I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 1103

And healed at a speed visible to the naked eye!

How could this happen?

How can humans have such a speed of self-healing?

Is it the magic that specializes the flesh?

Matthew had doubts in her heart.

"You..." Wasabi Hinako moved her body and was beaten into a delirious consciousness. She was looking at the Killing Yuan Qiara in a daze, "Is this... Is this the Star Inner Sea?"

"You, you have a hallucination, senior mustard young child! This is the connection point, I am the killing house praying for waste, the killing house praying for waste!" Said the killing house Qihuang hastily.

However, Musta Hinako tilted her head and fainted completely.

It seems that she has indeed suffered a lot of attacks, and Kiara in the killing house can even see the mochi-shaped soul emerging from her small mouth...

Shi Lang glanced at the mad woman who had passed out completely, and he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

After fighting with Mustard Hinako, he once again understood that the Star Elves are not to be offended.

Elquette, he really can't afford to offend, and this one... is simply a blast!

Shi Lang had never seen such a fight before, and he blew himself up.

A series of blew!

Fortunately, he has [Avalon], so he hid in [Avalon] and watched the mustard hinako's blew.

He originally thought Musta Hinako would give up, but as a result, this guy was a typical tendon, and he blew himself up, trying to explode [Avalon].

Yes, Kakuko will faint now. It's not how ruthless Shirou made the move, it was this guy who blasted herself out.

As for the King Lanling who is now fainted on the ground, it was indeed his hand.


It seems that after he knocked King Lanling unconscious, the mad woman began to explode continuously.

Although it is useless in front of [Avalon].

But the infinite self-destructive madness of Musta Hina...

To be honest, it is indeed a bit scary, well-deserved grumpy old man.

And now, he doesn't have to worry about these things, because he is leaving this connection point.

The key member of the [Council] who summoned him has taken action!

However, it doesn't matter, because Adam has already brought his ontology and has approached this area from a dimensional perspective.

Shiro intends to greet the good friend who summoned him and send some warmth by the way, so it is inconvenient to stay again.

With a slight step, Shirou was gradually drawn away from this connection point through the pitch black light beam projected from the dark ring.

"Wait a minute, Eternal King!" Mordred yelled, "Why give me mercy and humiliation!"

"Do you think that is a humiliation? Huh, really stupid heir." Shirou said.

However, Shirou felt a little relieved to see such a dynamic Mordred.

"I'm not stupid!" Mordred gritted her teeth and looked at the Shirou who was leaving here along the beam of light along the dark ring. She took out [Rest in peace, rest here forever] and shouted: "Don't want to run!"

The black and red holy sword in her hand is brewing magic power, just as it is about to be released-

"Sword of Oath of Victory Morgan!"

The dark starlight, like the Milky Way on the horizon, took the lead and bombarded Mordred.

When Ma Xiu saw this, he almost instinctively took out his shield, blocked Mordred, and resisted Morgan, the sword of victory.

"...Sometimes I feel that Ching Galahad is really an eyesore." Indifferent but a little helpless voice rang.

Xiao Mo found that the evil sword in his hand was exuding a faint evil spirit.

There is no doubt that this is a sign of a special attack.

The karma who was attacked by this treasure, by this treasure named [Rebellion to My Gorgeous Father], appeared here.

and many more……

"Could it be..." Xiao Mo's eyes shrank suddenly.

Saber Alter walked out slowly from the other corner of the big hole.

The posture that looked like a magic dragon was far from the holy posture in memory, but Xiao Mo recognized it at a glance.

"Father... Father..." She couldn't say anything.

It's that woman, that...her father!

Saber·Alter glanced at Xiao Mo, and then slowly walked towards the dark beam of light bursting out of the Dark Ring.

"and many more--!"

Xiao Mo and Mordred yelled at the same time, trying to stop their teleportation.

At this time, Shi Lang took out the holy gun Lungominiad and fired a shot at them, hindering their progress, thus making the two successful transmission.

People disappeared.

The guardian also disappeared.

Only King Lanling lying on the ground and fainted, and a small, pitch-black cup, remained under the empty hole of Yuanzang Mountain.

-Black cup.

This means that the connection point is successfully resolved.

However, neither Mordred nor Xiao Mo, who felt that it had nothing to do with him at the beginning, hung up high, or even Kiara and Matthew in the killing house were not at all happy.

Because the most fundamental purpose has not been achieved.

They did not come to solve this connection point, but to Shirou.

Today, Shi Lang left the black cup, but he was summoned and left this connection point.

"Damn it, Eternal King!"

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