I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1132

Shirou flipped through his pocket book calmly, and asked Skarhar about something insignificant.

In the end, he understood the peculiarity of this dream.

First of all, this dream is indeed a strange dream based on the Fourth Holy Grail War. Second, the inflection point of this strange dream and Shiro’s experience is that Skaha agreed to Shiro’s request and replaced Shiro as a Caster, and Became Shirou's Servant.

And the time course of this dream is not the first night of the Fourth Holy Grail War, but the third night, or even the last night.

As for why this happens...

Because Shiro and Skaha have eliminated all groups, only Archer Gilgamesh has no strategy.

Shi Lang was a little surprised how to attack other groups.

Because, the setting of this dream is that he used his own ingenuity to drive Skaha to eliminate all groups.

And the plan to eliminate all groups... Shirou couldn't help but rub his eyes, because, isn't this the ideal model he once set?

Lancer Dilumudo was directly stabbed to death by Skaha in the warehouse battle on the first night, while his Master-Kenneth and his wife Sola were shot and killed directly by Enomiya Keishi who bombed the restaurant.

Afterwards, Shiro used the police to want Eomiya Kiriji throughout the city, led him to the police station, and then ambushed him.As a result, he forced him to resort to the curse, summoning Altria here, so that Skaha singled out Altria, successfully killed Altria, and killed Eomiya Kirisu.

Afterwards, using the police system, we found the location of the restaurant hidden by Kirito Eomiya, and seized the RPG hidden by Kirito Eomiya. As a result, he bombarded the temple church and killed the hidden mountain Kirei. With Yanfeng Rizhao, and using Scarha's threats and fraudulent words to deceive Assassin-Baumeng Hassan to serve him.

After that, I took Skaha to attack the Webber stronghold in the suburbs, and used the retreat and assassination of the two spells, forcing Iskandar to use the [King’s Army] to consume mana again and again, and finally dispatch Assassin-Baimei · Hassan assassinated Webber, causing Iskandar to run out of the last [Army of Kings], so that Skaha killed Iskandar.

However, according to the setting of this dream, he did not kill Weber, but signed a magic certificate with Weber, asking him to do two things for himself and spare his life.

Then, in the early morning of the second night, he took Skaha and attacked Einzbern Castle, and Skaha killed the chance encounter Berserker Spartacus in the middle.

He kidnapped Alice Phil, tied him to the castle of Einzbern, and left.

In the early morning of the third day, only Archer Gilgamesh was left without a strategy.

Looking at the plan written in the pocket book, although it is not complete, Shirou has already guessed the setting and background of this dream.

As for the plan to attack Archer Gilgamesh, Shirou had already figured out how to do it even without reading a pocket book.

Because of this plan...

It was the ideal plan model he had thought of in the Fourth Holy Grail War!

However, unlike this dream, in reality, Skaha did not respond to his request to help him, and at that time his ability was not enough to implement this ideal plan model, which led him to change the plan over and over again, and finally Became that ending.

And this dream actually reproduced this ideal planning model!

"Although I don't know who made this dream, I have to boast that I did a good job. Even the ideal planning model that I have forgotten a long time ago can be reproduced."

Shirou touched his chin, which was his usual movement when thinking.

However, the better this dream was done, the more he suspected that this was a prank by Merlin.

However, think about it carefully, if it was Merlin's prank, he would have jumped out to show off in front of him.

In other words, this is indeed the ghost of [Parliament]?

No, this judgment is too reckless.

Shi Lang shook his head. He decided to walk with this plan for the time being to see what the hell was this dream, and then how to get his consciousness out of this dream.

Of course, the most important thing is...

This can be regarded as making up for the regret of failing to implement the ideal plan in the fourth Holy Grail War.

When this ideal plan was carried out to such a point, even in this strange dream at this moment, the Shirou without any special means concluded that Gilgamesh was dead.


Do not.

Shilang is not without any special means. At least, deep in his heart, the invisible vortex of [Awakening of Morality] is still twisting and spinning, as if the chaos that is enough to crush everything...




pS: This dream is about the side of the ruling. You can also check it out.Also, I've seen your guesses about the plot... I couldn't say that as an author, but I still can't help but say, boxer briefs, boxer briefs, big wood!

Chapter 29 Angola Manuel

In addition to Caster becoming Skaha, Shirou also discovered a place different from reality.

That is Liudong Temple.

The enlightened ones who should have existed in Liudong Temple disappeared.

Of course, the body of the enlightened being is a bodhisattva, and the [Savior] rank that uses the spiritual base to descend, that is, the Savior, is also the limit that the heroic spirit seat can record. Come and go if you want.Even in this inexplicable dream, it is impossible to replicate the enlightened being.

Of course, not long ago in the blissful world of the Demon Bodhisattva, an enlightened being was indeed simulated.But this is also related to the Demon Bodhisattva. After all, the Demon Bodhisattva is a [beast] and possesses the [anti-savior] ability to restrain the savior, and it is not surprising that it can simulate an enlightened being.

By the way, although the Demon Bodhisattva possesses the ability to [anti-saviour], he is still very afraid of the enlightened ones.

Shi Lang thought that this dream was not enough to simulate the enlightened person like the Demon Bodhisattva, but the answer he got was very strange.

It's not that the enlightened person does not exist in this dream, but the enlightened person who has existed in the Liudong Temple for six years left at the moment when the "Shi Lang" summoned Skaha.

He also confessed to Liu Dong's presiding officer and left a saying to "Shi Lang" that "you and I have no destiny".

Although it is strange, if it is understood as the setting of this dream, there is no problem.

However, it doesn't matter if the Enlightened One is not there, because in this dream, he has reached the end of the fourth Holy Grail War.

Shi Lang really didn't know how he entered this strange dreamland, nor did he know how he could leave this strange dreamland, but following this strange dreamland, there might be clues.

Therefore, Shirou carried on according to the plan.

In the setting of this strange dreamland, Shirou used the police to ambush and kill Altria and Kirishu Eomiya, but this is not the end of the matter.

Because of the use of the power on the surface of the world, Lingshu was known to the world on the surface, and Shiro also used the TV station to broadcast it, making the city full of storms.

And this caused Tosaka Tokimin, the manager of the spirit veins of Fuyuki City, to come forward to suppress the incident.

In addition, due to the exposure of Lingshu, there is a danger of mysterious exposure. The most important thing is that Yanfeng Rizheng and Yanfeng Kirei, who are the supervisors of the temple church, were killed by Shirou using RPG, so the temple church also Send someone to investigate the matter.

But at this time, according to the plan, Shirou, in broad daylight, let Skarha go and attack Gilgamesh who was walking on the street.

The fierce battle completely exposed the mystery to the public in an instant!

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