I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1107

"I'm telling the truth." Shirou smiled.

Saber· alter: "..."

Saber Alter said nothing, but stared at Shirou with a cold face.

Shi Lang didn't care, he smiled and said, "You are in this state, and you can express your emotions. Well, this situation is somewhat similar to when Al was altered."

"Are you talking about the other me?" Saber Alter asked.

Shiro nodded.

Saber alter put away Morgan, the sword of victory, and asked: "I don't understand. If you were not controlled, why did you attack me and Chaldea before?"

"Because I have been summoned by the [Council], I want to find out the meaning of [Council] summoning me more or less. And...Kiara in the Killing House is too naive, and her leader is too reckless, so I want to give one Lesson. Oh, by the way, the previous brutal attack on you was revenge for your sneak attack on me."

Shi Lang smiled and asked, "How? Have you been blown into a black charcoal face?... Your face is hard to look like, it seems that it is really a black charcoal face. Hahaha, I deliberately!"

Saber· alter: "..."

Saber Alter's mouth twitched, and said with a black face, "You are more nasty than when you were in Romania!"

"I'm very happy to get such an evaluation. After all, I was often evaluated as a boring man before. At least it is better to have a bad taste than a boring one. Hmm, there is progress!" Shi Lang said.

Saber Alter sighed, she felt that she was in a tyrannical state, it is not suitable for her to communicate with Shilangduo, otherwise she might have to use a sword to kill people.

Saber·Alter glanced around and saw those steel trees. Those slender eyebrows raised and asked, "Where is this place?"

"I don't know." Shi Lang spread his hands and said helplessly.

Saber Alter looked at him strangely and said, "Aren’t you trying to find out what [Council] summoned you to do? Now that it has been transferred from the connection point, [Council] should tell you about this information." ."

"It's like this according to common sense, but I was attacked by a third party midway. I was shot down midway, and I was not dragged to the [Council], nor did I see the [Council] who called me, let alone I understand the intelligence of this world." Shi Lang said helplessly.

For this, he is also somewhat helpless.

"So..." Saber Alter nodded, indicating that he had understood the situation.

"Alright," Shi Lang stood up, patted the ice and snow off his pants, and said, "Since you are awake, we should also explore where it is. But before that, Saber, come here."

"what happened?"

Saber Alter walked to Shirou's front.

Saber Alter was Al when he was fifteen years old. He was only 1.5 meters tall and looked very petite until a little under Shiro's shoulders.

In Saber alter's suspicious gaze, Shi Lang stretched out his hand and aimed it at Saber alter's forehead, which was just a brain dipper.



Saber· alter clutched his forehead, gritted his teeth and stared at Shirou, and asked: "What are you doing, Assassin!?"

"To make a statement, my rank is now Berserker, you should not call me Assassin, but should call me Berserker. Of course, these rank titles are very troublesome, you can directly call my real name, Shiro, or Gurnevere. Also," Shi Lang smiled and touched his belly, and said: "When you fell from the sky, your brain hit my belly badly. My belly still hurts, of course you Get back in revenge."

Saber Alter understood the situation, she said silently: "This is just an accident! An accident! Are you so careful? What about your chivalry and the glory of the Holy King?"

"What the spirit of a knight, what the glory of a holy king, this kind of thing can't beat my eight poles. By the way, my mind is so small." Shi Lang smiled, waved his palm and turned away.

Saber alter gritted his teeth for a while.

She could not have imagined that as the apex of King Arthur, the Eternal King was such a careful person!

and many more!

Could it be...!

Saber·Alter took out the notebook and pen from his arms and began to write and draw on it.

Shi Lang was very surprised why Saber Alter didn't follow up, turned his head and looked at her, "Saber, what are you doing? Don't you follow?"


Saber·Alter took the pen and the notebook and followed.

The wind and snow fluttered, and there was a string of words recorded in the notebook.

——Be careful!

Chapter 16 The first girl I met, Gerda

Shirou and Saber alter strolled in the steel woods.

Shirou walked ahead, and Saber alter lags behind.

This scene reminded Texan of his first journey to Lily in Britain.

It was also he who walked in the forefront, followed by the Great Master Fudge, followed by Al, who was like a lily, and the hardworking coolie-Kai.

Thinking and thinking, Shi Lang couldn't help laughing.

"What are you laughing at, King Eternal?" Saber alter asked with a strange look.

"Ah... it's nothing. It's just that something happy suddenly occurred to him." Shi Lang said with a smile.

Saber Alter has a strange face and is puzzled.

What's up?

Shiro did not answer.

Now, it is still very similar to before.

It's just that the one who followed him at first was a white knight Ji, but now behind him is a black King Arthur.

That flower journey...

Shi Lang felt a little nostalgic and melancholy.

That journey was one of the few in his life, so he really felt happy.

Shi Lang shook his head, dispelled the Qi Nian in his heart, and continued to walk towards the outer end of the steel forest.

The trees in this steel forest are tall and big, each one is 20 meters high, and the width is about ten people. It is like giants one after another, displayed here.

Shirou and Saber alter walked forward.


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