I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1153

What are the conditions for getting rid of the dream?

Shi Lang clenched his eyebrows, thinking.

Skaha took Shirou's hand and returned to the new capital.

Although there are still some strange auras of dead followers in Fuyuki City, it is not as heavy as it is in reality, so there is no neon native demon family such as Liangyijia, and it is relatively peaceful.

Since in this dream setting, Wallachian Night will still appear, what about Fu Hailin?

Will Fu Hailin also appear?

If Fu Hailin will appear, is the condition to get rid of this subsequent dream to defeat Fu Hailin?

"What are you worrying about again, Shilang?" Skaha squatted down, her slender fingers smoothed Shilang's frowning eyebrows, she showed a gentle smile, and said, "If you have any distress, you must tell the teacher. Craftsman."

Ah... This woman hasn't realized that she has destroyed the Eternal King.

Shilang nodded his head on the surface, but thought silently in his heart.

Chapter 40 Skadi’s Questioning

The opportunity to connect to the record of the Eternal King was shot and killed by Skaha.

But according to Shiro's later investigation, the legend of the Eternal King still circulates in this world.

In other words, this dream world that I don't know how to produce or how to fall into it has a bug!

And it is a very serious logical and causal BUG!

Shirou wondered whether he could use the bug to escape from this dream world.

Do not try to talk about it, this is Iskandar's most logical saying, but it is also Shirou's course of action.

He tried to reveal his identity to Skaha.

But it's a pity...This doesn't seem to be allowed by this dream setting.

Shirou tried it, directly or indirectly... No matter how he used it, he could not reveal himself as the eternal king and everything in reality to Skaha or others.

Obviously, this is a special limitation of this dream.

There is no way, Shirou can only take one step at a time.

In the next few days, Shirou was led by Skaha to wipe out the dead in Fuyuki City while living a peaceful daily life. At the same time, he silently observed the surroundings, looking for a breakthrough in his dream.

Of course, there is a little tail called Fujimura Okawa beside him.

Fujimura Dahe is full of vitality, and he is always "big brother, big brother" with him, making Shilang's brain hurt.

Of course, this is not the point, the point is that Shirou himself is impatient.

His spiritual body of the Eternal King fell not far from the Demon Bodhisattva.Although I know that there is a time gap between dreams and reality, it may be a thousand years of dreams in dreams and only a short second in reality.However, Shirou knew that the longer he was trapped in this dream, the greater his danger.

With a "chap", the scarlet spear of Deaththorn flashed, and Skaha killed another dead man who had mixed into the crowd.

Skaha drew the original Luen, ruined his body, and then smiled and said to Shiro: "This is the last one."

During this time, through Skaha's efforts, the dead men who had entered Fuyuki City were killed.

And in this, there is no shadow of Fu Hailin.

In addition, Skaha and Shiro also tortured some of the dead and learned why they entered Fuyuki City, not because of other reasons, but because the night of Wallachia, one of the twenty-seventh ancestors of the dead, came. Fuyuki City, so they are also mixed in.

As the days passed, the time finally came to Saturday, April 10, 1994.

This is a very special day for Shirou.

On this day, Yuewang saw the elementary school start a sports meeting, Fu Hailin attacked the city of Winterwood, and the night of Wallachia opened the [roots] road, and he... therefore set foot on the starting point of connecting to the record of the Eternal King.

Of course, this happened in reality, but not in this dream.

Because the Night of Wallachia had been killed by Skaha, in theory, Shirou could no longer connect to the record of the Eternal King in this dream.

The sports meeting began as usual.

As the teacher in charge of the class, Scarha is the referee of some competitions.

Mrs. Fujimaru brought Sakura to cheer Shiro. In addition, Fujimura Okawa also took the Fujimura team to cheer Shiro on the sidelines.

To be honest... Mrs. Fujimaru and Sakura are okay, but Fujimura Okawa and Fujimura group, that really does not match the style of painting!

The surrounding people instinctively and the suits and leather shoes, exuding a black old atmosphere of the Fujimura group to draw a line, so as not to get into trouble.

Soon, it was Shiro's project-pole vault!

The referee of this pole vault is not someone else, but Skarha.

With a beep, the whistle blew, and those contestants jumped on the pole, then fell onto the mat without jumping over.

This is also normal. Pole vaulting is a dangerous and challenging project for normal elementary school students.

As for why Yuewangjian Primary School established such a dangerous project?

From the perspective of a celestial person, it must be the school's evil pen and requires criticism, but from the perspective of a neon person... it is surprisingly normal.

It's like the Americans who don't understand why the Chinese education method is stick education. After all, there are cultural differences.

Few elementary school students successfully skipped that pole, and then Shiro appeared on the stage.

Mrs. Fujimaru and Sakura waved to cheer, and the "one bite, one big brother" of Fujimura Okawa and Fujimura group directly turned the tragic style of Xingyue into a two-dimensional campus comedy...

It can only be said that it is really worthy of Fujimura Okawa, who easily did things that other people could not do.

Shilang took the pole and ran forward, the pole struck the ground, and with a "swish", he stepped over the pole gracefully and landed gracefully.

This was a successful pole vault, and many people applauded.

"Woo...big brother! Big brother, that's amazing!" Fujimura Okawa wiped his face with his sleeves, tears streaming down.

Regarding this, Shirou would like to say, can you play less?

Even after crossing the Xingyue, Shilang did not think that he had entered the second dimension, but entered a normal world life, and there would be no "na na na" or "mah" slang around him.

But I have to admit that some people can easily switch to the second dimension.

For example, the actor Fujimura Okawa.

Shirou naturally became the champion of pole vault.

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