I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 1105

The Eternal King, that stands at the apex of King Arthur, the only king who fulfilled King Arthur's long-cherished wish.It can be said that she was the self in King Arthur's dream, so how could she allow such King Arthur to be defiled?

The most important thing is that she also wants to get a way to achieve her long-cherished wish from Shirou.

However, Saber Alter obviously did not think of Shirou's plan.

In fact, Shi Lang wanted to keep her and go to make a contract with Chaldea.

In this way, Chaldea could get a powerful aid, but he didn't expect that Saber alter directly caught up.

Before bombarding Mordred and Xiao Mo with the Holy Spear Lungominiad, it was to prevent them from pestering themselves, but because of this, Saber alter succeeded in catching up.

This has to be said, it is a mistake.

Through the dark light, Shirou and Saber alter shuttled through the connection point.

Shirou saw a burst of brilliance in the surrounding space, and then left the junction of Fuyuki City.

From the perspective of the shuttle, Shirou looked down at the junction of Fuyuki City, and Shirou frowned.

Looking at the connecting point of Fuyuki City from a bird's-eye view, Shirou felt that what he saw was not like a world, or a staggered point, but like... a broken piece.

The feeling of familiarity and strangeness that first arrived at this connection point became stronger and stronger.

He always felt that he had used this perspective to see such a city of Winterwood.



I remembered.

In 1994, when Fu Hailin was pushed into the [Roots] channel, he once overlooked the city of Winterwood like this.

Speaking of it, I really miss it.

It just seems that there is something missing and something more.

By the way, without the golden light of the enlightened person seen from Liudong Temple and the Einzbern Castle in the outskirts, there was an abandoned industrial park.

Shi Lang shook his head and turned his head, with a "pop", his body passed through the dark ring.

Saber alter followed closely, and also crossed into the dark circle.

After crossing the dark circle, Shi Lang only felt dizzy in his head, and the familiar feeling of crossing the world came again. The next moment, the scenery in front of him changed in general.


Passing through the dark circle of the sky, looking down from the angle of the sky, Shi Lang only saw a pale, vast sky.

The heavy snow of goose down, next to him, fell piece after piece, and the whole earth showed a pale sickness.

"Where is...where?"

The body shuttled through the dark ring, as if pulled by an invisible thread, Shirou fell towards a place like a meteor.



"Come! Here!" The man smiled.

He put aside the crystal ball he had been observing, walked to the outside world, stepped on the pale ground, and looked up at the falling meteor in the sky.

There is no doubt that it was summoned by him, Berserker·Eternal King·Alter!

"Hahaha... the anchor is about to be anchored! This connection point, the anchor is about to be anchored! Demon King Gaetia, even if you disagree with my plan to attack and kill Chaldea, it does not matter. The anchor point that first anchored is mine. This Nordic!" The man laughed wildly.

There was a wild laugh on the man's face.

It's finally time for this anchor to be anchored!

"Hela, Surut... seems to have transferred a whole Servant. But it doesn't matter anymore. At this moment, use the Eternal King Alter to summon Oglemill overlappingly. The rest is waiting for the Fenbul Winter to pass! "The man clenched his fist.

But at this moment--

"——The Great God Declaration!"

Standing at the top of the world tree, Asgard was shining with sacred golden light, which brought a trace of vitality to the pale, dying patient-like world.

With a rather cold voice, Asgard shot a blow like a golden comet, and attacked the two Shirou who had fallen from the sky.

The man's eyes shrank sharply into needles.

The golden comet is full of power, and it makes the space where it passes by exudes bursts of spatial fluctuations.

Shiro: "!!!"

Shirou's eyes shrank sharply as he stared at the god's spear coming like a golden heart of wisdom.

Shirou did not hesitate to take out the scabbard-[Avalon] and unfold the barrier of [Avalon].


In an instant, the sound like a muffled thunder blast resounded, and the terrifying air wave shook the surrounding wind and snow to shatter.

The God’s Spear named the Great God’s Manifesto failed to break through the guardian barrier of [Avalon], but it successfully destroyed the invisible force that led Shiro and Saber alter to fall, leaving Teshiro and Saber alter like lost Like a navigational spaceship, it lost its way and fell from the sky.

Upon seeing this, the man stared at Asgard who was shining with golden light, his face was pale, and he snorted coldly, "Let’s linger! Even if the King of Eternity is not brought here...he who has become Alter, will do It constitutes serious damage to you as order!"

The man turned and returned to his workshop.


Because of Skadi's vigilance, he went bankrupt!

This scene in Chapter 15 seems a bit familiar...!

The origin of the Nordic mythological world is the world tree.

Standing at the top of the world tree, the gods exist and live in the world-Asgard.

Asgard, this is the land where the Nordic gods live, a beautiful and splendid world, all seasons are like spring, and there is a beautiful rainbow bridge.

But now, Asgard, which used to be splendid in four seasons, has been covered with snow, and the gardens and trees have all withered, without the slightest beauty and beauty, which can only make people think of dying patients.

Even the once brilliant and beautiful Rainbow Bridge is very dim at this moment, just like the last sign of the patient's return.

Skady stood on the golden floor of the Great Temple and stretched out his hand. The Spear of the God King-the Declaration of the Great God, which destroyed the invisible power of Shiro, flipped a few times in the air, and then returned to Skady's like a meteor. Hands.

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