I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1122

Niederhogg was very embarrassed at the moment, his wings were tattered, and the black crystal scales on his huge body had been shattered, leaving only his body with burnt flesh that had been blurred by the tower of black light.

Niederhogg glared at Shirou fiercely, turned around, and ran.

It knew that it was not Shirou's rival.

However, it does not matter, as long as it lives, it will have revenge sooner or later!

"It's going to run!" Shroud called.

"It can't run." Shi Lang raised his eyebrows and said.

Whenever he is determined to end a life, he will not show mercy.

With a move of his mind, the Tower of Black Light emerged from the ground again.

"No way, Lord Eternal King." Slude shook his head and said: "It wants to run away, no one can keep it!"

"There is no absolute in the world!"

Shi Lang stretched out his hand, and the huge black light tower "clicked" several times, and the endless truth and ether extracted from the inner sea of ​​the stars condensed into a ball, and the huge tower body that reached the sky gradually condensed into a ball, and finally turned into a ball. A long slender gun with black light.

"That's...I saw...the light gun in Elysium?" Saber alter muttered to himself while looking at the black light gun in Shirou's hand.

The gun of endless glory!

Do not.

The gun formed by the altered tower of black light should be called the gun of black light.

Shiro opened the [Clairvoyance EX] and aimed at the escaping Nidhogg, and then violently threw the black light gun in his hand.

A black star against the sky rose from the ground, and only heard a "boom" and shot through Niederhogg's already tattered body.


Only the last wailing roar sounded from the earth, and the huge body completely fell from the sky and fell in front of Shi Lang.

Shiro stretched out his hand, and the gun of black light returned to Shiro's hand.

——Sure enough, this hero...super!

Slude looked at Shirou dignifiedly, and if Skady-sama added such a powerful enemy... then Skady-sama would be too sad.

However, fortunately, this hero is a fool, and he actually obeyed me.

Slude breathed a sigh of relief.

Shi Lang retracted the gun of black light, and when he looked at Niederhogg's huge dragon body, Shi Lang couldn't help being stunned.

Hodnige's huge body dissipated like a spirit child, but in the end, there was a stone disk the size of a slap.

Shilang saw it and saw that this stone plate was very primitive, and it was engraved with strange symbols of unclear meaning, like the original Rune rune, but not like it.The magic is huge, it is a crystallization of magic.

"Do you know what this is, Slud?" Shirou took the stone tray in front of Slud and asked. If this is an important item, it can be delivered in advance.

"I don't know." Slude shook his head.

In other words, is it not something important, just as the crystallization of the basic magic of this Niederhogg?

Shi Lang thought for a while, threw the stone plate into the mud, and then swallowed it with [Mortal Awakening·Emperor].

Since it's not an important item, it's better to feed yourself directly.

If not sure, you can also use Nidhogg's records to activate the [Emperor] in advance.

Shiro’s expectations fell through. The stone plate carrying Niederhogg’s record obviously failed to achieve the [Emperor] karma, but it made Shiro’s magic power a lot higher. Some of De Hogg's abilities, this can be considered a valuable gain.

"Magic, magic index...4.3 million...!"

Seeing Shirou who swallowed the authentic stone plate and brought changes, the corner of Slude's eyes twitched...

"This, this kind of magical fluctuation... Another Hela?"




pS: It's 5K again. That's it for today.This roll is played steadily, and there will be no intensive reversal, please rest assured.

Chapter 23 Go to sleep well, Skatie [5.5K, 2 in 1]

Although it is not clear why after defeating the black dragon Niederhogg, Niederhogg will drop an item like an online game BOSS-a stone plate printed with a dragon shape.

However, Shiro had already swallowed it with [Mortal Awakening·Emperor], and the magic power he possessed had also been greatly improved, surpassing the magic power previously held by Nidhogg.

Such a huge magical power, although not as good as Shirou's first acquisition of the magical powers accumulated in the 240 years of the Fuyuki City Spirit Vessel, it can be regarded as the size of the ocean.

This made Shirou wonder if he was dreaming.

To be honest, although he possesses the inherent ability of [Evil Flower] to quickly accumulate magic power, he has been unable to accumulate magic power for so many years, just like a moonlight clan.Therefore, now that he has such a huge amount of magic power, Shirou suspected that he was dreaming.

Okay, Shi Lang began to thank the important member of the [Council] who called him again.

It was really too kind. He gave him lost in the gap of the dimension without telling him the direction, and he directly summoned the Eternal King, and fed him a considerable degree of magic in advance, so that he did not have to worry about the consumption of magic.

It's so kind!

When you see him, you must give him a good person card.

Speaking of it, Shirou will get lost in the crevice of the dimension and it is a last resort, after all, it is his ontology that gets lost in the crevice of the dimension.The rank card that the ontology can use the Eternal King recorded has long since disappeared.

It is precisely because he cannot use the ontology to become the eternal king, so his ontology will be lost in the gap of the dimension.

Slud asked the other eight Valkyrie Valkyrie to search for ten kilometers and found the bodies of three Valkyrie Valkyrie.

Two of the bodies have lost their signs of life, and the body of the Valkyrie Valkyrie that is alive has only the upper body left, dying and there is no rescue.

The living valkyries surrounded her, and Slud knelt down, holding her only warm palms in both hands.

White goose down fell from the sky and soon covered the open brown ground.

Between the sky and the earth, there is a vast expanse of whiteness.

There are no other colors.

"Report, report...Valkyrie C-type 11741 root...fundamentally damaged. On July 4, 2012, I applied for...application for retirement..." Only the upper body of the Valkyrie was left lying in the snow. On the ground, he looked at Slude with empty eyes.

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