I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1123

Slude said solemnly: "Apply, pass."

The Valkyrie swallowed her last breath and closed her eyes forever.

The heavy snow of goose down from the sky fell on her like a white curtain.

"May Odin be with you forever."

After praying, Slud stood up.

The surrounding Valkyrie took out three ice coffins and put their remains in.Although these Valkyrie faces did not have the slightest expression, and their eyes were even more dull and hollow, their movements were very careful.

Shirou and Saber alter watched this scene in silence throughout the whole process.

The passing of life is sad, but the death of a soldier is worthy of respect.

These three-body Valkyrie were lucky, at least they were found by their partners, but the other three-body Valkyrie was completely missing.

The three ice coffins have special abilities. After the Valkyrie Valkyrie put the corpses of their companions in, they pressed a button, and then the three ice coffins shrank into capsules, picked up by a Valkyrie, and put them in. A box filled with blank ice coffin capsules.

After finishing this, Slude looked at Shirou and Saber alter, and said apologetically: "Your Eternal King, His Excellency Altria, I'm very sorry to keep you waiting for so long."

"It doesn't matter." Shi Lang shook his head and said, "I and Saber both think that it is necessary to see the soldiers farewell."

"Thank you for your understanding." Slude breathed a sigh of relief, and then said seriously: "We will also find the Master for the two lords and provide help. However, I guess that the two masters should be in Mu Sbelheim boundary gate."

Mousbelheim boundary gate?

Shi Lang raised his eyebrows.Musbelheim, he knows that this is the area where the fire giants inhabit in Norse mythology, but what does the gate mean?Is there anything unique to this Nordic junction?

Shirou informed Slude of the doubt.

After hearing this, Slude explained with a smile: "The gate is a defensive project created by Lord Skadi using his divine power to resist the invasion of giants."

Shiro nodded, and then asked: "In other words, we Chaldeans were all sent to Musbelheim's gate to defend the fire giant by Skady-sama?"

Shirou is not stupid, he just lacks information.Since Slude made it out of thin air with confidence that Shirou, the Chaldean Master was at the gate of Musbelheim. Looking at it this way, it is probably clear that Chaldea was sent by Skadi to defend Musbelheim. The gate is closed.

Sure enough, when Shi Lang asked so, Slud nodded.

Very good, another piece of information.

Moreover, the basic information and position of this Nordic worldview have been clarified.

First of all, two thousand years ago, the twilight of the gods had not occurred, but the Nordic gods including Odin had disappeared, and then the giants began to take the opportunity to regain the sovereignty of the world.Later, Skadi returned from disappearance and drove the ambitious giants out again. After that, the goddess of death Hela also returned from disappearance, uniting the giants and forming a bipolar confrontation with Skadi. .

And since Chaldea would choose to help Skadi, that is to say, there is a shadow of [Council] on the side of Death Goddess Hela and the giants.

Do not.

According to previous information provided by Gerda, the Dark Circle also appeared two thousand years ago.

So, does the disappearance of the Nordic gods including Odin have something to do with the [Parliament]?

Shi Lang thought so.

"Actually, Lord Eternal King and Lord Altria are allies of Asgard. We can take you to the Mousbelheim gate to find your Master. But I'm sorry, we have more important things to go now. Deal with it." Slude said apologetically, then slightly raised his palm, pointed to the south, and said: "Go straight in this direction and you will reach the Mousbelheim gate. If you two sir, you can do it yourself. Go ahead."

Shi Lang glanced at the white south, then turned his head, looked at Slude, and said: "Compared with this, I want to know why Miss Slude appeared here? If it is the black dragon before the crusade, Your combat power seems to be insufficient."

Saber Alter didn't interrupt, because she knew that she didn't talk like Shirou.

Moreover, she was also observing how Shi Lang said and did, and how she got along with others.

King Arthur doesn't understand people's hearts, this is everyone's comment on her.Then learn, or imitate the Eternal King, at least, will not get such painful comments again?

"Yes." Faced with Shirou's question, Slude nodded and said, "We were suddenly attacked by Niederhogg. Our original plan was to go to that village."

Slud raised his palm and pointed at the distant village. Saber alter glanced at it, a little surprised.Because that village is nothing else, it is the village No. 23 in Gerda that they stopped to repair before.

"Hela summoned an evil monster before, but it was silk..."

As soon as he was about to say it, Slud suddenly remembered that the two in front of him were separated from the Master because of Skady’s declaration of the great god, so they changed their words in a panic and said: "The monster summoned by Hela before, was The unknown existence was shot down, and Master Skadi detected it and fell in this area, so we came to crusade the summoned monster. Only halfway through Nidhogg."

It turned out that Shirou and Saber alter were summoned by the [Council] before. Skatie believed that they were extremely evil monsters. Then he shot down Shirou and Saber alter with a treasure, and dispatched Thrud and others to make up the knife.It's just that he didn't succeed, and he encountered Niederhogg who broke into Midgart halfway. If the Fei Shilang came to help, it might have been done here.

it is as expected……

Shilang's expression remained unchanged, but his heart was as clear as a mirror.

However, the Valkyrie in front of me probably never dreamed that the evil monsters she was talking about were the men and women in front of her, right?

Saber Alter also understood the situation, but unlike Shirou, she became agitated and agitated.

Slud and the Valkyrie were sent by Skadi to kill them!

Slud pointed to Village No. 23 and said, "Next, we have to complete the task of Lord Skadi. Two sirs, you can go directly to the Mousbelheim gate. I believe your Master should be there. There."

"No need," Shi Lang shook his head and said, "We stayed in Village No. 23 before and were warmly received by the villagers. It would be rude if we didn't even greet me and leave like this. Moreover, Slude The young lady said, that is the evil monster that Hela summoned. It must be very strong, right? So, Saber and I can be your help."

"Then, that's really thanks to the Lord Eternal King and Lord Altria." Slude said with joy.They were attacked by Niederhogg and their combat power was greatly damaged. In fact, Slude was considering whether to abandon Skarty's mission for the time being, but at this time there was a character comparable to Skarty's Shirou. Join, that must not be a problem.

Saber·Alter glanced at the delighted Slud, then at the smiling Shirou, he stopped talking.

When a few people walked towards Village No. 23, Saber Alt took Shi Lang away from Slude and asked in a low voice, "What do you want, King Eternal? According to their rhetoric, their goal, Should it be us?"

Shilang nodded and said, "Yes. It's us."

"Then we should evacuate as soon as possible. It is not good if we expose ourselves. Don't forget, we are not the Servant of Chaldea, but the guardian of the connection point summoned by the [Council] at the last connection point!" Saber · Alt said.

"Of course," Shilang nodded, and then asked strangely: "But, what about then?"

"Wh, what?"

"Honestly, even if it is exposed, what about it? It's fine to explain it clearly then, otherwise, what do you want your mouth to do?" Shirou asked strangely.

"However, the explanation will often become a cover in the eyes of others... In this situation in Northern Europe, if our true identity is exposed, I am afraid that we can explain clearly not by words?" Saber Alter asked worriedly.

"So what? We are not stronger than them, our wrists are harder, and we have more confidence to lift the table, so what should we worry about? The most important thing is that this is a good opportunity for us to wash our identities! And, We may not be exposed, right?" Shi Lang asked with a smile.

"Don't forget, we were in Village 23 before, and we used the identities of envoys! And they are the real envoys!" Saber Alter reminded.

"So you're worried about this." Shi Lang smiled, "It's not a concern. Don't talk, it's up to me."

Shirou said, walking towards Slude.

Saber·Alter opened her eyes wide and stared at Shi Lang. She wanted to see Shi Lang how to clear up this doubt.

In any case, they all pretended to be envoys before. This is a taint, and even more a suspicious point. It is easy to expose the fact that they are actually the guardians of the last connection point.

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