I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 1108

"Boom, boom, boom—"

There were heavy footsteps in the distance.

As if some huge monster was moving forward, the earth shook.

Shirou and Saber alter looked at each other and said, "Go and see!"

"it is good!"

After communicating with Saber Alter, Shirou was surging with [evil] behind him, and then the black fleshy wings of [evil] sprang out automatically.

This time, the fleshy wings of [evil] suppressed [the evil of this world] due to the influence of the Eternal King's side, so the size has changed, only more than one meter, and on the surface, a faint black light is flowing, which looks extremely Evil and secretive.

Shiro reached out and grabbed Saber alter's shoulder.

"What are you doing?" Saber Alter turned his head, looked at Shirou, and asked.

"I'll take you to fly over. The speed will be faster." Shi Lang said to Saber alter. The fleshy wings of [evil] behind him vibrated slightly, and his body slowly lifted into the air.[Evil] The fleshy wings vibrated again, and then rushed towards the place where the source of the earthquake resounded.

Looking at the trees underneath him that are retreating like shadows, Saber Alter said in his heart that they were flying faster than running.If she were to run with her legs, with her current agility D in the altered state, the speed might be less than one-fifth of Shirou's.

Just this pose...

Somewhat uncomfortable!

Sticking to the top of the steel tree, Shiro flew past at an extremely fast speed. Three minutes later, he finally approached the place where the source of the earthquake came from.

From afar, he and Saber Alter saw a huge body.

It is a giant, about five meters away, and all of his body is made of rocks, like a doll made of stone created by Avisbronn.

At a distance of tens of meters away from the giant, Shiro stopped and landed on top of a towering giant tree.

Here, both Shirou and Saber alter can see the surrounding situation of the rock giant clearly.

Looking closely, Shiro found that there was not only the one rock giant, but also three rock giants, and a giant covered in frost.

The height is between five and ten meters, and the tallest one is the frost giant, which is about ten meters visually.

These giants, to normal humans, can be said to be real behemoths, but for Adam’s body that has swelled to 1,500 meters in the crevice of the dimension, or the 200-meter [evil] that Shiro once made For the giants, it was too short, so there was no deterrent at all.

Shi Lang stood on the top of the tree, carefully looking around the giants, his brows frowned.

Among those giants, there are two rock giants holding two huge iron cages, and among those two iron cages, humans are enclosed.

Count carefully there are six people, four on the left and two on the right.

Shirou frowned, Saber alter was about to step forward with the sword, but Shirou reached out and stopped her.

"Are you not going to save them?" Saber Alter turned his head, looked at Shi Lang's profile, and asked.

"You must save it, but don't worry about it," Shilang said.

Saber Alter frowned, and said, "The giants are out of control."

"The focus is not on giants, but on obtaining information." Shirou said.

Saber alter was taken aback.

She understood that Shiro was going to track the giants, and from the behaviors of those giants, to obtain some superficial knowledge and information about the world and this connection point.

Saber Alter looked at Shirou's profile, and said to his heart that he was indeed the King of Eternity who fulfilled my long-cherished wish. He maintained a calm attitude from beginning to end, and focused on harvesting information.

After thinking about it, Saber Alter added another sum to his notebook.

-Pay attention to information.

However, such a Shirou made Saber alter not help thinking of his former Master-Eimiya Kiritugu.Although that man is despicable, his calm disposition is exactly the same as that of the King of Eternity.

It's just that the Eternal King and that Weimiya Kirishu are two opposite people.

Saber Alter first thought of the despicable, bleak, unscrupulous picture of Keishi Weimiya, and then thought of Shirou's light when he was in the Paradise of Bliss.

Although both of them are very calm and sensible, it is true that the Eternal King and that Eumiya Kirisu are fundamentally different.

Saber Alter was thinking about these things, but at this time, Shi Lang called her, ready to do it.

Saber·Alter looked at Shi Lang with a strange look, and asked, "Didn't you let me stay calm?"

"Weiing is impermanent, and water is impermanent. The target has changed, and we must change accordingly!" Shiro said, raising his palm and pointing at the rock giant and frost giant in the distance.

Saber·Alter looked around, his eyes shrank sharply.I saw the rock giants and the frost giants reunited, set up a fire in the steel forest, and then grabbed people from the cage and put them aside, as if they were preparing to barbecue.

Seeing this scene, without waiting for Shi Lang to greet him, Saber alter directly injected magic power into Morgan, the sword of victory.

As the magic power was poured into Morgan, the sword of Oath of Victory Morgan, the sword of Oath of Victory Morgan in Saber alter's hand vibrated slightly, and then emitted a faint black light.

The surging magic power condensed into one point, and Saber alter aimed at the rock giant who was about to catch people, and swung down the sword of victory in his hand, Morgan.

As her sword swung down, Morgan, the sword of oath of victory, burst out a slender column of magic power and rushed towards the rock giant.

She didn't release the treasure, because the Liberation Oath of Victory Sword·Morgan's attack range was too large, and it was easy for the humans caught by the giant to be attacked, so she just released magic power.

The surging magic power was like a pillar, sprinting towards the rock giant. With a "bang" sound like a muffled thunder, the rock giant was directly pierced by Saber alter's magical power and pierced his heart and burned his upper body straight up. Fell down.




The rock giant was burned to the upper body and fell down. Not only did the humans who were held in the cage tremble with fright, even the other giants were also frightened and angry.

The tallest Frost Giant stood up, raised his head and screamed: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"

He looked around and finally saw Saber alter, full of fighting spirit, running towards Saber alter, seeming to want revenge on Saber alter who killed the rock giant.

When Saber alter saw this, he was about to swing the sword down again, but before she could move, Shiro released the holy spear at a faster speed. Lungominiad directly destroyed it. This ten-meter frost giant.

The brilliance of the Holy Spear Lungominiad destroyed the Frost Giant, and when he was about to bombard the Rock Giants and humans after him, Shiro retracted the Holy Spear Lungominiad.

As the Holy Spear Lungominiad was taken back, the terrifying, scorching starlight also dissipated.

Send and receive freely!

Saber·Alter looked at Shirou in amazement.

She couldn't believe that Shirou had completed the Holy Gun Lungominiad like this!

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