I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1130

It still came in the form of Skaha.

This made him a little speechless, but Shirou couldn't help but feel relieved looking at Skady's sweet sleeping face.

Not because of Skady, but because of Skaha.

It's been that way since a long time ago, and he was relieved to see Skarha.

The Fourth Holy Grail War was like that, and it was like that in Britain.

When he saw Skarha, he felt relieved.

Of course, if you make fun of Skaha, treating Skaha's patient is indeed an excuse, and the bad taste is true.

But again, where is Skaha now?Since the body was lost in the crevice of the dimension, he has never seen Skaha again, nor contacted Skaha.

In fact, when the ontology was lost in the crevice of the dimension, he couldn't connect with anyone. Until Adam arrived, he had been lonely in the darkness.

"That's it, Slud."

"Yes. Sister."

After the screen effect disappeared, Slude took off the gun and re-equipped with the light gun and golden shield.

Slud asked the red-billed ponytailed Valkyrie to expand the search range and check whether there were giant settlements around, but unfortunately it still didn't.

Slud did not leave the gate of Jotunheim directly, but planned to stay at the gate of Jotunheim for a while.

After all, it is necessary to check whether the mutually exclusive Rune can work normally, and also to check whether there are other problems with the boundary gate.

Of course, the most important thing is to carefully search the "evil" that was shot down by Skadi.

This is really a spirit of perseverance. As the true face of the "evil", Shi Lang couldn't help but give Slud the best spirit award.

However, Shilang also intends to stay at the gate of Jotunheim for a while, and he is also a little worried about whether there is any hidden danger in the gate of Jotunheim, which will cause the giants to break through this gate.

If so, he can also contribute.

Night fell.

Thrud and other Valkyrie are goddesses and do not need to sleep, but Shirou is different.

Although his body is now the Servant body, it is not a normal human being, but Shirou is inevitable for normal human routines.

Especially sleep.

Since experiencing more than 20 deaths due to overwork, Shi Lang has been particularly seeking sleep.

And this is worthy of the name of the sleeping saint king.

After talking to Slude, Shiro wrapped himself in [evil] and made a simple sleeping bag, and then gradually fell asleep.

The giants are still attacking, rumbling constantly, but they can't disturb the Shirou who has been retracted into [evil].

The night is noisy, but for Shirou, it may also be a good dream.

It’s just that Shirou never discovered that...

The essence of the [mortal awakening] in the depths of his mind is also an invisible vortex that Zhu Yue couldn’t ask for. It seems to have triggered some mechanism, which is spinning slightly...




pS: That's it for today~!

Chapter 28 Skaha and Shiro

"Shirou, Shirou..."

Half-dreaming and half-waking, I don't know how long it has been. When Shirou's consciousness was in chaos and he hadn't opened his eyes, a very gentle call sounded in his ear.

Slude?Impossible, he didn't socialize much with the Valkyrie, and the Valkyrie's voice was relatively tough.

Is it Saber alter?It is impossible, if it is Al, it is possible, but Saber, especially the altered Saber, has a very cold voice.

So, who is calling him who is sleeping?

Chaos consciousness thought so, Shiro opened his eyes subconsciously, but there was a bright light in his eyes. The white sunlight was so dazzling that Shiro couldn't see everything around him for a while, and his eyes closed again, even Even the tears flowed out.

It was not until a moment later, when Shirou opened his eyes to look around, that he couldn't help being stunned.

The entrance is a very modern city block building. He is lying on the lawn of a park. There are pedestrians walking on the street outside the park. There are many vehicles driving on the highway. In addition, he Next to him lies a charming and charming woman like a fairy.

It's just that the pedestrians or the vehicles on the road around them didn't respond. Everyone seemed to ignore them, and walked past them for themselves, and the strangest thing was that these people even walked towards them, But when he gets close to them, he will naturally turn around and make some detours and walk past them.

"Are you awake, Shilang." The fragrant wind hit, and a soft and delicate laughter suddenly rang in Shilang's ears, making his heart tremble slightly, but it also made him frown. .

The woman looks so mature and charming. On top of the Qiao Xiao Yanxi's pretty face, she has a pair of soft burgundy eyes that seem to be attracting men all the time.He moved his gaze over the slender and elegant neck without a trace, but he stayed for a while in the deep milky white ravine.Between women's smiles, the charm is natural, and people have an animal desire to conquer them.

The woman lay her body lazily on her side, showing her proud figure, her small hands supporting her face, and her bright burgundy eyes softly looking at Shi Lang.

Shi Lang looked at this graceful girl, couldn't help but stunned, subconsciously muttered: "S, Skaha..."

Yes, this woman is not someone else, it is Skaha!

what happened?

Shilang wondered, wasn't he asleep at the gate of Jotunheim in the connecting point of the Nordic mythology?Why did he suddenly appear here, and Skaha was still by his side?

Is it the kingdom of shadows of dreams?Has Skaha invaded his dream again?

But it’s not right. In the Kingdom of Shadows, there is no such bright sunshine, let alone those modern high-rise buildings?

Shirou glanced at the extremely modern buildings around, especially the tall tower not far away, and said to his heart, this is Fuyuki City, right?

Shi Lang stretched out his hand and squeezed his eyebrows, stunned for a moment, and then slowly put his two palms in front of his eyes, his brows wrinkled, and he saw a pair of white and soft hands without any calluses.

This is not his palm!

His palms are not so small, and because he has done a lot of farming and fighting in Britain, there are many calluses on his hands that can't be repaired by evil.

and many more!

Shirou stood up and looked around, but he did not find a river that could be used as a mirror.His gaze finally settled on Skaha who was lying on his side on the lawn, his hands were violently pressed on Skaha's shoulders, Shiro pressed on Skaha's body.

Skaha: "?"

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