I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1152

The woman put the black card in front of the table, then stretched out her hand to signal Shirou to draw the card, and said, "Please—"

The night was long, and the surrounding street lights flashed and flashed, causing the paper license plate on the table to flicker and dim, a bit mysterious.

"Is this a tarot card?" Shirou asked.

"It's my divination card," the woman said.

Shi Lang took one from it and said, "Just this one."

The fortuneteller nodded and turned the card over.

A doctor in a white coat and a scalpel is drawn on this card.

"Doctor." The fortuneteller read the card softly.

"Does it have any special meaning?" Shirou asked.

This is not a tarot card, but a divination card created by a diviner from Guanbuzi City.

"There is no special meaning, it is a universal meaning. Healing patients and saving people, your life, destiny and the profession of'doctor' are closely entangled." As the fortuneteller said, he began to clean up the cards on the table.

"Why do you say that? Your absolute future vision, have you seen my future career, madam? No, I should call you the mother of Guanbuzi." Shi Lang looked at the fortuneteller and asked.

Knowing that this fortune-teller came from Guanbuzi City and had fortune-telling the two ceremonies, Shilang knew who this person was.

The mother of Guanbuzi holds the magic eye above "prediction" and "determination"-"absolute future vision", so her predictions have never been wrong.

The mother of Guanbuzi didn't have the slightest surprise for Shirou to recognize her, and obviously had already used Absolute Vision to see through this scene.

However, what she didn't see through as the person in the dream was that this was just a strange dream of Shirou who was born without knowing why.

The mother of Guanbuzi didn't answer Shilang, but gathered all her divination cards and was about to settle down and leave.

Shirou asked, "Are you not fortune-telling today?"

"The market in this city is not for me. I want to go back to Guanbuzi City." said the mother of Guanbuzi.

Shi Lang frowned.

The mother of Guanbuzi packed up her things and turned around to leave.Before leaving, she looked at Shi Lang and said: "I am sick and saved others, but cannot save myself. Push others to the light and stay in the dark. This is the doctor."

What do you mean?

Clues to get rid of this dream?

Shilang stood in place, looking at the mother of Guanbuzi who had gone for a long time.The lights in front of him were blazing, but behind him was pitch black.

"Brother?" Kozakura stood in the darkness without light, stretched out and pulled Rashirang's sleeves, looking worried.

Shirou recovered, looked down at Sakura, and smiled: "It's okay, Sakura. Let's go home."


Back home, the night passed.

After finishing the class as usual, Shirou considered that killing Wallachian Night was the key to breaking through this strange dream, so he told Skaha and Ska about the affairs of Wallachian Night and Fu Hailin. Ha, go to patrol the place of the Great Holy Grail.

Of course, he didn't name the surname and said it was Wallachian Night and Fu Hailin, only to mention the twenty-seventh ancestor of the dead.

But this also made Deskaha very curious, "How did you get this information, Shiro?"

"Just think about it." Shi Lang answered with a smile.

"Your mind is always meticulous."

Skaha smiled and stretched out his hand, scraping Shirou's nose, which made Shirou a headache.

He is very depressed. Why does Skaha, who is set in this dream, like to scratch his nose?

However, taking Skaha to inspect the Great Holy Grail is just in case.

However, Shirou also knew in his heart that most of the night of Valachia would not come to Fuyuki City.Because in reality he would come to Fuyuki City and stare at the Great Holy Grail, because Shirou used the Great Holy Grail to resurrect the citizens of Fuyuki who died in the Fourth Holy Grail War, and the movement was too loud.

And this dream... The Fourth Holy Grail War ended peacefully.

The cause and effect are uneven, so most of the nights of Valachia will not come to Winterwood City.

However, when Shirou and Skaha checked the Great Holy Grail, they were shocked to find that there was indeed a strange reaction in the Great Holy Grail.

Skaha took out the Deaththorn Spear, rushed directly into the place of the Great Holy Grail, and shouted, "Who?"


The man turned his head, Shi Lang frowned.

It's Wallachian Night!

Shirou has seen both sides of Wallachian Night, so he can recognize that this person is the Wallachian Night!

But it shouldn't be!

Cause and effect are uneven, why did he come here?Could it be said that according to the setting of this dream, Wallachian Night must come here?Or is it that the night of Wallachia will come here because he has been focusing on the great holy grail that can achieve the third law from the beginning?

Shiro didn't know, but after seeing through Skarha who was a dead man in the night of Wallachia, he would naturally not miss the night of Wallachia.

Although Valachia’s night’s ability is strong, and it is still one of the twenty-seventh ancestors of the Dead, it’s a pity that in the age of mythology, he couldn’t beat the wind and waves before Skah, who was famous for killing Gods. Skaha was shot to death without even catching two moves.

Shiro thought about stopping, but the night of Wallachia was too weak in front of Skaha, Shiro was killed by Skaha Thunder before he spoke.

Skaha shook off the blood on the Spear of Deaththorn, then opened the gate of death, and destroyed the corpses of Wallachia Night, then turned his head, looked at Shi Lang with a smile, and said, "Okay, solve it. Yes, Shirou. Let's go home."

Seeing Skaha who was smiling, Shi Lang was speechless.

This woman may not know that she ruined his record of connecting to the Eternal King.

Moreover, if there is also the setting of the Eternal King in this dream... and he can't go through the [roots] and enter Britain to connect to the record of the Eternal King, then everything is messed up!

Because, isn't this contradicting the record?

Time paradox?

Causal confusion?

Those who are good at using brains will think about these questions subconsciously, and these questions will pop out of their minds.Of course, this is just a strange dream, it doesn't have to be so true.


The night of Wallachia was killed, then this dream has deviated from his perception of reality... The most important thing is, how did he break free from this dream?

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