I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1129

Shi Lang glanced at him, feeling speechless.

Is this really the world of Norse mythology?

Why does it feel like a science fiction world more advanced than modern times?

Even if there is a Valkyrie network that connects everyone into one, there is still this kind of information technology for virtual screen-casting communication...

Is this a science fiction world?

After a brief period of garbled information on that virtual screen, a magnificent golden palace appeared, and then a young girl appeared on the screen.

The young girl has black hair and burgundy eyes. She wears a white cloak on her slender body. She wears a white hood to cover most of her delicate face. She is not beautiful, but has a mysterious nice.

"Is there anything, Slude?" the girl asked.

"Otlind, I have something that needs to be reported." Slude said anxiously.

Valkyrie Outlind was taken aback. Since the disappearance of the gods, she has rarely seen Thrud ever had such anxious moments.

It seems that there is something important.Outlind couldn't help being serious, and even the look in his eyes became very harsh, and he asked, "What's the matter?"

The discovery of General Slud Shilang told Otlind.

"Valkyrie Network...maybe there is an inner ghost?" Outlind frowned. It was obvious that she felt both incredible and a sense of crisis for this information.

Of course, after all, the Valkyrie network is the core of Asgard.

If there is a problem with the Valkyrie network... the consequences are simply unimaginable!

Outlind looked at Slud solemnly and asked: "Slud, how did you come to this discovery?"

"This was not discovered by me, but by the Lord of the Eternal King." General Slud Shirou invited to the front and introduced.

However, when Outlind saw Shirou, his brows frowned, "Anti-hero?"

Hearing this, Shi Lang nodded and said, "Yes. I was summoned by my Master-Masho Girelette from an anti-hero. But if I was summoned as an anti-hero, and Just doubt my true position, that is a very stupid thing, Miss Outlind."

Otlind paused and said, "Of course I wouldn't be like this."

To be honest, she subconsciously thought this way just now, but Shiro pointed it through, and she believed Shiro's position instead.

And the name Matthew Girelette... She didn't know the Chaldean Master, but when she heard the name, she knew that it was not nonsense. If it were nonsense, the sentence could not be so coherent.Therefore, Outlind had no doubts about Shirou in his heart.

"By the way, Slud. How did you meet? The Chaldean Master and Servant should both be at the Mousbelheim gate in the south. How could you meet in Jotunheim in the north?"

Hearing that, Slude told Altlind that he had been attacked by the black dragon Niederhogg and was rescued by Shilang.

Of course, she also told Otlind that Shirou and Saber alter were separated from the Master because of the Skadi Liberation God Declaration.

However, Outlind didn't care how Shirou and Saber alter met Slude, she only cared about one thing.

"Your Excellency, Eternal King, it was you, did you hunt down Niederhogg?" Outlind stared at Shilang closely, his face full of excitement but depression, his delicate face revealed suspiciously red.

"Yes." Shi Lang nodded, he didn't wonder why Outlinde was so excited.After all, Niederhogg is very powerful, and it is indeed a catastrophe for the Nordic mythical world where the gods disappeared and only relied on Skadi.

Now that this catastrophe has been destroyed, any guardian who protects this land will be excited and happy, right?

"Is there a stone plate? Lord Eternal King, do you have a stone plate that fell out after Niederhogg died?" Outlind stared at Shirou closely, his eyes filled with hope and expectation.



Before Shirou could finish speaking, Otlind who got the answer he wanted instinctively screamed, his exquisite little face turned red with excitement.

Seeing Otlind who was so excited, Shirou's heart jumped and asked calmly: "Just ask, is that a very important thing?"

Hearing this, Outlind waved his hand and said, "No. That's not an important thing, but a magic stone that can provide magic."


Since it wasn't something important, Shirou felt relieved.

After all, the stone plate had been eaten by him.

But it’s right to think about it carefully. If Niederhogg really possessed something particularly important and was already slaughtered by Skadi himself, how could he get Shiro in his turn?

Altlind looked at Shirou and said: "Your Eternal King, we are extremely sorry for what happened to you and your companion. We are also very sorry for your separation from your Master. So let's wait for you to fight Let Lourdes come to Asgard together, use Hraswalgel, I believe you can find your Master as soon as possible."

Altlind turned the picture around, and Shi Lang immediately saw a golden condor on top of the temple.

There is no doubt that it is the legendary beast that monitors the world-Hraswargel.

And the eye of Hrasvargel, connected by the Valkyrie network, is its eye.

Shirou thought for a while, agreed to Altlind's proposal, and planned to go to Asgard with Thrud.After all, although Skadi is now an ally with Chaldea, it is not guaranteed to be the guardian of the connection point summoned by the [Council].

Maybe, the black cup is in her hand.

Therefore, Shirou felt that he still needed to see Skatie.

Moreover, in his impression, Skaty overlapped with Skaha, so Skaty generally used Skaha's body to embody the world.Of course, this is his cognition of the Skarty set by Xingyue, and the situation of Skarty in this connection point is not known.

It is also possible that it is Skatie who uses her own physical activity.

Altlind said a few more words with Shirou, then looked at Slud and said solemnly: "I will investigate this matter as soon as possible. Make sure that the Valkyrie network is still Asgard’s strategic weapon. ."

"Trouble you, sister." Slude nodded, and then asked: "By the way, it's better to report this matter to Master Skadi."

"Master Skadi has fallen into a deep sleep. Look—" Outlind turned the camera around again. This time, what appeared on the screen was no longer the handsome golden condor-Heras. Vargel, but a beauty sleeping on the golden throne.

She has a tight white face with long dark purple hair that falls straight down her waist, and her proud body is wearing a purple magic attire.Under the long purple skirt are a pair of slender legs wrapped in purple stockings.

The beauty leaned lazily on the golden throne, her face was supported by her small hands, her breathing was well-proportioned, and she fell into a deep sleep without realizing that someone was taking pictures of her.

"Master Skadi!" Slud couldn't help crying excitedly when he saw the sleeping beauty.


"I see, sister." Slude nodded and said.

Otlind nodded in relief, and only then did she find that Shirou was looking at Skady in a daze, and couldn't help asking strangely: "Your Lord, what else do you have?"

"No. No." Shi Lang shook his head, really wondering what expression he should show.

Because Skadi...

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