I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 1098

"It's my shit!" Mustard Hinako said.

Saber· alter looked at Mustard Hinako a little speechlessly.

This guy... Isn't he the kind of guy whose body is faster than his brain?

Mustard Hinako glanced at the killing house Kiara, and said, "Go and untie them, and return to Chaldea."

"Ah...Yes!" Qihuang in the killing house hurriedly walked over, unconstrained Ling Zi and others.

We are going back to Chaldea...Be sure to report the information here to Master Mordred!

Qihuang in the killing courtyard said in his heart as he untied Lingzi and the others.




pS: Come here today~!Yesterday, a friend asked about the update is very strange... I'm here to explain.It is 8K every day.Although today is 1.2W again... So, for the sake of my strength, I will vote for this month's guarantee blade and monthly pass~!

Chapter 11 This will be a torture!

The cooling time of the Chaldean connecting passage has come.

Musta Hinako opened the connecting channel, and brought the little cute newbies into the connecting channel, leaving the connecting point.

They did not contract Saber alter, and Saber alter did not make any of them contract.

Compared to being contracted by the Chaldean Master, she is more thinking about how to first solve the eternal king and liberate the eternal king.

If King Arthur is a concept, then there is no doubt that the Eternal King stands at the apex of King Arthur and is the only king among King Arthur who has reached the end of their long-cherished wish.

Such a king, Saber Alter will never allow such a king to be controlled by the [Council] or controlled by other people.

She must find ways to free the Eternal King.

Turning around, Saber alter left here.


Ling Zi looked at the back of Saber Alter and muttered.

"What are you talking about, Ling Zi?" Qi Huang turned his head and looked at Ling Zi's profile.

"No, it's nothing." Ling Zi shook his head, and clenched the palm under his sleeve.

Qihuang in the killing house looked inexplicable.

Through the connecting passage, Kiara returned to the Chaldean Spiritual Chamber.

When he walked out of the Lingzi's frame room, Qihuang in the killing house breathed a sigh of relief.

The way for Chaldea to cross the connection point was the second magic provided by the second magician.

However, it is impossible for a normal Master to reach the second magic crossing connection point.

If you want to cross the connection point, the only way is to put yourself in the state of spirit, so as to use the second magic, so that you can cross the connection point.

The Lingzi frame room is the frame through which the flesh and will are transformed into the Lingzi frame.

It is a combination of scientific physics and mysterious magic.

Qihuang and others walked out of the Lingzi frame room and found a military commander wearing a mask standing aside, exuding an indescribable scent of loneliness and decadence, as if he was exuding An illusion of abandoned pets.

Musta Hinako walked out of the Lingzi frame room, glanced at him, and shouted, "Chang Gong!"

The voice of that lord!

The military commander wearing a mask stood up, and the moment he saw Mustard Hinako burst out of surprise, he stood up quickly, his decadent aura swept away, and replaced by a majestic and majestic vigor.

He stood up, majestic, "Congratulations on your victorious return, my lord!"

At this moment, the atmosphere is somewhat frozen.

"Shut up, Long Gong!" Mustard Hinako gave him a fierce look.

Chang Gong, Gao Chang Gong, he was the famous Lanling King in the Northern Qi era.In fact, Gao Changgong knew Musta Hinako before he was alive, so after becoming a hero, he was summoned by Musta Hinako and followed Musta Hinako.

It's just the attitude of Mustard Hinako that made Gao Changgong a little confused.

Why is Ms. Mustinako so angry?Did he say something wrong?

Of course, Gao Changgong made an empirical error, because Ms. Hinako did not return from victory as Gao Changgong had speculated, but fled back hastily.

Musta Hinako turned her head, looked at Kiara and the others in the killing courtyard, and said, "Everyone has it. Leave the Lingzi frame room and return to your residence!"

"Then, that, Senior Mustard Hinako, is this the end of our internship?" Ling Zi hesitated and asked.

Mustard Hinako glanced at her, and Lingzi's cold eyes gave Lingzi a shock.

Kakuko said: "A new captain will be organized to take you."

"Oh..." Ling Zi nodded.

Kiara asked, "Then, what about that connection point?"

Kiara in Seishiin is concerned about this, because the guardian of the connection point is Mr. Assassin who rescued her from the evil heart of the Demon Bodhisattva.

"This doesn't need you to worry about it. Go out." Mustard Hinako said.

Qi Huang and others in the killing courtyard slowly left the Lingzi frame room.

After Qihuang and others in the killing courtyard left the Lingzi frame room, Lanling Wang Gao Changgong looked at the mustard young child and asked, "My lord, is there a problem with that connection point?"

He knows the true face of mustard young child and also clearly knows how terrifying power mustard young child has.But this kind of Kazuki is still defeated. Is there a problem with the connection point, or Kazuki is unwilling to show his sage in front of others?

"The heroic spirit guarding that connection point is a bit tricky," Mustako said.

Something tricky... Wang Lanling turned his head slightly and looked at the login connection point displayed by the Sheba subsystem of the Lingzi frame room: 2012 Winterwood City, link depth E.

When will the connection point of the link depth E also make Mr. Mustinako say the word "tricky"?

Mustard Hinako glanced at King Lanling and said, "Chang Gong, you go and get Mo... No. It should be called Morrigan here. If I want to overcome this connection point, I need her little help. ."

"Is the guardian of this connection point so tricky?" King Lanling was surprised, then shook his head, and said, "Master Morrigan has already moved, and no one knows where she has gone. But if you want to help If you do, Master Mustako, you can go to other people for help."

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