, she needs some price, right?

However, after returning to the industrial park that was the base, Kakuko three found something wrong.

The four Lingzi who had fallen asleep were gone, and blood was still bleeding on the ground.

not good!

Mustard Hinako's eyes shrank sharply.

"Have you finally come back?"

A flat voice rang.

The three of them turned their heads abruptly and looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw Archer James Moriarty standing on a high platform not far away, looking at the three people in the killing courtyard with interest.

"Archer...!" Saber Alter clenched his brows, clenched the black holy sword in his hand, and was about to attack.

"Don't be so rough, Saber. Look at what's next to me." James Moriarty smiled and pointed to the side.

Saber·Alter looked around, his eyes shrank sharply.

Next to James Moriarty, there were Ling Zi and others who were tied up.

"Do you want to use those people as hostages?" Saber Alter pointed at James Moriarty and asked.

James Moriarty nodded first, then smiled and shook his head.

Saber Alter frowned, wondering what James Moriarty meant.

Kiara glanced at the blood on the ground, gritted his teeth at James Moriarty, and asked, "Who did you hurt?"

"Hurt? No, an elegant gentleman will not hurt innocent people easily. Although I am a wicked person, at least I have my own restraint. Take a closer look. The blood belongs to Rider and Assassin." James Morrie Yati said with a smile.

Saber Alter turned her head and looked, her eyes extended along the blood to the source point. At that moment, she couldn't help raising her eyebrows.

There lay several bodies that were dissipating.

It's Rider Medusa, and Assassin Baimei Hassan.

Saber alter raised his hand slightly, pointed at the corpses, and asked, "You killed them?"

James Moriarty nodded and said: "Rider is very powerful, but my brain is not good, so I used up her magic power in advance, and then sneaked and killed her from behind. As for Assassin... it was really weak to neglect. ."

"Could it be that, Archer, are you also free of the control of the black cup?" Saber alter asked.

"That kind of thing wants to control me as a wicked person, that's weird. That kind of thing is used to pollute the heroic spirit, and the noble heroic spirit will become evil and be manipulated by it, but I am a wicked person. How could it be manipulated by that kind of thing?" James Moriarty smiled gracefully, like a mockery of the black cup, a mockery of [Council].

"So, what's the matter with you attacking Chaldea with Lancer and Rider before? That kind of murderous magic bullet, it's not like a joke!" Saber alter said.

"Of course, it's not a joke." James Moriarty smiled and said, "That's for selection."

"Selection?" Saber Alter frowned.

"Yes, if you want to be my James Moriarty's Master, that must be a powerful person, and at the same time a wise person!" James Moriarty looked at Mustako and smiled kindly. He laughed and said: "Only an adult who has the power to beat Lancer with one punch and an adult who can see through my ambush plan is qualified to be my Master! Yes, if this adult chooses to pursue it at that time, I will definitely kill you with Rider! But this lord, this lord saw through my strategy at a glance and showed amazing wisdom. So I decided to recognize you as me James Morrie Yati’s Master!"

James Moriarty walked down from the high platform, stepped gracefully, walked slowly in front of Kazukiko, knelt down on one knee, stretched out a white gloved hand, and said: "Powerful and powerful. Wisdom lady, I, James Moriarty, would like to dedicate my wisdom to you and work tirelessly for your actions. Please rest assured, although I am a villain, I am also a nobleman. The reservation to guard the agreement still exists."

James Moriarty is fascinated by Mustard Hinako.

Powerful like a lion, resourceful like a military officer, and elegant like a noble...Only such a Master can be recognized by him and become his Master.

Yes, James Moriarty was not controlled by the black cup at the beginning, but after realizing that the eternal king was summoned by the black cup, under the pressure of the eternal king, he chose to hide his submission.

Before calling Medusa to unfold the Blood Temple, one was a real ambush, and the other was to consume Medusa's magic power.

As a result, Kazuki did not pursue it, which showed Kazuki's composure, calmness, and wisdom to see through him.

He is simply an excellent candidate for the Master in his heart.

So, he stabbed Medusa and Hyakuma Hassan in the back, and surrendered to Mustard Hinako.

As for whether it will be accepted?

Isn't this a matter of course?He is James Moriarty with the same name as Sherlock Holmes. Relying on this wisdom, which Master would not accept him?

"Okay, Master. Please make a contract with me..."

James Moriarty raised his head with an elegant smile.

It must be the surprised expression of Kakuko Hinako?

Unfortunately, what he saw was a fist that gradually enlarged in his eyes.

"wait wait wait……!"

Without finishing, there was a "boom", and blood splashed all over.

A head ball generally rolled far away, and the elegant gentleman's body fell straight down.

"Servant, I have a Lanling King, that's enough!"

Musta Hinako looked at the body of James Moriarty indifferently.

Afterwards, she turned her head to look at the killing house Qihuang.

Her expression was indifferent, with a cry of blood on her white uniform, blood on her fist, face, and glasses, and Qi Huang was trembling in fear.

"You, rookie, do you have any wet wipes?" Mustako asked.

"Yes, yes. Um... please don't hit me, Senior Mustard Hinako." Killing Yuan Qihuang quickly took out a pack of wet wipes from her bag, and put them on with both hands, respectfully, for fear of Mustard Hinako. she was.

Musta Hinako opened the wipes, wiped the blood from her cheeks with the wipes, and then wiped her fists.

Saber Alter glanced at James Moriarty's body, turned to look at Musta Hinako, frowned, and said, "You shouldn't kill Archer. He has surrendered to you."

"It's too weak, I can't even take a punch, I don't need it," said Mustard Hinako.

"He is James Moriarty!" Saber Alter reminded.

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