I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1099

"Has she left?" Kakuko frowned, then turned her back and said, "Forget it. I'll go by myself. Without human obstacles, I can exert my true strength."

King Lanling sighed while looking at the mustache young child's back.

Sure enough, his adults still hated humans and refused to contact them.

Although many people say that his adult is a very quiet person, in fact, he just doesn't want to contact others.

After all, his adults and humans are two species.

"Follow up, Chang Gong." Mustard young child stopped and shouted at King Lanling.

"Yes. Lord Mustard Young Child!" King Lanling quickly followed.

Mustard hinako carried out another spiritual transfer.

She returned to the junction of Fuyuki City.

Once again standing on the ground of this city, the mustard young child turned his head slightly and looked at the direction of the big hole in Yuanzang Mountain.

This time, I want to let you know how good I am!

Recalling Shi Lang's contempt for her, Mustard Hinako gritted her teeth and exuded an icy depression, causing King Delanling to shake.

Maybe others don't know it, but as King Lanling who knew the mustard seedlings before his death, he knew that his sir, that mind is really small!

"It seems that the guardian heroic spirit of this connection point really angered Mr. Mustina. Now, he is miserable."

King Lanling sighed, seeming to feel sad for the fate of the guardian of this connection point.

Because this will be a massacre!

The twelfth chapter does not believe in his light, or at least believes in his firm will!

After leaving the Lingzi frame room, Qihuang in the killing courtyard bid farewell to Lingzi and the others and ran from the corridor to the dormitory.

"Yeah yeah-"

The crow's cries sounded outside the windows of the promenade.

Ling Zi glanced at the crow outside the window, showing a helpless and disgusting expression, then watched Qihuang disappear from the back of the killing courtyard before turning and leaving.

Kiara in the Killing Academy didn't pay attention to this, she was full of thoughts of conveying Shilang's news to Master Mordred and Senior Matthew.

The Chaldeans was built on Cocos Island in the East Pacific, nearly 500 kilometers southwest of Costa Rica, covering an area of ​​9.2 square miles, or about 23.85 square kilometers.

It is said that Chaldea was only a small astronomical observatory of the Animsfiya family, located in the old forest deep in the mountains.

However, after 2004, the United Nations injected capital and allocated the island to Chaldea, allowing Chaldea to conduct activities.

The current Chaldeans can be said to be a comprehensive facility that integrates eating, drinking, housing, traveling and playing.

Of course, those are for the active Master and the staff to entertain the body and mind.

The real task of Chaldeans is naturally to solve the connection points, after all, the outside world...

Qihuang in the killing house turned his head and looked through the glass of the promenade to the wish. The distance was shrouded in black clouds, and the terrible thunder flashed in it, like the authority of a god.And in those black fog, what can be seen is the dark ring that is commonly seen at any connection point.

Kiara clenched his fists, put all other thoughts out of his mind, and ran towards the dormitory area quickly.

On the road, I greeted a few acquainted but unfamiliar friends, and Kiara ran to the door of the familiar room.

Qi Huang stretched out his palm and put it on the handle of the door. Before he pushed the door in, Mordred's cry was heard inside: "Oh~!"

Kiara in the killing house was stunned on the spot.

Later, there came a more crisp female voice: "Meow~!"

Kiara in the killing house is confused again, what is doing here?

And this meowing sound... is it Miss Xiao Mo?

Could it be...

Could it be that Master Mordred was bullying Miss Xiao Mo again?

Thinking of this, Qihuang hurriedly pushed the door in.

She felt that even if she was not strong enough, even if she was Master Mordred's disciple, but if Master Mordred was bullying Miss Xiao Mo, she still had to stop it.

With a "crunch", Qihuang pushed in the door of the killing house. She thought it would be Master Mordred stepping on Miss Xiao Mo's body and swearing her victory proudly.

However, the scene before her stunned her.


I saw Master Mordred wearing white clothes, with both hands on the ground, lying on the ground and screaming like a tiger, while Miss Xiao Mo was wearing red clothes and also touching the ground with both hands. Lie on the ground and make a "meow, meow" meow.

The style of painting is too strange.

This is not like the "Mo War" that has lasted for three months!

No matter what you think, it should be the same as in the past three months. Her master Mordred stepped on Miss Xiao Mo and let out a "hahaha" triumphant laugh like a big devil.

But this scene...




Regardless of what others thought, Kiara in the killing house was shattered by the scene before him and completely gave up thinking.

Master Mordred and Miss Xiao Mo look exactly the same. If you insist on telling the difference, then Master Mordred is only twelve years old, while Miss Xiao Mo is sixteen years old, besides the eyebrows.The tail of Master Mordred's eyebrows is shaped like a lightning bolt, but Miss Mo is not like that.

As for why they look so exactly the same...

This is also of course, because Miss Xiao Mo is also called Mordred, the parallel world peer of Master Mordred.

When the two met for the first time, it was too late to meet each other, and then in order to achieve the heroic tradition of "no fight, no acquaintance", the two fought fiercely.

Then, the result...

Needless to say.

If it was Miss Xiao Mo who had won, then the one now called Xiao Mo would be Master Mordred.

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