I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 1133

People panicked, but the reporters who were not fatal, and the TV stations that were hinted at, broadcast the scene frantically.

The church church, Tosaka Toshimi, and even the Magic Association in a foreign country were panicked, sending messages of condolences and doing ideological work.At this time, Shiro took advantage of Weber, while hiding himself, while contacting the temple church, insisting that it was the mysterious exposure of Tosaka Tokimi.

The temple church immediately contacted Tosaka Tokimin, and pressured him to immediately stop the Holy Grail War and hide the mystery, otherwise it would initiate actions against his family.

Under the pressure of mystery exposure, the Templar Church, the Magic Association and other pressures, Tosaka Tosaka finally chose to compromise and curse Gilgamesh with the remaining spell curse.

"Mongrel Mongrel... Damn it!"

Gilgamesh was Gilgamesh after all. He took out the treasure against Lingshu and temporarily blocked the suicidal influence of Lingshu, but because of this, Skaha seized the opportunity and shot through the heart.

Immediately before his death, Gilgamesh furiously launched a treasure attack on Shirou, but was picked one by one by the vigilant Skaha.

Seeing Gilgamesh's violent ugliness, Shirou smiled, "I'm sorry, shit."

Shi Lang no longer had any hatred for Gilgamesh, instead he had the kind of cherishment of his friends.But this is how the script of this dream was written, and he just executed it.

However, Shi Lang still felt a little pity in his heart.

If you still have [evil] on your body, you can use [evil] to record this ugly Gilgamesh. When you meet the real Gilgamesh, you can use it to laugh at that scumbag. .

Gilgamesh disappeared with indignation and rage.

"It's finally over, Shirou." Scared Skaha turned his head and looked at Shirou with a smile.

"Not yet." Shi Lang shook his head and said.

"Why not? Gilgamesh has been eliminated." Skaha smiled and stretched out his hand to scrape Shirou's nose.

However, when her hand was halfway out, Shirou reached out and grabbed it.

Shi Lang looked at Skaha helplessly, and said, "Could you stop scratching my nose, Master?"

"Oh, the Holy Grail War is over. I don't need my help, so I won't let me tease you. It's ruthless to cross the river and break the bridge, Shirou." Skaha said bitterly.

Shilang's mouth twitched and his head was full of black lines.

In the end, Skaha scraped Shirou's nose contentedly and held Shirou up forcibly.

Shirou had resisted, but it was a pity that he in this dreamland had no other ability besides the special ability of [mortal awakening].

Facing Skaha in this state is like facing Alquette in a normal state, struggling... it is useless at all!

Shi Lang was hugged by Skaha like a child bride, it was ashamed!

"By the way, Shirou. The Holy Grail War is over. As a victor, you will get the Holy Grail. What will you wish for?" Skahar asked with interest.

"I don't have any wishes, just live a smooth life." Shi Lang said.

This is the wish he has always longed for.

Whether it's the Fourth Holy Grail War or Camelot, even if you are now at the Nordic connection point... this desire has not changed.

Therefore, if this strange dream is created by someone based on him, then there is no doubt that his wish will be this.

I don't want to take risks, I just want to live smoothly.

Of course, this wish is only a beautiful vision so far, and it has not been achieved, and the Holy Grail in this dream is naturally impossible to achieve.

In addition to this place is just a strange dream, the most important thing is that the Holy Grail in the Fourth Holy Grail War has long been contaminated. There is no Holy Grail for fulfilling the wishes, and some are just flooding the black mud of disasters.

Of course, this dream will never reproduce the disaster that Shirou once experienced and was submerged by the black mud of the disaster.

After all, Alice Phil, as the little holy grail, has long been tied to Einzbern Castle.

At this moment, in this dream, he has eliminated the six-body Servant, so Alice Phil, as the little holy grail, will naturally become the little holy grail, thereby releasing the black mud.

However, because Alice Phil was tied to Einzbern Castle in the suburbs in advance, what was swallowed by the black mud would only be a circle around the outskirts of Einzbern Castle.


Sure enough, when Gilgamesh disappeared, the clear sky suddenly dimmed.Then in the distant sky, a huge hole cracked, an endless stream of black mud, surging down from the huge hole in the sky, as if to swallow everything in the world.

However, this is no longer relevant.

Because Alice Fir was imprisoned in the Einzbern Castle in the suburbs in advance, the black mud would at most flood the outskirts of the city centered on the Einzbern Castle, and would not pose a hazard to Fuyuki City.

Reasonably speaking, the matter was over, but Shirou still didn't know how to get out of this strange dream.

At this time, with a "shoo", a powerful magic bullet shuttled through the space and shot straight at Shilang.

When Skaha saw this, he shot out the magic bullet with a quick shot.

"It really deserves to be the queen of the Kingdom of Shadows. It's amazing."

There was a coquettish laughter in his ears, Shilang raised his head and looked intently, amazed.I saw Alice Phil slowly coming from the street, she was wearing a black third law ceremonial dress, her long snow-white hair turned a bit pale and scary.Behind her is the strange scenery of the distant sky constantly venting the black mud.

Skaha looked at Alice Fir, who was walking slowly, and whispered: "That Master is very wrong...The magic is very terrifying, Shirou."

Shiro nodded, and Shiro could see this without Skaha's reminder.

Alice Phil was enveloped in a terrifying black magic aura, surging and turbulent, not like a person, but like the spiritual veins of the earth!

Shi Lang was familiar with this magical power that was so surging.

It was his fourth Holy Grail war in reality, inherited from [The Evil of This World], the Great Holy Grail has accumulated 240 years of magic power!

But unlike reality, in this dream, Alice Phil inherited this magic...

Do not!

Not inheritance!

Staring closely at Alice Phil in the black dress, Shirou said with a complex expression: "Angola Manuel...!"

Even if there is no [evil] or the eternal king's all-encompassing nature, based on the experience along the way, Shirou can still see through the essence of Alice Phil in this dream.

It was not Alice Phil, but Angola Manuel hiding in the Great Holy Grail. With the help of Alice Phil's body, he stood on this land again!

When facing Angola Manuel, Shirou felt very complicated.Because at the beginning, he was able to get through the fourth Holy Grail war because he admitted [evil] and accepted [evil], so Angola Manuel entrusted all the magic power of [evil in this world] and the Great Holy Grail to Shiro. I disintegrated my consciousness and left.

It can be said that Shilang has indeed achieved this step without the assistance of Angola Manuel.

Shi Lang also thought about meeting Angola Manuel again, but what he didn't expect was that he met Angola Manuel in this strange dream.

"Oh? You actually know this name... but it doesn't matter, I am Alice Phil." Angola Manuel smiled, and then said: "You are the winner of this Holy Grail war, so as a reward, you What do you want?"

"You didn't come to ask me what I wanted, did you come to kill me?" Shilang asked with interest.

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