I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 1104

Mordred gritted his teeth and was extremely unwilling.

But there is no alternative.

"What to do, King Mordred?" Matthew asked.

Mordred took a deep breath and said, "Go back first."

Several people nodded, preparing to leave this connecting point that was about to collapse.

Mordred found that Xiao Mo was still there, looking at the dark ring that was gradually collapsing in the sky, and said: "Go, Xiao Mo!"


Xiao Mo didn't bizarrely bickering this time, but took another look at the collapsed dark ring.


Talking silently, they turned and left.

Matthew looked at King Lanling who had passed out in a coma, while Qihuang in the killing courtyard was holding the mustard young child, preparing to leave this connection point.

Qihuang in the killing house lowered his head slightly, looking at the mustard young child who had passed out of a coma, and at the sweet sleeping face.

Actually, when Kanoko-senpai was asleep, she was still very cute.

Qi Huang couldn't help but think so.

The junction gradually collapsed, and the deserted Fuyuki City was ruined little by little.

In an industrial park on the outskirts, in the office of the director of a pharmaceutical material production plant.

The strong wind roared outside the window, rustling the old notebook on the office desk, and finally stopped on a page full of words.

——Never forget your real name, and never forget her, even if...




pS: That's it for today~!Good night~!

Chapter 14 Don't treat others as simple man-machines!

The mass point of the dark ring is compressed, and the dark light emitted from it is a channel for traction.

Someone intends to tow Shiro from this connection point to another location.

Shirou did not resist, on the contrary, he was quite cooperative.

Because he was aware that the person who was pulling him right now was the initiator who forced him to be summoned.

Therefore, Shi Lang did not resist, but rather cooperated. His purpose was to see what the initiator who called him wanted to do.

However, before that, Shiro once again contacted the ontology through the [Evil of This World], thus starting a conversation with Adam.

"Adam, is there any change in the position I gave from a dimensional perspective?" Shiro asked.

According to the information he has, the connection point of [Council] is a singularity produced by the interlacing of parallel worlds.If he is moved to another connection point, his position will also change.

However, Adam's answer made De Shilang frowned.

"No, Mr. Assassin. Your position has not changed, you are still in the original position." Adam replied.

It was this answer that made Shirou a little confused.

His cognition of the connection point comes from the narration of Romani and Matthew, and according to Romani and Matthew, the connection point is a singularity generated by the interlacing of parallel worlds. In theory, the transferred point is in the parallel world. Shuttle between, the direction will inevitably change.

However, Adam answered no.

Adam and Shirou's ontology wandered in the crevice of the dimension together. In other words, they were exiled by the world at the gray spot where the world barrier and the boundary line were placed.

Without the existence of the second method, without the existence of directions, one would always be lost in this infinite gap.But at the same time, there are many things that can be seen more thoroughly than in the world in this gap, such as Shirou's position shift at this moment.

However, Adam's answer is very strange.

His position has not changed...

Could it be said that this is a transfer in a world?

So, where will he be transferred?The outside of Fuyuki City is illusory and inaccessible.

Where else can he be transferred?

Shi Lang thought.

"Mr. Assassin, am I going to drive to you now?" Adam asked.

"Yeah. Come on, bring my main body, I will find a way to let us return from the dimensional cracks first." Shilang said.

"Okay, Mr. Assassin."

Adam took Shiro's ontology and continued to march in this vast and chaotic darkness, walking towards the weak connection that seemed to exist in the distance.

Shirou no longer thinks about it. The information he has about the connection point, the [Council], and the current Chaldeans is very scarce.

The only information available is that the information provided by Romani and Matthew does not know whether it is the third-hand or fourth-hand information. They have insufficient knowledge of the current situation and are really insufficient to infer the purpose of the [Council] to create the connection point, and to Make judgments about the situation you have to face.

Because, in the case of insufficient intelligence, too arbitrary judgments and subjective conjectures are too strong, and it is easy to deceive oneself.


Slightly lowered his head and looked at Saber alter following him, Shi Lang felt helpless, and he was chasing really tightly.

As if to perceive Shiro’s gaze, Saber alter raised his head, those dark golden bright eyes stared at Shiro tightly, and grasped the jet black in his hand, like the incarnation of despair, the sword of victory·Morgan .

When Kana Hinako left for the first time, Saber alter attacked Shiro again, but he was still crushed by Shiro's firepower and easily defeated.

However, it was because of the powerful firepower covering and crushing that Saber alter realized that Shirou might not be controlled.

After all, with that powerful firepower covering and crushing, without the scabbard-[Avalon], she did not die, which in itself is a rather strange thing.

And Saber alter also thought about the battles against Shirou. After thinking about it carefully, she realized that although she was horribly bombarded, in fact, whether it was her, Seishiin Kiara, or Mustard Hinako None suffered a fatal attack.

——Assassin, I don’t know if you are being manipulated or what you are thinking.However, I will never let your light be polluted.

Saber alter clenched Morgan, the sword of victory in his hand.

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